Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Apr 14 - Comments Off on Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

The Chamber wants everyone to know, whether you are an individual or a business, you are special and appreciated for joining and getting involved in the community of Port O’Connor. Without you and your input and support there would be no Chamber. The 2nd Annual Crawfish Festival will have come and gone before the Dolphin Talk comes out again. Proceeds from this event are to make improvements on King Fisher Beach.

Also make plans for Memorial Day Events—May 24th–The Annual Kids Fishing Tournament will be held at Kingfisher Beach from 9:00 a.m.- to 11:00 a.m. (See announcement on page 15.) For more info call 361-983-2898. After lunch, the Annual Kite Contest begins. Bring sunscreen, blankets, chairs and spend an old fashioned family day on the beach!!!

The May meeting will be May 12th —If you joined since last Dolphin Talk and your name is not here, please contact the Chamber.

Have a wonderful and safe time in Port O’Connor!

New & Renewed Chamber Memberships

Port O’Connor R.V. Park
Herbert & Adell Reeves
Dolphin of the Bay R.V. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Finster
The Dolphin Talk Newspaper
Amanda Raby
Jim Vass
American Inn & Suites
Prokop Custom Homes, LLC
Larry & Virginia Robertson
Mary Ann Claiborn
Back Bay Guide Service
Port O’Connor Rentals
Bits & Marge Braudaway
Siegeler Insurance Agency, Inc.
Gerald Clay & Karen Knight DDS
Middleton Outdoor, LLC
Bill & Donna Pyle
Capt. Kirk Morgan Guide Service
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gumina
Alan & Robyn Roberts
Marty’s Landing
Mama’s Kitchen
Foxco International
Ron Elkins Guide Service
Bubba’s Smoked Meat
Bugman, Inc.
Roger & Karen Krause
Delmar Krenek
Rusty & Chyrl Brhilek
Mike & Peggy Macha
Shane & Katherine Simon
Frances Alexander
Diamond B Lodge, LLC
Jason & Jennifer Hagan
Mark & Lisa Cruell
Kelly Parks Guide Service
Victoria Electric Coop.
Central Drug
First National Bank
POC Hardware
Henry & Jane Pongratz
Beacon 44 Seafood Market
Beacon 44 R.V. Park
Steven & Amy Osina
Coastal Bend Marine
Charles Dullye
Urban Surveying, Inc.
Hammertime Guide Service
NAPA Auto Parts & Machine Co.
Johnny & Charlyn Sciacca
Bob Bonar/State Farm Ins.
Larry & Mary Vaughn
Drumrunner Lodge
Poco Loco Lodge
Gary & Jane Madden
Bernie Klein
Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine
Carl Ray Storage Barn
Carl Ray/ Attorney
G & W Engineers, Inc.
Naomi Albrecht
Virgil & Ursula Price
The Two R.V. Park
Donnie Haynes

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