What Is The Port O’Connor Community Service Club? Why Is The Port O’Connor Service Club? And Who Is The Port O’Connor Community Service Club? By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jun 14 - Comments Off on What Is The Port O’Connor Community Service Club? Why Is The Port O’Connor Service Club? And Who Is The Port O’Connor Community Service Club? By Sue Kubecka

A lot of questions and all deserve answers.

At one time in this area an organization as sponsored by the County was formed for women here; they met frequently to discuss ways TO make their homes better; exchanging recipes and decorating tips.  But in 1981 this organization disbanded when the members decided to spend their time involved in activities to better this community.  And so the POC Community Service Club was born in 1981 and Emma Powers served as its first president.

Early activities of this organization were staging a Christmas Luncheon for the Senior  residents of our community; in those early days approximately 30-40 came for the Luncheon; last year we had approximately 135 guests; the making of fried pies became a  fund raising activity during the 4th of July celebration at King Fisher Beach.  And one year those energetic women made 1500 pies!  Recognizing a need here in Port O’Connor, members of the Service Club then established a Library in 1986 with donated books and staffing it several hours a week.  In 1989 our Library became a part of the County System and hired its current Librarian, Shirley Gordon.

Plans for a community center began following a town meeting in the then Community Center, a room in the Volunteer Fire Station, when a Club member spoke to another concerning the need for a separate building with more facilities. Then working with the Commissioner, Kenny Finster and the appointment of a Community Center Board of Directors, plans began to take shape with the receipt of 5 acres of land from the County.  In October of 1997 fund raising began in earnest with the amount of $1,300.00; and this community became totally involved in raising the money.  Many businesses donated funds following a sale; restaurants would have a special dinner and donate the funds; our small grocery store had a special “hot dog” day and donated the monies earned.  Residents individually gave to this fund and the Club held many events, all aimed to earning money.  Additionally, one Director obtained large grants from various organizations to fund the building of the Center.  This became a complete and total COMMUNITY effort all leading towards the completion in November of 2000 when a dedication ceremony was held at that time.

In 2004 several Club members realized the need of a weekly luncheon and get-together for  our Senior residents and thus with the aid of several people, the Tuesday Luncheons began with food being delivered from Port Lavaca.  Bingo for the guests follows after the luncheon has been served, and play sometimes gets quite exciting.

The Club’s President has decentralized the administration by appointing committee chairmen to handle the various activities of the Club.  This means a total involvement of all members, which then increases their activities in Club.
Currently, the club’s major money-making activity is to hold two large garage & bake sales per year; the amounts raised then go to fund scholarships for graduating seniors from POC; donations to our Volunteer Fire Department; our Library; and our School.  The garage sales member who spends the months between each Sale sorting and re-boxing all donations.  And that is definitely quite a job.  This year five scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each are being awarded to the following graduates: Heather Osborn, Jaclynn Lopez, Johnathan Pitonyak and Kaitlyn and Payton Rice.  Additionally, the special scholarship in memoriam for our Club member, Agnes Valigura has been awarded to Johnathan Pitonyak.

There is quite a disparity between our members; we have women who have been been involved in professional occupations; several former teachers; an accountant; a real estate broker; a member of the legal profession; several who have had their own businesses; and of course, those who found being a Mom was enough of an occupation.  Education consists of members who are college graduates and those who are high school graduates; however, most seem to be continuing their education and knowledge in different ways.  Interests range from weekly fishing trips with their husbands to hanging out at a photography exhibit; studying haute cuisine to volunteering at school; some who excel in interior decoration and landscaping; others who serve as officers of another organization; one writes for the local paper and others who read and discuss pertinent books; one who has been working at our Library for a number of years and others who maintain a full-time work schedule; those who became entrepreneurs with their businesses and those who’ve worked in others’ businesses; prize-winning quilters and an established artist.  We are a jumble of talents and interests, but that jumble becomes a “patchwork of togetherness” in our work.

With all these differences, one would think that a meeting or members’ event would create havoc; however, that is not the case.  With this disparity, one finds a special ‘niche’ where a member can, not just enjoy herself, but excel.   As the central aim of this organization is to provide in many ways, large and small, for the betterment of our community, there is always a place for any woman to enjoy herself, learn more about her choice of home, and meet our members.  Therefore, we are extending this invitation to any interested woman to attend our next meeting, Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.  We meet in the back Meeting Room of the Community Center, and we welcome your attendance.  If you desire further information concerning this unique and fascinating but hard-working organization, please contact either Janet Johnson, our President, 983-4737 or Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, 983-4365; either will be happy to provide a more complete update of this group.  We look forward to seeing you and making your acquaintance and putting you to work!

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