“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Local Vote Fraud

Our Calhoun Democrat Party Chairperson was discovered to have voted twice in the last election, and reportedly admitted it at one hearing. The judge dismissed the case with no finding of guilt. When concerned citizens protested, the local DA took it to the Grand Jury. There is a well known courthouse joke that any DA worth his salt can indict a ham sandwich with a Grand Jury if he wants to, but in this case they voted “No Bill”. This little legalistic trick also prevents any further investigation by State authorities under the Texas Constitution guarantees against double jeopardy. At least in this instance. Whether this charade is based on personal friendship, pity, or Party loyalty, it reeks of political cover-up.

My first reaction was, “Is anyone surprised? This is a Democrat County, and they are Democrats being Democrats, Vote Fraud is a long recognized tool of the Democrat Party. So What?!” On second thought, “What if these were Republicans?” The Media lap-dogs would be howling 24/7, other Republicans would shun them at best, and most would be demanding a complete investigation and trials for the guilty. This is not because all Repubs are such paragons of virtue, there are greedy, self-centered, ideological fanatics, narcissists, Repukes, and RINOs, but most Republican voters are trying to get rid of them because they are an embarrassment and hurt us all. The Democrat Party however will defend, deny, ignore, even lie and cover up any malfeasance by any Democrat leader or politician. It is a knee-jerk reaction. Expected by any thinking person regardless of political party or persuasion. This strikes at the very heart of Equality before the Law, Constitution Govt, and the very idea of a democratic republic.

Why does this situation exist and why do we tolerate it? Is it because the Democrat Party has become so institutionally corrupt at the Federal level that they encourage corruption at the State and local level? There are plenty of Federal laws to punish any election misfeasance, much less willful malfeasance and a cover-up, but the idea of the Holder Dept of (In)Justice punishing anyone in this case, or any Democrat, is totally laughable. Is it because the Lib/Progressives have turned the Democrat Party into “Communist-Lite”? Buying votes from the ignorant and un-invested, promising a Socialist Utopia while stealing the taxpayers blind and building unsupportable debt to finance crazy schemes for themselves and cronies, and wasting millions on endless parties for The Inner Circle and their apparatchiks? Complacency has let this pimple of Vote Fraud to metastasize into a malignant cancer. Is the real message here that Vote Fraud is to be excused for Democrats? Is it now “RACIST!” to even mention it? What if there is a next strong Republican administration with Repub Congress? Are they to be allowed to cheat on elections, choose what laws they want to enforce, and against whom? I say NO! And I seriously question the integrity of anyone that would tolerate it in the Democrat Party.

We are now seeing the harvest of President Dither’s foreign policy of Apology Tours, ham-stringing our military, supporting and arming “moderate, democratic Muslims”, denying permission for special operations rescue missions, and babbling on to the media his “plans” for inaction, general incompetence, and reluctance to take any stand other than promising to stand with the Muslims if the political winds turn against them. Probably the only promise he has even tried to keep. Al Qaeda/ISIL/ISIS, the Taliban, & Boko Harum are expanding and murdering thousands, our economy continues to stagnate in most of the US, massive illegal immigration is costing millions, race relations are the worst since the Rodney King riots, “Polar Bear Hunting” is the new urban sport, and after 214 months of no increase in “Global Warming” & two years of growing polar Ice caps both he and Hillary Clinton still think that Global Warming the greatest threat to the US. Global Warming and new Carbon Taxes are the only issue they have any interest in addressing. But, the EPA may add 757 more species to the Federal Endangered List. (Maybe freedom-loving Texans is one?) I wonder at what cost? Obama wants us to believe that the ISIL/ISIS/al Qaeda Islamic Caliphate is not Islamic?!? And we should continue to support the “moderate” Syrian rebels. What about the 43 Toyota Hilux pickups he gave them that were immediately transferred to the ISIS war in Syria? Obama is either a self-deluded idiot or a traitor. Hope and Change has become Hoax and Chains. Please think about the real issues and threats to you and to America when you vote this November.

You may not to get to vote for the candidate you want, but you know the Party that we can NOT afford any longer. At any level.

43 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Randy R.

Every time I read Dolphin Talk I’m happy to see the unity in the community. Then I get to “The Way I See It” by permanent Guest column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21.
I voted Republican since day one, but after “”W””, Cheney, and Karl Rove put the spin on “We the People”, I turned Democrat and never looked back. I proud to say I’m happy I did!.
Reading Mr. Brayshaws comments reminds me of all the good Beck and Palin did on their march on Washington, “Restoring American Values”. I admire Obama for going out to Dover Field and Saluting the fallen troops that came home in caskets from a war created by Bush and Cheney. I never saw Bush and Cheney do anything like that. Does Mr. Brayshaw want,”Boots on the Ground”, another few trillion $$$ spent, fallen and wounded troops?
Yes , these terror groups ISIL/ISIS/al Qaeda Islamic, etc…,etc… are ALL a treat to America and the world. President Obama has addressed the issue. Mr. Brayshaw keeps talking about a Socialist Utopia stealing Taxpayer Money but lives in a state were sales tax rate in 8.25%. Keep all you receipts for a year auto, boat, home, groceries, fishing tackle.. and see which is more Texas sales tax or Federal taxes. I never heard of a Texas state tax Return?
I like the Houston Texans and to see the Pappa Johns commercial with J.J. Watt and remember the Owner/CEO of Pappa Johns declare back in 2012 that if Obama were elected he would go Bankrupt and shut his whole business down!
The Republican/T.E.A. party cry now is,” we must secure the Border BEFORE Immigration reform”. What border the Canadian border from Seattle to Bangor Maine, North east coast down to the Florida Keys, all four corners of the U.S. of A.
Where were there Freedom Fighters back when Castro let his people go on anything that could float back in the 70s and 80’s and the boat people from Haiti, Vietnam.
I’m enjoying these Birthers now, that once threw a hissy fit about Obamas Birth certificate, and now defend Ted Cruz. Unknown to some the fact that Ted Cruz’s father jumped the border into Texas running away from Fidel Castro.
The Republican and T.E.A. Party lawmakers in both House and Senate talk the talk ,BUT don’t walk the walk. NOT one has ever gone on the floor and talk about Impeachment. They will talk about it to get votes, and get re-elected they need a job to.
Speaking of Jobs and the economy where has that topic gone? All we hear about today is Obamas Foreign Policy. Guess the economy is onward and upward, Business is picking up or down in Port O’Conner? I guess the economy must be good I like watching the reality shows on T.V. Chisley Knows Best, Honey-BoBo, Bayou Billionaires, Backyard Billionaires, Duck Dynasty. Mr. Brayshaw if you get off Fox News maybe you’ll know what I’m Talking about or better yet get out and take a vacation. Go anywhere outside Port O’Conner, Calhoun County, TEXAS and see the real America.

September 20th, 2014 at 2:06 am
Bill Brayshaw

Randy R.
Thank you for your comment.
Re: “I admire Obama for going out to Dover Field and Saluting the fallen troops that came home in caskets from a war created by Bush and Cheney.” You saw this how many times? Obama pays very little respect for the troops or Memorial Day. Bush 43 wrote personal letters to the families that lost soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. He still puts on events for the troops especially the wounded. His events are for the TROOPS, not PHOTO-OPS like Obama’s appearances. The troops love “W”, but most are disgusted with Obama. WHY? ROEs, and refusing permission to carry the war to the enemy.

Re: “Does Mr. Brayshaw want,”Boots on the Ground”, another few trillion $$$ spent, fallen and wounded troops?” Obviously you have not read much of my previous articles. I’m a two tour Vietnam vet, helicopter pilot. I don’t want “Boots on the Ground” in any Asian war! I especially don’t want troops used for “Nation Building”, rent-a-cops, or Meals on Wheels while hamstrung by Rules of Engagement that are almost suicidal under Obama. Bomb ’em back to their beloved 7th century! If you have to use ground troops, attack with massive superior force, TAC Air, artillery, armor, the whole ball of wax. Destroy their war-fighting ability, kill their hostile leaders, pound the rubble if necessary. Win big, then pack up our stuff, and come home. If they want a democracy, let them build it, if they want another 14 centuries of tribal warfare and violent theocracies, their choice. NOT our business! Where ever the terrorists go, to train or organize, or when they attack any western civilization, KILL them! Don’t posture or make meaningless speeches. The Islamofascists rising is a direct result of Obama’s “Apology Tours”, his backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Libyan rebels that got taken over by Al Qaeda, and the Syrian rebels that are now being taken over by ISIS/ISIL. A couple of weeks ago Obama gave the Syrian rebels 42 new Toyota pickups, they were immediately confiscated by ISIS to fight in Iraq. Do you enjoy paying for both side of the war? Also we have spent over $22 Trillion on welfare since LBJ started the War on Poverty in 1964. More than all the wars America has been in since the Revolution, even corrected for inflation. Check it out. Poverty has taken a major up-swing in this administration.
Sales taxes are taxes on spending, much less bad than taxes on earnings, saving, or investment or the real evil of Govt theft by inflating the currency. Even illegal aliens pay sales taxes.
I am a Constitutionalist. I support the Constitution as written. Obama is not Constitutionally eligible to be President and neither is Ted Cruz. But I believe Ted Cruz loves and supports America, but he is still not eligible.
I abhor the fact that Congress does not enforce the Constitution but most are scared of the Liberal Media.
Our Texas economy is stronger than most other states IN SPITE of Obama and his failed socialist policies, not because of them.
I came back to Texas when I retired. I worked in most of the southern and western states, and several foreign countries. Socialism destroys individuals and national economies because it steals a person’s pride and ambition, as well as their money and property.
I believe Texas is the last best chance for regaining a “Real America”. And I’m willing to fight for it, again. “To defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

September 20th, 2014 at 1:06 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Randy R.

Good article on ISIS and Obama:

Maybe you ought look at something other than MSNBC or the other Lap-dog Media.

September 20th, 2014 at 1:25 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Randy R.
Bill Whittle on Obama as Bush-Lite.
Good comparison. Obama’s failed policies are forcing him to do things that he and other Dems criticized when Bush did them.

Any other questions I can help you with, please ask.

September 20th, 2014 at 3:31 pm
Karla Burland

Golly gee Randy R, there are so many things to address on your comments to Mr. Brayshaw that I don’t know where to start. First, I see you like the Dolphin Talk….. until you get to Mr. Brayshaw’s The Way I See It articles. Okay, I would almost guarantee that if you spoke with the lovely lady who puts together The Dolphin Talk, she would be happy to let you present your views each time as well. If you don’t care to do that, then since you know you will disagree with Mr. Brayshaw’s views, you might just skip his column. Simple. Second, I have known lots and lots of folks who were life long Democrats who saw the light and became if not Republicans, at least a conservatives, but I have never heard of anyone deciding after being a Republican from ‘day one’ as you put it, who decided liberalism was better and was ‘proud of it’. Perhaps you were only in your 20’s then and were bombarded with all the liberal media claims about Bush, Cheney, and Rove. It is easy to become brainwashed, if one never does listen to what the other side (FOX maybe) has to say. I understand if you hear only the same thing over and over and over by all news outlets, you would have a tendency to believe they were correct. But as you get older, you tend to want to see if there is another side to everything.

I bring up FOX because I have noticed each time someone is ‘against’ Mr. Brayshaw’s views, and then comment, they always assume he must have gotten his views from FOX News. You must never watch FOX at all, or you would have seen all the little odds and ends and YouTube videos over the years since GWB has been out of office, showing him trail bike riding with ex-soldiers from the Wounded Warrior Program, or standing with his wife Laura in airports (without security or cameramen) when they knew troops were coming home and being there just to thank them for their service and to shake their hands. I hate to tell you, but the ‘boots on the ground’ soldiers LOVED their commnder-in- chief, and still do, no matter what MSNBC, CBS, or whoever may have been broadcasting. He has been there to honor the caskets that came home as well, but he has never been a ‘photo-op’ kind of guy and didn’t care if anyone SAW him doing these things or not. Clinton and Obama have always wanted to be sure the cameras were right there recording each and every tear they shed.

President Obama ‘has addressed the issue’ of ISIS you said. Well, to be sure he is not going to be another horrible warmongering “Bush lied/soldiers died” type of guy. NO, he will send troops over there, but they won’t be able to DO anything but advise the Iraqi soldiers what they should do. They will not be able to defend themselves but will be killed anyway, but Obama will not look like he went to ‘war’. Our poor military will be just about as effective with ISIS as they will be fighting EBOLA. Nothing will change with either situation, but more American troops will be just as dead, but it won’t be WAR, so it will be okay. (And you are proud of this type thinking?)

But…..you are 100% right on this one issue though… and Republicans need to address it and of course, they never will. They have three people who are talking about running for President this next time, none of whom are any more eligible to be President than Barack Obama was. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindal. Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal would honor the country and the constitution I believe, and Rubio would be better than what we have now, but they are still not eligible. The Republicans will not say a word, and the Democrats can’t bring the issue up without having to admit their ‘First Black President’ just happend to have a father who was born in Kenya.

I admit I am NOT from Texas. I have no idea how long you have been here, but I guess not very long, or you would be aware of the fact that Texas is about the only state in the union right now that actually has a growing economy. You wonder why no one is talking about that anymore. Easy… it is so bad most everywhere else, there are all these other ‘crises’ to take everyone’s mind off of it… and wow, there are so many. Probably your media doesn’t mention any of this because liberals hate Texas and Texans and big white cowboy hats and boots and drawls and think everyone here is a hick, and not to be taken seriously. If you don’t like Texas enough to know the borders need to be secure to protect our economy and our health, then maybe you are not quite as informed as you think.

One last thing. You mention a bunch of TV reality shows that you say you like watching, and then tell Mr. Brayshaw, and I quote, “Mr. Brayshaw if you get off Fox News maybe you’ll know what I’m Talking about or better yet get out and take a vacation. Go anywhere outside Port O’Conner, Calhoun County, TEXAS and see the real America.” Hmmm… sounds like you are not really that fond of “the unity in the community” as you put it in your first sentence.

K. Burland

September 21st, 2014 at 12:30 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you, Karla, for your comment.
Randy R., like many others that are unfamiliar with my articles, assumes because I adamantly disagree with some (most) of Obama’s policies (or lack thereof), that I most be a Republican. As a Southerner and a student of military and political history I am naturally distrustful of the Republican Party because they were traditionally the party of Big Govt. and internationalism in America. I consider myself to be a Jeffersonian Democrat – Govt.is a necessary evil, and a govt. that seeks to expand its governing where it is not necessary, is just evil. Our “Democrat Party” has been hijacked and morphed into a “Ultra-Liberal Progressive-socialist Party, and now under the Obamunist Adminstration into the “Commie-Lite Party”. The Communist Party USA & other Marxist parties brag about this!
So I guess I’m a “Republican-by-Default”, but certainly don’t toe the ‘Party Line’. I am a Constitutionalist, somewhat of a social libertarian (I don’t much care what you do, if you keep your nose out of my business), but a political and economic conservative.
FOX News is a source but Drudge and Breitbart are better. Best is getting raw news from sources before it is ‘filtered and spun into cotton candy’ by the Liberal Lapdog Media, the new USSA’s Pravda.
ISIS is a very serious threat and must be destroyed. The Neo-cons “Nation Building” didn’t work because the Repubs refused to see there are really 3 nations in Iraq, and Obama’s apologies and dithering only exacerbated a bad situation. Harry Reid had intentionally held back some 300 bills passed by the House, many are finance bills, so he and Obama can go on TV and blame the GOP for the gridlock. If they don’t get everything they want in a finance bill, they won’t allow it to even be debated in the Senate and in the media. The GOP House passed a bill to finance attacks on ISIS & arming “Moderate Syrian Rebels”, but Harry Reid only let it go through as folded into a Continuing Resolution to finance the Obama govt without a real Budget. This allows them to also spend it on pushing ObamaCare, sending troops to Africa, or hiring baby-sitters for illegal alien kids.
Arming and equipping the FSA and other so-called “moderate” is a cruel joke. They have made a “non-aggression past” with ISIS/al Qaeda and much of the arms and equipment sent to the Syrians goes immediately to ISIS. Many of the foreign volunteers for ISIS have or want to go back because they don’t like fighting, robbing, and killing other Muslims for dominance and their weapons.
Obama is the perfect example and Poster Boy for why our Founding Fathers insisted that The President and Commander-in-Chief be a “natural born citizen”, born in the US to US citizen parents, as defined in Vattel’s “Laws of Nations”, published in English about 1758.

September 22nd, 2014 at 3:31 pm

Randy R. I am from NJ and a friend sends me Mr.Brayshaw articles once in a while. As usual he hits the nail right on it’s head. It figures a Bird-Brain like you would be watching “Honey Boo Boo” No wonder you haven’t got a clue. I say it doesn’t matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat. The question is do you believe in the “CONSTUTION” ? IT is obvious you don’t. You talk like another one of the flock. No brain function of your own. I gave up trying to tell a liberal anything. It is a waste of time & breath. I do say you should not comment if you are subject to saying dumb things. My friend sends me these articles because she knows your comments make my day (laugh)

September 22nd, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Where to start, where to start, where to sta……… Got it.

There is no radical Islam. There is no moderate Islam. There is only Islam.

Muslims say it themselves. From heads of nations like Turkey’s Erdogan and Iran’s KhakameimieFerschtupped, to the average typical Muslim on the street, bitterly-clinging to their religion and guns (and bomb vests and IED’s and rockets and………).

Convert, submit, or die. Those are the choices and only choices for non-Muslims.

That being said, there’s only one thing understood by typical Muslims, bitterly-clinging to their religion and guns (and bomb vests and IED’s and rockets and………) and that is force – overwhelming force.

Typical Muslims, bitterly-clinging to their religion and guns (and bomb vests and IED’s and rockets and………), will not stop total jihad until their last falls.

The peace-loving MooseLimbQuranimals are loving peace so much, that they murder their own people for not being Muslim enough and they do so out in the village square, mandating all to witness.

In regards to President For Life Barack Hussein Obama (PBUH) and his merry band of Totalitarians in the Executive Branch, Congress and Media, they’re the ones who armed the Syrian “rebels” – a.k.a. ISIS / ISIL / ISgoatbuggerers and now – out of nowhere – President For Life Barack Hussein Obama (PBUH) and his merry band of Totalitarians in the Executive Branch, Congress and Media want to fight them by sending our military in with R.O.E. so restrictive that any kind o……… Why am I making myself crazy ?

I could go on for pages, but this is not my site and Mr. Brayshaw was kind enough to ask for my commentary. I’ll stop at this point, with one caveat – something I rarely do at my own haunts on the interweb – a word of advice on a sort of personal level.

If you are reading this and are of the mindset that “if we’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to us” and also “it can’t happen here” and maybe even think that everything bad that ever happened on our planet is Bush’s fault, I beseech you from deep down to please wake up. Please start to think about the true evil that Islam is before the typical Muslims, bitterly-clinging to their religion and guns (and bomb vests and IED’s and rockets and………) have a sword to your neck and all you can do is smile at them and say “Coexist !”, thinking they’ll turn into Reverend Jim from Taxi and simply say, “Okee-doke !”.

You cannot coexist with people who’s sole religious mandate and goal in life is to murder or enslave all not like them, or meet up with 72 virgin goats and sheep for dying in the process.

Kenny Solomon
Israel Survival Updates
The American Survival Guide

September 23rd, 2014 at 12:50 am

Randy R.
Here is a little something for you to ponder if you can stay away from “Honey Boo Boo” long enough
Brain exercise—–
“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” -Ayn Rand

September 23rd, 2014 at 12:43 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thanks, Kenny.

Note to readers:
Kenny and I are in an Internet news-sharing group. Kenny is a long-time patriot from a family with many veterans, a Patriot Guard Rider, and happens to be Jewish. He is an up to date expert on the Islamofascist uprising that is growing world-wide since Obama became president and started giving speeches apologizing to Muslims. Also, Obama’s bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia had great meaning to Muslims, though it was widely ignored by Americans.

Also thanks to S. Biamonte. Excellent quote!
I do not encourage attacks on the person, go after the bad ideas, but I understand your frustration. Hopefully with careful instruction and a little time, Randy and others like him see that they are being played for fools by Big Govt types of both parties and especially the Media.

September 24th, 2014 at 12:42 pm
Bill Brayshaw

After re-reading over the comments, I’m somewhat amazed that no one has mentioned anything about the Vote Fraud Allegations!
Is Vote Fraud just accepted as a given for Democrats now? Where is the outrage? This is the local Party Leader getting caught and given a pass by the Supervisor of Elections, the District Attorney, a Judge and the Grand Jury! The vote is a right, and important obligation, to the individual, but an Honest Election is a sacred obligation of the County Govt to the citizens!
This blasé acceptance and ignoring of this is simply appalling!

September 24th, 2014 at 12:53 pm
Mary Brotherton

Let me start with thanking Mr. Brayshaw for his excellent columns. Such a refreshing change from the usual media reporting which puts a liberal slant on every word they print. In “The Way I See It” Mr. B. presents a different point of view and I hope, whether you agree with him or not, he will be a catalyst to further research and learning.

But today I want to address my comments to Randy:

A happy liberal indeed. One must be a liberal to be happy in today’s political climate, but perhaps you can tell us your secret to happiness. You start with the typical criticism of Bush and Cheney which is very over-used and irrelevant considering they are no longer in the Whitehouse and, in fact, have not been for six years. You can call them the worst names you know and accuse them of the worst crimes you can think of, but the fact remains they are long gone. Obama has had six years to “fix” all those things as he promised he would. How is that working out? Would you please point out all – or at least some of – the improvements Obama has made because some of us just can’t seem to figure it out.

Instead of the standard liberal Bush bashing, let’s have an intelligent conversation where we don’t bash Bush and we don’t bash Obama. Let’s start with some positive comments on Obama and how he has fixed the problems Bush caused. Then hopefully you will tell us what our next move should be and how we can defuse the present powder kegs (ISIS, Hamas, etc.) without firing a shot.

Then, after you have solved our international problems, you can tell us how record unemployment and soaring food and electricity prices are good for American families. Help us understand why, in spite of glowing economic reports from Washington, stores are closing, malls are empty, charities can’t keep up with demands for food, unemployment is growing and becoming unaffordable, and more and more people are living in their car. Explain why the whole middle east is in total chaos, with people being killed by the thousands and, instead of dealing with it, Obama goes on a multi-million dollar vacation. Tell us why nothing is being done about the inundation of people illegally crossing our southern border who need food, shelter, medical care, education, and jobs that rightly belong to Americans. Tell us why Obama will not allow our federal laws regarding immigration to be enforced and, instead, he welcomes illegals. Tell us why Americans who used to have health insurance now have none, and why so many who could afford insurance no longer can, and what we are going to do about all these citizens who cannot get medical care because of the cost. Tell us why, in spite of proof upon more proof that global warming is a hoax, Obama insists on wasting more of our money and killing more jobs to “fix” it. Tell us why Obama will not allow us to harvest our own resources, thereby bolstering our own economy while ending our support of enemy nations. And please, on please, explain to us why Americans are buying guns in record numbers, why we are stockpiling food and ammunition and hiding it in shacks in the woods, and why so many people recognize SHTF as a foreshadow of America’s future.

Instead of bashing Bush why don’t you educate us by addressing the well-known and well-documented problems of voter fraud, media bias, party bias, Shariah law that Obama is allowing to infiltrate our justice system, Democrat/Republican double standards, criminal activities by members of congress, Obama’s missing history, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Obama purging the military, the IRS scandal, NSA illegally spying, the VA scandal, liberals’ war on Christianity, Obama’s lies about our health insurance, and the illegal 5-for-1 Bergdahl exchange just to name a few. Help us understand liberals’ and black people’s unreasonable obsession with race. You claim to have turned against the Republican party because of the way Bush and Cheney handled “We the People” yet you happily turn a blind eye to hundreds of Obama’s crimes. Please explain the criteria you use to distinguish between acceptable and non-acceptable so that the rest of us can be more discerning in forming our opinion.

And last but not least, please explain to us why Obama lies all the time. See – you don’t need to bash Bush to have something to say. There is a lot to discuss about today’s events without ever bringing Bush or his administration into the conversation.

I hope you will still be a happy liberal the day you are no longer useful to Obama. That will be the day he will laugh at you for being so blind as to have believed him and shove you under the bus with the rest of the people he no longer needs. Meanwhile, I eagerly await your response, preferably in the form of a guest column which will not, I trust, contain any mention of Bush but instead will provide a light shining down the path pointing the way toward salvation of America. There is a lot to talk about – let’s do it!

September 24th, 2014 at 1:34 pm

Voter Fraud
I think we all have become NUMB to it. It happens everywhere & nothing ever gets done about it unless it is a Republican. When you have the DA & the courts upholding it, that alone tells a lot. It has gone on several times in NJ with the Dem-O- Rat party. But they are still trying to prove CHRISTI guilty of “BRIDGEGATE” although the final report said “NAY”. As a state & a country people have to come together to fight it. That just never comes to fruition. When I watch interviews that Fox “Watters World” does with the public and people on the street don’t even know who is President or Vice President or can’t name 1 state senator from their state.

September 24th, 2014 at 6:48 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you, S.Biamonte ! So much, because you have recognized the basic problem.
This is the best comment so far!
If we accept Vote Fraud anywhere, we destroy the whole concept of a ‘Democratic Republic’!
If there are not honest elections, the whole concept of ‘Democracy’ is destroyed.
I believe in Participatory Democracy, if you do not participate in supporting the economy and the State, but want to suck off the ‘Welfare System’, why should you decide how the Govt. spends the productive taxpayers money?

September 24th, 2014 at 9:24 pm
Randy R.

I want to thank all that have responded in this discussions. Freedom of the press and Freedom of Speech the 1st Amendment Right of the U.S. Constitution.
A lot has happen since a the USA and a Coalition of Arab counties, and France have Bombarded ISIS/ISIL, and the Khorasan Group.
British prime minister said at he U.N. he will ask Parliament to approve joining international airstrikes against the Islamic State.
All this going on while the Congress is on Break. President Barack Hussein Obama talking care of Business. There will be “Some American People” of course that will criticize this.
I just feel like I’m sucked in back in 2008 reading these comments. Same OLD… PHOTO-OPS, Socialism, “Apology Tours”, Poverty, “First Black President’ just happened to have a father who was born in Kenya”.
Obama’s Speech to the U.N. General assembly was tremendous. Yes another SPEECH, but he can back it up with these air strikes on these groups. Watching it on Fox News and the the comments of John Bolten after that Obama slammed Israel in his speech. “GOOD GRIEF”
I see the 2008 flip/flop still going on Mr. Brayshaws…I am a Constitutionalist-I consider myself to be a Jeffersonian Democrat-I believe in Participatory Democracy.
The President and Commander-in-Chief be a “natural born citizen”, born in the US to US citizen parents, as defined in Vattel’s “Laws of Nations”, published in English about 1758.
Yes I too admire the Swiss Philosopher Emer de Vattel. Born is Switzerland 1714 and died in Switzerland 1767. We all know what a great country Switzerland is, anybody have an offshore bank account?
Swiss editor Charles W.F. Dumas gave 3 original copies of “The Laws of Nations” to Benjamin Franklin and Franklin gave 1 to the Library of Congress. George Washington borrowed 1 copy of “The Law of the Nation” and a copy of Vol. 12 of Common Debates, transcripts from Great Brittan’s House of Commons from The New York Society Library. Vattel’s book is NOT Law of the Land in the USA, but as you say, Obama is the perfect example and Poster Boy for why our Founding Fathers insisted that The President and Commander-in-Chief be a “natural born citizen”. I’m still being persistent “WHY” hasn’t any Elected Lawmaker of the House and Senate gone on the floor and “Slammed” Obama on this Birth Issue and Impeachment”, BUT yet the beat goes on, and on……….
Bill Brayshaw,I believe in Participatory Democracy, if you do not participate in supporting the economy and the State, but want to suck off the ‘Welfare System’, why should you decide how the Govt. spends the productive taxpayers money.
“AGAIN” with the tax payers money… Mr. Byarshaw the Tax payers money is still paying for all that “Shock and Awe” & “Mission Accomplished”. Yes I will say it !! Tax Payer money is nothing but a “Ponzzi Scheme” but it keeps the Government Rolling. Then along comes Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz shuts the Government down with his so called Filibuster. What else could make matters worse for the U.S. of A . What made me madder that Hell was while doing his Yak’in on the Senate Floor Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz compared his drama filibuster to “The Bataan Death March”.
Look I can go on and on. What really caught my interest in this particular column you wrote on, “Local Vote Fraud”
The Calhoun Democrat Party Chairperson I do not know personally, but as a life long resident of Calhoun County see that she is a Good Person. I do not see her as a harden felon out to get “1” vote in a county that has a population of “21,381”. Her and her late husband had an Tax Service Business helping the Community with their years of service. Karla Burland I’m sure the lady that puts Dolphin Talk together is a lovely lady to.
We also have a Calhoun Republican Party Chairperson I consider a Good Person. Now him I like, I like to see him riding in his GM SUV. Made by the Auto maker Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney wanted Dismantled, Broke up and Sold Off, BUT President Obama saved from bankruptcy, call it a bail out or what you will. America at least got some payback from that deal. The pay back money from “W”‘s (Dub-Ya’s)sale of Iraqi Oil after “Mission Accomplished” never happen. Republicans didn’t want anything to do with poor “W”, they didn’t ever want him speaking at the 2008 RNC.
Mr. Brayshaw talking about Photo-Ops just what do you think “W” is doing with events for the troops especially the wounded. His events are for the TROOPS! Mr. Bratshaw you wrote,Bush 43 wrote personal letters to the families that lost soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“43 Letters”, What about the 600 American casualties in Iraq and 630 American casualties in the Afghanistan operation in the years 2001 through 2008?
S.Biamonte yes that’s a good one. “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” -Ayn Rand.
I still like, “Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.” – George W. Bush

September 25th, 2014 at 3:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Randy R.
If you recognize Vattel’s book as the correct and original definition of the phrase “natural born citizen’, how can you accept Obama as being eligible to be President? And still say you are a Constitutionalist? What, a Cafeteria Constitutionalist? Take a little of this and a little of that, but ignore what you don’t like? That is the kind of “interpretation” that spun the “provide for the general welfare” into a huge welfare state and vote buying scam for liberal progressive Marxists.
Obama’s speech condemns America as a racist nation because a bunch of ‘community organizers” are encouraging riots and looting over a black thug getting shot by a cop, after attacking and injuring the cop. During his speech at the UN General Assembly Barack Obama praised Muslim cleric Sheikh Abdallal Bin Bahhah who supported a fatwa on “killing US soldiers.”
Islamists in Algeria executed a Frenchman in support of ISIS, and Islamists in the Phillipines have captured a German couple and threaten to execute them if attacks on ISIS continue. But Obama says we are not at war with Islam? The Khorosan Group is hard-core Al Qaeda, but didn’t Obama say he had destroyed Al Qaeda in Iraq?
Obama does give wonderful speeches, but on close investigation it is blathering and dithering, too little, too late, and a bunch of blame America first, and apologies to the Muslims. And even his beloved Free Syrian Army criticized his attacks on ISIS. Those are his “moderate Muslims”.

September 25th, 2014 at 10:35 am
Randy R

Enough is Enough.
Mr. Brayshaw, you say:During his speech at the UN General Assembly Barack Obama praised Muslim cleric Sheikh Abdallal Bin Bahhah who supported a fatwa on “killing US soldiers.”
Abdallah bin Mahfudh ibn Bayyah as it is correctly spelled.
Now if you would do you research, Instead of what you see and hear on T.V. & internet you would really know who this, “Sheikh” is.
Abdallah bin Mahfudh ibn Bayyah (born 1935 was born in Mauritania. He teaches at King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia.He is a specialist in all four traditional Sunni schools, with an emphasis on the Maliki Madh’hab.
In his youth, he was appointed to study legal judgments in Tunis. On returning to Mauritania, he became Minister of Education and later Minister of Justice. He was also appointed a Vice President of the first president of Mauritania.
Bin Bayyah is involved in number of scholarly councils including The Islamic Fiqh Council, a Saudi-based Institute, he was also the Vice-President of International Union of Muslim Scholars from which he resigned mid 2013. He is also a member of the Dublin-based European Council for Fatwa and Research, a council of Muslim clerics that aims at explaining Islamic law in a way that is sensitive to the realities of European Muslims.
He was ranked amongst the 500 most influential Muslims from 2009 – 2013
and if you go to his website you will find his fatwa response to ISIS,

This is Not the Path to Paradise,Response to ISIS
INTRODUCTION Counsel for the Youth:
All praise belongs to the Lord of the worlds. May peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy and Messenger of Wisdom, his benevolent family, and his noble companions, perpetually until the end of time.

This is addressed to the young men who bear arms against their own nations and destroy both country and countrymen. You have abandoned all values and made enemies of the world. We call on you to pause, reflect, and heed this counsel for the sake of all who want good for our community.

There’s more to read & research on his website.

Now if you can PROVE that he is behind and supported a fatwa on “killing US soldiers.” That would be most interesting. Oh well I’m sure if you do it would come from “Right Side News-The Right News for Americans” or “Fox News”
Your better understanding that you say Obama supports see: Right side News, why Mosques should be shut down.
I checked out that Right Side News Website and encourage everyone to check it out also. This website is PROOF of “Archie Bunker” mentality PROBLEMS we have in America today and contaminating the minds of American Youths. The SPAM pop up advertisements on this website are even more proof of that.

Now if you believe in shutting down all Mosques in America, Would that Violate The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

September 25th, 2014 at 2:21 pm
Bill Brayshaw

WOW! Mary Brotherton, I must have missed your comment before. That is truly outstanding! Your points are valid.
America elected Obama for his promises of Hope and Change, but got a huge increase in the Federal Debt, more illegal immigration, and a spike in racial strife. The US now has 25% of the work force working at low paying jobs, the highest rate in any industrialized nation. Many people had their hours reduced to ‘part-time’ due to ObamaCare, and many low paying jobs are done by illegals. But why should Americans work if they can get more from welfare, phony disability, or long-term unemployment? Corrected for inflation, LBJ’s War on Poverty has cost the Taxpayers $22 Trillion since 1964, and many more of us live in “poverty” than did back then. The Welfare State supports people in a higher life-style than many workers in European countries at huge expense, but provides a solid voting bloc for Liberal Socialist Dems. The Keystone pipeline would be a big boost for many and reduce the cost of energy, but it is denied.
Are all these failures simply incompetence? I think not, there is an Agenda being pressed forward that is intended to make more people dependent on govt, to grow govt, and to make it more intrusive in every facet of our lives.

September 25th, 2014 at 2:48 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Bin Bayyah is reported to have been one of several clerics who endorsed a 2004 fatwa that endorsed resistance against Americans fighting in Iraq. The fatwa backed by the International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS) ruled that resisting occupation troops in Iraq was a “duty.”
His name is spelled both ways in this article. I copy /pasted my original statement about him. There is always doubts about English spelling of Arabic words, even more so on names. Taqiyya (acting falsely to infidels to spread Islam), has at least 3 recognized spellings over the past few years. The above is the most recognized lately.
There is an embedded video at this site.
There are several other sites.
Islam means “Submission”. It is much more than a religion. It is a system of totalitarian control, government, and law. It is totally incompatible with the Constitution, freedom, Christianity, and Western Civilization in general.
Should Islamic colonizers be allowed to change our system of govt, law, and Judeo-Christianity to suit them? Is this how you would twist the First Amendment’s Freedom of Religion?
Freedom of Religion was meant to guarantee our citizens the right to worship God in the manner of their choice, not freedom from religion, to deny the majority of their right to worship, or to totally undermine our Constitution and Law in the name of some violent 7th century tribal cult masquerading as a religion.
If they want Sharia Law, go back to SandLand where that is the law. If they stay here, obey our laws.

September 25th, 2014 at 3:32 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Do you want to allow Muslims to claim First Amendment rights to build Wahabbi financed and controlled Mosques? You must know that those Mosques are raising money for jihadists, are a hot bed of ‘educational Jihad’ and ‘legal Jihad’ to further their aims of undermining our law and culture and force theirs on us and our children.
If you give the Muslims what they want, then what’s next? Now the Satanists are claiming they are a religion. Then what? Marxists could claim Lenin as their Prophet and Stalin as their Jesus? Maybe there will be a revival of the Aztecs and they can build pyramids and sacrifice virgins to the rain gods. (if they can find any)
Then what? Pedophiles? “Hey little girl, come to our church and you won’t have to worry about being sacrificed to nasty old Aztec rain-gods.”
Bestiality freaks? Already been done, some woman in England married her dog.
Lord help us! Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
Remember the lady that asked Ben Franklin after the Constitutional Convention, “What have you wrought?” And he replied “A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it”.
And John Adams later said, “A Constitutional Republic is suited only for a moral people”. And a little common sense helps. John Wayne reportedly said, “Life is hard, and it is a lot harder if you are stupid.”

September 25th, 2014 at 4:09 pm

Obama is filling the USA with Muslims & yes most are on welfare even tho they hate us, they use our own system against us. Better take a look at the UK, France & the Netherlands. They now know they made a BIG Mistake and late in the game trying to correct. Obama said in his book he would side with the Muslims. He should be looking out & protecting the citizens of the USA. I don’t mind any religion but don’t tell us in our own country we have to remove “GOD” from the pledge & kids in school can’t pray. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” NOT FROM. The Muslims can take a whole street in NYC, stop traffic & pray, but Christians that this country was founded on can’t. What a crock.

September 25th, 2014 at 6:52 pm
Mary Brotherton


Where oh where are your supporters? Surely someone believes as you do – so where is he/she? Actually I’m not surprised nobody has stepped in to support you in this exchange. Nobody can tell exactly which side you are on – you are all over the board. You call yourself a “Constitutionalist” and, at the same time, a “happy democrat.” You can’t be both. I neither care nor need to know what you are or what you believe, but I sure hope you do.

You took time to type Abdallah bin Mahfudh ibn Bayyah, Elmer de Vattel and Charles W.F. Dumas, and the travel history of “The Laws of Nations” in Google then copy and paste the results in your post. We all thank you for the history lesson. Then you went directly to the standard liberal practice of slinging opinionated accusations without offering even one example. You accused Right Side News of “Archie Bunker Mentality problems.” Would you be kind enough to define “Archie Bunker Mentality problems” and give some examples? We are also interested in exactly what you found on that site that “contaminates minds of American youths.” If you are going to sling accusations like this around then you need to be prepared to back them up with FACTS. Not opinions and not wild speculation – facts.

You credited George W. Bush with the quotation: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I am surprised that someone with such extensive research skills and knowledge of history didn’t know that is actually an old Chinese proverb. I’m also surprised that a political scholar such as you doesn’t know George Bush revived it when he included the following in a speech:
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

This statement President Bush made in 2002 is one of the classic Bushisms of all time.

It is ironic that you expressed an affinity for that particular saying considering your confusion regarding its origin. It suggests to me that you see things more as you would like them to be rather than as they really are. Or perhaps it is easier for you to ignore details since they are so easily fabricated when they are needed. I’m just wondering. However, Ms. Biamonte quoted her sources correctly.

You say Obama respects the troops. You need to watch this video to see what he really thinks of them. And don’t tell me he was in a hurry or distracted – there is no excuse for his despicable actions. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2014/09/23/video-critics-are-calling-obamas-response-to-saluting-marines-shameful-and-embarrassing/
There was never – never – one documented occasion when GW Bush disrespected troops. I won’t cite the article I read a few days ago that said a poll showed 90% of the military have a negative opinion of Obama because I can’t find it now. Neither will I quote an old article that claimed ~90% of the troops loved Bush because I cannot locate that, either. But you get the idea. Why do you think the democrats won’t allow the military votes to be counted?

You criticized the quality of pop-ups on “this” site, although which site you referred to is questionable. But it doesn’t matter. Perhaps those objectionable cookies were left on your computer by previous sites you have visited. They are indicative of the type of sites you frequent and provide a record of your on-line activities.

September 25th, 2014 at 9:14 pm
Randy R.

#1 I Never said I was a Constitutionalist. I believe in the Constitution like any other Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
#2 What is a Mosque, Even in a Webster’s Pocket Dictionary; MOSQUE – A Moslem house of worship.
“”HOUSE of WORSHIP””, Just like a TEMPLE, SYNAGOGUE, SHRINE, and a CHURCH. They are ALL a house of worship. That is why I mentioned The First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

There is a Mosque in Victoria why don’t you and your Followers just go and “SHUT IT DOWN”.
You can’t tell me The Department of Treasury, IRS, FBI, CIA wouldn’t KNOW ANYTHING about money transferred from a Mosque to some Extremists Militant Group! But of course you know all about it.

Mary Brotherton your going to bring up the “Coffee Cup Incident”. Obama is President of the United States, “Commander and Chief” and stepping off Marine One to go give a Speech in front of the United Nations.
Obama is the Leader of the Greatest Nation on the Planet, and I’m sure he want to keep it that way now and in the future.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. quote by Albert Einstein

I have done enough commenting here, Mr. Brayshaw and his followers are still stuck in 2008.
Now if you don’t believe in our President, That’s fine, that’s your right.
The shame that a fine newsletter like The Dolphin Talk has the Views of a Nut in it. Even if it does say: “The way I see it” is an attempt by the Guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect to views of this publication.

I’m sorry to say maybe I was wrong about saying The Dolphin Talk has, “Unity in the Community”. No matter how good hearted as may be, maybe there is a agenda in this newsletter to Win the Hearts and Minds of its reader to the views of it’s Permanent Guest Columnist William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

God Bless America

September 26th, 2014 at 2:44 am
Bill Brayshaw

#1: I misunderstood you part of your comment in #15. It was not in quotation marks, so I incorrectly thought YOU believed in the Constitution and Participatory Democracy. I should have known better, but “Hope springs eternal.” PARTICIPATORY Democracy means you participate and contribute, by paying taxes, serving in the military, owning property (more taxes, and contribute to the “commonwealth” by producing “real wealth” my farming, manufacturing, or mining, including oil drilling, and/or supporting these activities that create real wealth. Those that are convicted criminals are prevented from voting, but professional parasites and incompetent ‘Wards of the State’ should not be allowed to vote. If they do not contribute to the Budget, why should they have a say in how it is spent? We love our children and pets, but we do not let them ‘vote’ on the family budget. If we did, the budget would be loaded with Pepsi, pizza, Alpo, Fancy Feast, cable TV, and squeaky toys. I’m confident you can see the comparison.
#2. I have not said that a local mosque financed, built and lead by local, at least somewhat assimilated, Muslims should be shut down! I say that mosques financed, built, manned and lead by Wahabbi radical “fundamentalist” Muslims should be prevented from spreading their poison and actively working to destroy our Republic, law, culture, Christianity, and civilization. Unfortunately the modern, assimilated, “moderate” Muslim is not allowed to leadership, or even to exist, in Wahabbism.
I re-refer you to Kenny’s statement: “There is no radical Islam. There is no moderate Islam. There is only Islam.” This is simply an observation of how Islam functions. I lived in Turkey in my youth and was great admirer of Muslims. The Turks were a strong people, allied with the West against the real threat of Soviet communism. They were ‘westernized’, but a moral people strongly resting the immorality of Hollyweird & Liberalism. I was an Islamic sympathizer for decades, but the rise of Islamic terrorism beat that out of me. The last vestige of sympathy was destroyed Sept 11, 2001, not only by the suicide attacks on America, but the joyful celebrations throughout the world, especially Europe, in support of Islamic Terrorism.
Yes! I do have an Agenda: Tell the Sheeple,”Wake the flock up!” Educate the Low Information Voters. Expose the bias and lies of the Mainstream Media. Root out the corruption of Govt and finance by ‘The Elitists’. Expose The Cloward-Pivens Strategy of destroying our dollar and our Republic to create conditions that will lead to a totalitarian socialist “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. They are quite open about their intentions now. All in all, my Agenda is “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Part of the Oath I’ve sworn 4 times. There is no DEROS, separation, or retirement from that Oath. I meant it then, and I mean it now. Possibly the greatest “enemy” is Political Correctness and the negative inertia, ignorance, and economic parasitism that it spawns.
I hope you don’t stop thinking and reading, even if I think your sources are bad. I believe you research will give you new insights, and get you away from the mind-poison of knee-jerk liberalism,
it is a tool of the progressive socialists, and even you must know that you don’t want that.

September 26th, 2014 at 12:04 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Sorry about the mistakes in the above.
Should be;
(more taxes)
by farming
There is a new paragraph after “knee-jerk liberalism” that is a mistake.

Furthermore, we can not continue the mistakes of Republican Neo-cons and the Liberal Democrats of thinking they can “Win the hearts and minds of Wahhabi Muslims”. They don’t have either, their hatred of anyone that doesn’t support them and their love of death “in service to Allah” has destroyed any vestige of “heart”, or “mind” as we understand it. They leave us no choice, they must be destroyed. Our goal should be to provide the most efficient “Paradise Dating Service” possible.
I believe Golda Mier said it first, “There can be no peace until the Muslims love their children more than they love death.” I disliked it when she said it, but it has proven true. And it illustrates my point about “hearts and minds”.

September 26th, 2014 at 12:28 pm
Mike P.

Randy R., I am throwing a flag for “unnecessary roughness” for piling on. This is probably the first continuing dialogue that I have ever seen where there is absolutely NO agreement for one side of an argument. Either you, Mr. Randy, are the ONLY person reading Mr. Brayshow’s articles with an eye toward criticism, or Mr. Baryshw’s followers are so far reaching, NO ONE in their “left” mind would assume to counter anything he says. Mr. Randy, I am very sorry for your convoluted opinions, and I hope and pray that someday you would see the light and convert to the “right” way of seeing things. Amen and amen.

September 26th, 2014 at 2:33 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Mike P.,
They are out there, believe me.
But they dare not challenge Truth. You and many others simply discourage them. They dare not listen to your challenge to expose The real Agenda of the Obamunist control of the “Democrat Party”.
There may be “unnecessary roughness” here, but it is not our choice or doing.
Randy R. accuses me of an Agenda, in # 25, I cheerfully admit my Agenda. I do NOT want a totalitarian “Right Wing” govt as many of the left-winger believe. I want a govt where people are safe, a stable currency, minimal international involvement unless it is in our national interests. And if the Muzzies leave us & our friends alone, they can do what they want. My major point, since Joyce published my first article has been trying to rebuild a domestic economy that people understand. The Govt produces nothing but taxes, paperwork, and problems.
AS I quoted Thomas Jefferson, “Govt is a necessary evil”, but we need it.
Unfortunately, Govt has out grown it’s real necessity and become simply “evil”.

September 26th, 2014 at 8:09 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Very interesting cartoons on Obama and the Islamofascist threat from one of Kenny’s sites.
scroll up and down.

September 27th, 2014 at 11:47 am
Karla B

You said in the beginning comment you voted Republican from day one but changed because of “W”, Cheney, and Rove putting a spin on WE the People. How does someone who always voted Republican suddenly become a liberal follower? If you were a Republican in the past, it sure did not take you very long at all to become a certified liberal who objects to anyone being able to express their opinion if it disagrees with yours,or to become one of Obama’s many followers who are willing follow this Pied Piper wherever he takes them. I admit the Republicans are NOT the party they used to be, as they are leaning farther and farther to the left, but most conservatives who vote republican are independent thinkers, and not just followers. We don’t just blindly go along with whatever the ‘party’ might be doing or saying. That is a big problem right now. There are no really good people to vote for on either side. Also, conservative people who are not in government are not usually the ones who go ‘shut down the Mosques’ like you suggested, “There is a Mosque in Victoria why don’t you and your Followers just go and “SHUT IT DOWN”. Or the ones who burn the churches, or trash the cities… or… start the revolutions. We will defend everything we believe is right, but with few exceptions, do we not initiate the confrontation.

And one more thing, as a life long resident of Calhoun County who obviously enjoys reading the Dolphin Talk, and seems to like it here, why would you say…. “Mr. Brayshaw if you get off Fox News maybe you’ll know what I’m Talking about or better yet get out and take a vacation. Go anywhere outside Port O’Conner, Calhoun County, TEXAS and see the real America.” Sounds like you don’t think Calhoun County is the ‘real America.’ But like all good Americans, you believe in the first amendment, so why are you also accusing this little hometown paper of having an ‘agenda’? Just because YOU don’t particularly like the Guest Columnist’s views, does not mean he does not have the right to express his opinions. As I said in my very first comment… YOU should become a Guest Columnist for this paper and then YOU could get YOUR opinions out to the community. I did not mention that the lady who puts this ‘newsletter’ (as you call it) together, was a lovely lady just to be using up space. I meant she was the kind of person who would allow anyone to express their opinions no matter what they might be, even if those opinions ”do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.” If you do not know her personally, you might be a bit more considerate than to accuse her of what you did in your last comment. “I’m sorry to say maybe I was wrong about saying The Dolphin Talk has, “Unity in the Community”. No matter how good hearted as may be, maybe there is a agenda in this newsletter to Win the Hearts and Minds of its reader to the views of it’s Permanent Guest Columnist William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

I wonder if you would feel the same if they were printing YOUR articles and folks out here disagreed with YOU?

September 27th, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Bill Brayshaw

If there is any doubt that Islam is at WAR with US:

pResident Barack -(blessed in Arabic) Hussein Obama(pbuh) has consistently denied that obvious Islamofascist terrorist attacks are NOT related to Islam.
This is incredibly stupid. The Ft. Hood guy BRAGGED about his total dedication to Islam, but still The Official Govt Crap is “Workplace Violence”.
This is STUPID! No intelligent person can believe this anymore. Local govt must take a second look at the Federal Lying Nightmare.

WE ARE AT WAR! Obama can deny it until the cows come home, BUT the FACT REMAINS: ISLAM IS AT WAR WITH US!

In a way, on a somewhat philosophical basis, they may be somewhat right: We are the Great Satan to serious moral people. WE have degenerated into a govt that I, and most people don’t approve.
But ISLAM is not the ANSWER!

WE ARE A FREE PEOPLE. And if the Islamists attack US, we will kill them. With the latest news, it is more important that every responsible adult arm themselves, get at least minimal training, and make up their minds that, whether they like it or not, fighting a gun-fight is much better than being be-headed.
But that might be “RASCIST”!

September 28th, 2014 at 8:15 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Battleground Texas caught breaking voter registration laws in Houston:
Vote fraud is systematic at every level by Democrat operatives.

September 29th, 2014 at 10:02 am

1 more thing Randy R. praise to the editor of this paper, as she lets people have their true opinions published with no editing. In todays atmosphere that is awesome. I have no clue who she is but she let you and all who answered say their belief. AWSOME!

September 29th, 2014 at 11:53 am
Bill Brayshaw

You all will notice that Randy says he supports Free Speech but typical Lib/Prog Democrat totalitarianism creeps out:
“The shame that a fine newsletter like The Dolphin Talk has the Views of a Nut in it. Even if it does say: “The way I see it” is an attempt by the Guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect to views of this publication.

I’m sorry to say maybe I was wrong about saying The Dolphin Talk has, “Unity in the Community”. No matter how good hearted as may be, maybe there is a agenda in this newsletter to Win the Hearts and Minds of its reader to the views of it’s Permanent Guest Columnist William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21.”

I’m a nut. That Obama can lie to us and support our enemies is OK, and that Dems lie & pervert elections to stay in power is excusable?
I guess so, don’t want any patriotic Americans (“Nuts” to Libtards) exposing the Welfare State, Muslim World Jihad, or the beloved Obama socialist totalitarian AGENDA!
What he really wants to say is, “To the gulags for anyone that questions Dear Leader!” Well, ‘Dear Leader’s’ little Marxist/Alinskyite scam is rapidly unraveling, Thank God!

September 29th, 2014 at 6:48 pm


October 4th, 2014 at 1:16 pm


October 4th, 2014 at 1:42 pm


October 4th, 2014 at 2:46 pm


October 6th, 2014 at 1:50 pm
Bill Brayshaw


SCHAUMBURG, IL – Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead.

“While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
Computers: Garbage in – Garbage out. Whoever programs the machines gets to choose the winner every time.
This is Lib/Prog/Dems idea of a “Fair Election” as long as the illegals get to vote. Dems now want to register the cockroaches under their sink and have them vote by Absentee Ballot, but when the Dem Community Organizer turns the light on to get them to make their little X on the Voter Registration Card, they run and hide.

October 21st, 2014 at 12:08 pm
Untitled Document