The Saltwater Lodge Report by Captain Jeff Larson

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on The Saltwater Lodge Report by Captain Jeff Larson

Keep fishing; the fish are already wet. They don’t mind the rain. Cap. Jeff Larson

The August wrap-up:

Thank goodness it’s over. There was a 2 week period the hard heads weren’t even eating dead bait. Flounder gigging seemed to stay consistent and is still the most consistent fishing game in town. The tide has finally oame back so there are less boats getting stuck. Speak of getting stuck I watched Charlies Shrimp Boat blowing out the sand and silt in Coyote Pass that has been filling in over the last few years. The low tides last month were not allowing boats to go through the pass. Deep draft boats had to enter Espiritu Santo Bay via Turn Stake. Redfish was the next target that made August an average fish catching month. It was real spotty, some days chicken some days feathers. Black Drum also helped fill coolers which are a good fish to target. Black Drum are a little harder to clean than reds but with a sharp knife it’s worth the extra time to fillet.

I need to thank Captain Randy Hudson of the Fishing Center for letting Joe Massa and I go shrimping with him. We hope we didn’t get in Greg’s way to often that day. Randy is a shrimp catching son of a gun. He has been shrimping here for 40 years. If you need shrimp call up to the POC Fishing Center. My suggestion to the readers is you better get to The Fishing Center quick when he docks his shrimp boats because there is a long line for fresh shrimp.

The last couple of days in August turned out really good. Trout were showing back up in the ICW and deep drop offs around the islands. I fished for trout a few days and it wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t on fire but that’s where I found em. Other guides found them in their own spots. Then I hit the spoil banks I found some there also.

The first week in September has been awesome so far for reds at the lower end of the slot size. The small ones are great for grilling and baking. If you need some awesome recipes look for Pam Johnson’s cook book at any Speedy Stop location. Plus while you are there you will need to pick up some of Chaille McCord’s Call Me Gourmet Jalapeño Mustard sauce. I hope all of you had a chance to sample her sauces at the POC Beach Bash. I use her sauces straight on my fish fillets or spread the Jalapeño Sauce all over the fillet before I put them in my corn meal mix, then fry. Chaille’s Call Me sauces are a must if you grill, bake or fry Kingfish. They also zing up any sandwich. I might need to add a recipe section to this report. Thoughts anyone??

The dove scouting report is once you get them patterned it rains and it’s back to the drawing board. The central and north zones produced above average numbers. You have to scout your fields to be successful is the best advise I can offer. Look for grain fields, sunflowers and goat weed then put in your time and hope that it doesn’t pour down rain before you get out there.

Teal season is about to kick off this month. I just saw a big flight of Teal on the island while fishing just a few days ago. A full moon and norther will bring the majority of the blues down to our county. For the readers that don’t know about Teal hunting, the best thing is always call the Saltwater Lodge to book a trip. The most important place to be when hunting Teal is in a flooded rice field. The next best spot is in the area where there is rice. Lastly you have to put time in scouting. If you wing it, no pun intended, its a crap shoot at best if you plan on bagging any of the wild flying feathered creatures.

WARNING TO DOG OWNERS. I have been seeing alligators near duck blinds in various areas. Every year during teal season hunters loose their dogs to alligators. It behoves dog owners to communicate with one another where they see alligators. Don’t be apathetic and think that your pond doesn’t have an alligator in it.

Speaking of Gators. Call the Lodge and speak with Scott. He can set up a gator hunt for you with Jake.

There isn’t any place better to be than Calhoun County at the Saltwater lodge this time of year. Come down to relax, eat great food and enjoy the outdoors. The Saltwater Lodge reservation line is:361-785-DUCK (3825).

Wishing you fast limits, record gators and a ton of spent shells. But pick em up!!!!

Captain Jeff Larson 281-217-0399

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