Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

BUNCO met Tuesday evening, September 2nd in the back room of the Community Center. Hostesses this time were Biddie Hileman and Sally Jones and they greeted everyone with back-to-school kits remembering their many years of preparing such for their offspring. And Sally Ragusin was the winner of most games and Pat Ekstrom, who keeps repeating her prowess, winner of Most Buncos. Bunco in October will be the 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center, and three welcoming hostesses will be Diane Cooley, MaryAnn Claiborne and Sally Ragusin. As that group of women have some astonishing imaginations, who knows what will greet the members? For further information about attending this fun meeting, contact Shirley Gordon at our Library.

The Service Club’s cookbooks aptly named, THE END OF THE ROAD! are available at Sisters’ for purchase at a very low price. There are now 3 issues of these delightful books; the first in brown cover, the second in blue, and the third in red! Recipes have been compiled for many years from those of our earlier members to favorites from the latter day members, and each recipe has been tested and re-tested to make certain all ingredients are in the proper amounts, and that each recipe will spur your taste buds! Try them, you won’t be disappointed and they make great birthday and Christmas gifts from our incredible area. And if you’re looking for a particular recipe and want to try it before buying the cookbooks, check out our Library; we have all three books available to try.

Should you find a recipe calling for freshly ground pork sausage, I would certainly recommend Dick’s in Seadrift for acquiring this ingredient. Freshly made, and only $3.39 per pound, its just one of the excellent offerings on display at the meat counter. Butchers Michelle and Jon will be happy to assist you.

Port O’Connor School’s Carnival and Games for Halloween has been changed to Saturday, November 1, 2014, at the School. This is a very fun night as it’s a delight to see all those kids in costumes, often with makeup, and the challenge is to figure out who is who! Additionally, there will be a cake walk in the Cafeteria and games outside following the Costumed Parade.

This begins in early evening, and if you’re a little new to Port O’Connor, this is a Community Event that you don’t want to miss!
Saturday, October 25, 2014 marks the 6th Annual Chili & Gumbo Cookoff at Hurricane Junction as staged by Jim “Hoop” Hooperman. And he is the delightful and thoughtful person who gives the funds derived from this event to a local organization; and this time, it will be the Library Building Fund. More about this event in another section of this paper!

I’ve had a lot of fun writing this column; sometimes I’m really up-to-date on events and other times, I’m just being informative, and often expressing my thoughts and opinions as well! I welcome any comments or news or other happenings for print, I can be reached at 361 798-0560 or And thanks for reading!

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