Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Nov 14 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

BUNCO! Closing out the year in its own style will be the Bunco Group on Tuesday Evening, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m.  Gathering in the Back Meeting Room of the Community Center, these avid players will start the evening with a covered dish repast and then continue to exchange gifts prior to the start of play.  New members are welcomed to come and enjoy themselves and meet some other residents of our Community; expertise or prior knowledge of this game is definitely not needed; just needs a lucky throw of the dice!  Contact Shirley Gordon at our Library for further information.
And following later in that first week of December on Friday the 5th  will be the  34th  celebration of the POC Community Service Club’s Annual Christmas Luncheon for our Senior residents.  This has been a yearly event as happily accomplished for many years beginning with a small group of attendees to the last guest list of 120 men and women who come to enjoy the company and food and entertainment by the students of our school.  We, in the Service Club, look forward to this Happening every year and fondly greet our returning guests as they enter the door.  However, this year there will be an empty place to welcome those who come to enjoy this Luncheon as our beloved member, Agnes Valigura who has served as our Greeter for many years and spoke very fondly to each of our guests at a beautifully decorated table is no longer here.

SHARE YOUR DINNER PROJECT as sponsored by the Lions Club.  As you enter our local Speedy Stop or our Bank, you will see large blue tubs for non-perishable food donations that will be forwarded to the Benevolence Fund.  The Fund is a grouping of all three churches here who work to provide those in need with Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets.  Also on the counters of both Speedy and the Bank are smaller cans for monetary donations to this Fund.  The blue tubs welcome cans of cranberry sauce or other fruits, vegetables too, and definitely a box of a cake mix or pudding.  Let’s make these tubs as full as possible as everyone has an extra can or box of something at this time of the year.

If you are ambling down Adams Street on your way to the Post Office or the Library on Saturday, the 22nd of November, and you get a whiff of an incredible mouth watering aroma, better stop and look across the street.  You will see the 3rd Annual Turkey Cookoff as hosted by Eloisa and Joe of Josie’s, and many folks at the forefront of a number of bbq pits with lots of turkeys all emitting that wonderful aroma.  Our own Leroy Smith was the Champion once again last year; who’s challenging him this time?  I’ll be on hand with my camera and appetite; at least I would think I’d get a taste!

It looks like WINTER has arrived; at least that was my impression as I was searching for my thermals at 40+ degrees when I wrote this.  And would you believe that my former City of San Francisco was sweltering with a high of 66!  Yet I still keep seeing those brave and indomitable fishermen going out in the morning for that special catch … and not a cold either!

I welcome any comments and ideas and news of what’s happening in our area at any time; please contact me either by email or telephone.  And thank you for your input and the reading of this column.
361 798-0560


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