A Special Day on the Bay by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Oct 14 - Comments Off on A Special Day on the Bay by Kelly Gee

Shrimping is possible partly because of a healthy bay.


I had the great privilege of attending the San Antonio Bay Day in Seadrift as an invited guest on Saturday, October 11. What a wonderful event. San Antonio Bay Day” is an annual event hosted by the San Antonio Bay Partnership. The goal of the event is to provide a hands-on environmental educational experience for locals and their families to improve their understanding of the ecology and natural resources of the bay. It is also a fundraiser with proceeds supporting the Partnership’s efforts to conserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of San Antonio Bay.

There were some unique and exceptional activities offered either free or at a very minimal cost. Families could have their pick of events  like these: Texas Floating Classroom, a 90-min boat trip in San Antonio Bay aboard the Archimedes featuring hands-on interaction with local wildlife through plankton tows, shrimp trawls, and marine ecology lesson; Kids Fishing Tournament with awesome prizes; Paddling Instruction & Demonstration offered by Dolphin Kayak of Port O’Connor introducing coastal paddling to beginners; a Birding Excursion that gave participants a tour on a private ranch with expert training and assistance at identifying local birds and other wildlife common in the San Antonio Bay area. There were also informational and educational exhibits about wetlands, habitat conservation, wildlife preservation and future plans for the San Antonio Bay area. Free hot dogs, a silent auction, raffle tickets and the regularly scheduled Lion’s Club Market Day meant there was something for everyone to learn and enjoy at Seadrift Bayfront Park
I particularly enjoyed the Archimedes Floating Classroom Tour. This beautiful red boat with naturalists, educators and wildlife enthusiasts guiding guests through discovery and experience of the bay front ecosystems and habitats was like summer camp on the water. Old and young alike studied plankton and examined ocean life, watched birds and experimented with ocean water. It was a fun, exciting and a matchless experience. One young passenger on her first outing was heard to ask, ‘how did all those tiny animals get in the ocean.’ Another crusty fisherman observed that ‘it was nice to know the murky water days served some purpose for the health of the bay where he fishes, because it doesn’t help the fishin.’

All attendees had a great day and organizers outdid themselves in making it memorable and impressive. If you missed it this year, you get another chance. Watch for it next year and get aboard when they do it all over again. It just keeps growing and improving, and more people keep learning about how to keep our bay healthy and thriving. In the meantime, check out some of those dedicated groups who made this day possible. They do great work all year long. San Antonio Bay Partnership, Mid-Coast Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists, San Antonio River Authority, and many others are key in conserving and preserving our coastal estuaries, wetlands, bays and habitats. Get informed and get involved so their future health is guaranteed. And thank you again to them all for including me and the Dolphin Talk News in your special San Antonio Bay Day events.


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