The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Nov 14 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

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The 2014 election was a wipe-out for the Dems and Obama. Not only did the GOP win a majority in the Senate, an even larger majority in the House, and a majority of the Governorships, but larger majorities in most of the state legislatures. This is all a reflection of the voter’s rejection of Obama’s socialist Big Govt policies. But did he learn anything from this political spanking? I think not. He is threatening to go “Full Mussolini” on immigration if he can’t trick or brow-beat the Repub leadership into doing what he wants, even while all the polls indicate ‘amnesty’ is hugely unpopular, as much as 80% against. Reportedly even Hispanic males are slightly over 50% against it. They see that the competition for jobs will get worse if the border is not secured. Obama may pretend for the Media to negotiate with the new GOP Congress but it is not in his nature. He has committed to China to further reduce US “greenhouse gases’ by 25-28%, further crippling our efforts to rebuild our economy, but require nothing from the Chinese to reduce their pollution until 2030. See pics and more @:  As of 11/14 Obama said his position on the Keystone pipeline is unchanged. He is planning UnConstitutional executive action on Amnesty. He is not listening, nor does he care what the People want, he has his Agenda and he is sticking to it.

ObamaCare is running off the rails. The prime architect, Jonathan Gruber, admits that they counted on the stupidity of the Voters to accept it. The Govt spends $ millions to propagandize it, lie about number of sign-ups, and stopped any release of the cost increases before the election. Another Supreme Court trial is on the horizon while the evidence against it is mounting.

Border enforcement is nonexistent. The Border Patrol catches them, and Obama orders the courts to release them. Half of the illegals caught are Other-Than-Mexican now, including an increasing number of Muslims. Also reports on UN Muslim refugee resettlement programs indicate that they intend to send 250,000 to 500,000 from Syria, Iraq, and Africa to the good old USA. Obama likes it, but he is about the only one. We really need to stop all immigration, except family members where the family can post bonds that ensure the immigrants won’t be added to the Welfare State, until the border is secure. Stop the incredibly stupid lotteries, especially in countries that hate us, and their people refuse to assimilate. After the border is secure and the criminals and groups that refuse to assimilate are deported, then we can talk about immigration reform that benefits America, not the radical socialist wing of the Democrats.

Obama may have to fire Valerie Jarrett, his senior adviser sometimes called his ‘Commie Mommie’, probable source of his worst ideas and chief stoker of his endless arrogance. This will be a very good thing. A very bad thing is the appointment of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. She is BFF with Sharon Malone, Eric Holder’s wife, and a close friend of Holder. Obama is counting on her to be “The Gate-keeper” and prevent any worthwhile investigation into any of the many Holder malfeasances and Obama scandals. She is very pro-Amnesty, even supports Obama’s anti-Constitutional Executive Order Amnesty; favors civilian trials for jihadists; and is against Voter ID and the death penalty, and favors lighter sentences for blacks in “non-violent” crimes. She really appears as an Alinskyite Obamunist in a Govt suit. The Lib/Prog Media loves her.

The voters expect action from the new GOP Congress. First, they need to approve immediate construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. They need to stop the endless waste of money by Obama. Deport illegals, not house them in luxury resorts. Stop the endless Federal support for advertising and propagandizing of the Obamunist Agenda. Defund the National Endowments of the Arts, National Endowment of the Humanities, and PBS, they are nothing but propaganda and support for radicals. Defund Planned Parenthood, their school programs sexualize young children, encourage “experimentation” and homosexuality as well as push the abortion issue. Stop wasting money on failed “Green Energy Projects”. The Ivanpah solar plant, the world’s largest, was given a $1.6 billion Federal construction loan, now wants a $539 million Federal grant to make the payments because it only puts out about 1/4 of the advertised design capacity. Stop funding all the Global Warming crap, it was a HOAX. Stop the National Institute of Health and CDC from making anti-gun propaganda and maybe we would have effective treatment for Ebola, changas, and the host of other diseases brought here by illegal immigrants. Stop putting healthy workers on Disability to make the unemployment numbers look better. We must reduce the Welfare State, the costs have risen dramatically under Obama, and is completely unsustainable. But that was the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. Many good ideas to reduce the cost of the Federal Govt can be found in 2011’s H.R. 408 ( ) There is much waste and ignoring bad management.

The GOP best heed the message. It is a rejection of Obamunism, giving the GOP a chance to do better. Wild Bill for America says it best: . I also strongly recommend “What Happened?” by Thomas Sowell.


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