Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Nov 14 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

We are living in some of the busiest times of our lives! There are meetings, trips, school activities, and church. Sometimes it is hard to figure exactly how to prioritize all these things, but when we choose J-O-Y, we will always get it right. J stands for Jesus – seek first God’s things and He will help us with the rest. O stands for others – always be on the lookout for how we can help another on his journey, making his pathway easier or making his pathway more correct. Y stands for yourself – we surely have our lives to live, but when we seek the good for God and others, we find that “best things” will come our way!

We have added a weekly activity to our busy schedule at the Chapel. Pastor Joane is leading us in “Corporate Prayer” at 5:00 p.m. each Sunday evening. It has proven to do exactly what we have been promised – when God’s people pray, God shows up! Everyone is welcome to come and be a part of a genuine prayer meeting.

We will be distributing our Thanksgiving Baskets for those who have already signed up on Tuesday, November 25. Each family will be called to come and receive their basket from the Chapel. These food items are provided by many different people and organizations in this community. I am sure that my list is incomplete, but as of this moment, special thanks must go to the Ladies Service Club for their generous donation in which we will be providing Thanksgiving turkeys for each basket. We also can say thanks to the three community churches whose congregants have brought canned goods. I am sure that we will be learning of other donations and I will be sharing them in the next Dolphin Talk edition.

Our Thanksgiving Community Celebration, hosted by St. Joseph Catholic Church, was a grand event. The date was changed this year so that our Catholic community could participate – they have another event scheduled in Port Lavaca on our traditional date. But, we knew it would not be Thanksgiving unless all of us got together and celebrated THANKFULLY as one! Thanks to all who were involved in the planning and who served us during this special time of the year.

The Chapel will have a special Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 7:00 p.m. There will be special singing and time for old-fashion “testimonials”! Everyone is invited to attend this special event and we’ll be praying for those who choose to participate in “Black Thursday” or “Black Friday”, or both!

BUT, in the middle of all your Thanksgiving activities on Thanksgiving Day, please take time to say “Thanks” to God for His special blessings upon us! It would be easy for all of us to complain about many things in our lives, but, please set those aside for a while and concentrate on the blessings you have received.

We barely get through with Thanksgiving until it is time for us to turn our thoughts to Christmas! We have many Christmas activities already planned. On December 1, we will be traveling to Edna for a great Christmas party with area churches. On December 12, we will be going to Port Lavaca for a Christmas Dinner. On December 16, we will be distributing our Community Christmas Baskets for needy families (the deadline to sign up is December 10). On December 21, the Chapel will have its traditional Christmas Party with all its different ways to celebrate! On December 24, we will be hosting a Christmas Eve come and go Communion Service. There are a lot of opportunities to help us celebrate the reason for this season – Jesus’ Birthday!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who welcomes all to come and praise the Lord with us in our unique way. We believe that there is a need for all three churches in this community because our churches are different – and we celebrate our differences, but our oneness, which is in Jesus Christ! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

Este mes queremos dar gracias a nuestro Dios por todo lo que el a echo por nosotros. El es digno de toda alabanza y gloria de parte de sus hijos que somos nosotros. Jesus su hijo, es nuestra salvacion, y El Espiritu Santo es nuestro guia. Nuestro padre celestial nos a dado este gran regalo en que nosotros podemos vivir una vida con gozo y alegria. Dele gracias a el y vera que su gran amor sera visto en usted y en su familia. Que Dios los bendiga y los llene de bendiciones. Salmo 23 versiculo 1, Jehova es mi pastor y nada me faltara. Su hermano en Cristo.

Jesse C. Alderete, Fisherman’s Chapel, 361-482-9485

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