Historical Commission Receives Distinguished Service Award

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jul 14 - Comments Off on Historical Commission Receives Distinguished Service Award

Calhoun County Historical Commission accepted the Texas Historical Commission 2013 Distinguished Service Award from Calhoun County Judge Michael Pfeiffer. Pictured from left to right are:Jim Monroe, Sue Thomae,John Meitzen, Avril Sassman,Chair Mary Belle Meitzen,Gary Ralston, John Kassner, Photo by Philip Thomae, member.

The Calhoun County Historical Commission (CHC) is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for outstanding preservation work accomplished in the 2013 year of service. The Texas Historical Commission gives this award to CHCs who successfully manage preservation programs that generate interest in the history and character of Texas.

Thirty-seven commission volunteers contributed 3,247 hours serving the preserving the history of our county in the year 2013. Their latest accomplishment is the July 12, 2014 dedication of the Chihuahua Trail marker at Indianola.

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