Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Apr 14 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Bunco: Judy Overton and Kelly Gee Cooper will be hostessing the May Bunco meeting on Tuesday, May 6th. Since the Community Center may still be occupied by the Oil Spill Response Team, Bunco will be held in the hostess room of Clark’s Inn. The fun begins at 7:00 p.m. Ladies, come join us!

My husband and I were gone for a long trip during the month of March; we were so happy to return to POC; yet returning, everything seemed so different.  But then again, that was a first impression.

H-100: I’d written about this very unusual organization as conceived by Jim Hooper, “Hoop”, of Hurricane Junction, the aim of it is to be available to step in occasionally when a resident needs additional help, to contribute to our Volunteer Fire Department and other service organizations and facilities here, to possibly help a student begin higher education that earlier seemed inaccessible.  This organization of concerned members keeps growing; and one family has entered their 4-legged friend too.  For further information and how to be of assistance, contact Hoop; he’ll be happy to be of assistance.

Have you noticed the replacement for the Port Motel on Commerce Street between 14th & 15th?  Currently, the contractor is in the process of completion of 5 townhouses, all painted in a Southern Florida-Caribbean colors.

Friday, April 25th marks the Friends of the Library of POC’s Spaghetti Dinner. Planned to be held at the Community Center, the location will change to our Elementary School if our Center is still occupied. This dinner is being staged as a chance for the Friends to explain to our community-at-large the plans and possible design of the planned Library-Learning Center.  Beginning promptly at 6:00 p.m. for dinner service, all residents are invited to come and enjoy a luscious Italian Pasta dinner.  It will be served with a choice of a hearty meat sauce or a vegetarian sauce on lightly seasoned pasta al dente and a crispy green salad with Italian Garden vinaigrette and crunchy rolls.  Dessert to follow with a choice of beverages.  After the serving of food, a program is planned to introduce members of the Friends of the Library and other important guests with a video to be played featuring plans for our new Library-Learning Center. Donations will be happily accepted, and all funds will go into the building fund for our Library.

Despite the unwelcome oil to our waters, we’ve been told that most of the volunteers will be gone prior to the 1st of May when the sand sculptors arrive to prepare for Warriors’ Weekend.  I’m looking forward once again to reacquainting with Gloria Fric, the Dragon Lady, who designs the sculptures and works with all the artists.  And the weekend honoring so many returning veterans will begin on Friday, May 16, 2014.  Further information available in the Dolphin Talk.

One of the hassles of not being 20 or 30 years of age any more is the distinct possibility of injury to a leg or ankle.  Having been blessed with injuries to both legs, when the weather appears to change with a barometer drop, my knees hurt! And I struggle to walk in the morning with my four-legged friend.  HOWEVER, I’ve discovered that rubbing the aching knees with WD-40 helps; it doesn’t completely alleviate the pain, but it sure helps.  Oh, and WD-40 is also great for removing the bugs from the windshield!  Not that the two uses are completely compatible!

I welcome any correspondence from any organization regarding their current happenings for information to add to this column.  Also welcome any remarks from our readers, good or otherwise.  I enjoy so much writing this column of happenings, hope you all enjoy reading it!
361 798-0560

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