Volunteer At The Harbor Children’s Alliance & Victim Center

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Aug 14 - Comments Off on Volunteer At The Harbor Children’s Alliance & Victim Center

One of the most selfless things a person can do is spend time helping others. One way to help is by volunteering. There are many reasons to volunteer. People volunteer because they are passionate about the work or program. People may volunteer because it gives them a sense of purpose and meaning. People may also volunteer because they see an opportunity to give a child a different life, a different future. Whatever the reason, we should volunteer because our heart is “calling” us to do so. It is evident that the volunteers at THE HARBOR have been “called” to help everyone who walks through our doors.

As a volunteer, it is important to feel nourished, appreciated and valued. We value our volunteers and truly appreciate their input and participation. Our staff is always willing to work with you to create a position that suits your unique talents and gifts. We are always in need of more volunteers. So, if you are looking for new ways to volunteer, and are interested in joining THE HARBOR family, please call our office at 361-552-1982. Together we can help lessen the trauma to victims by providing a safe haven for them, and doing our part in creating an environment where violence is no longer tolerated. We look forward to hearing from you.

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