A New Library for Port O’Connor

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Dec 14 - Comments Off on A New Library for Port O’Connor

Since beginning the campaign to raise funds to build a new library and learning center, some have had questions and concerns about the project. Hopefully this will help address some of those.

Why do we need a new library?

Our current library has been in a small temporary location since 1988. The space is no longer adequate to house books, computers and provide learning opportunities for children and adults. The computers are few and out-of-date. There are also a large number of wonderful books that are not available for readers, because we simply do not have the space.

Why is $1.2 million the goal of our campaign?

That amount was quoted to us by people who are experienced in this type project. The building, consisting of approximately 5,000 square feet, will not cost that amount. Included in the estimate are architectural and other fees, ADA compliance throughout, permitting, landscaping, etc. And, it is expensive to properly equip a library. The shelving alone can run to several hundred thousand dollars, not to mention the cost of furniture, computers and equipment. The Friends of the POC Library has formed a construction committee to arrive at a more comprehensive budget in order to more clearly define the exact cost.

Who will own the library?

Calhoun County will own the building and the land on which it sits. The land, conveniently located at 6th and Main, was donated by the county and a private trust for the sole purpose of building the library. No director or member of the Friends of the Port O’Connor Library will hold any ownership.

Why do we need a meeting room when there is one in the Community Center?

We would like to offer educational and entertaining programs to both residents and visitors to Port O’Connor along with fun and interesting activities for our children. While the community center offers a very nice meeting room, it is not accessible by foot, bicycle or even golf cart. One goal is to provide summer programs for both visiting and resident children, many of whom may not have transportation available.

The plan calls for a new office for our Justice of the Peace. Will that expose us and our children to sex offenders and other criminals?

No. The Justice of the Peace does not hear those type cases. And we are not building a court room or jury room. No criminal cases are now nor will be heard in Port O’Connor. No parolee or probationer reports to the Justice of the Peace Office. They must report to a parole or probation officer. The office will be used as it currently is but will be a much nicer permanent facility.

Is the drawing shown on the brochure and other literature the final plan for the building?

No, that is a conceptual drawing only.

Who are the Friends of the Port O’Connor Library?

Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing library facilities, service and resources and encouraging donations, gifts, endowments and bequests to the Port O’Connor Branch of the Calhoun County Library System. The Friends of POC Library is governed by a membership elected Board of Directors, Advisory I hope this helps answer your questions, but should you like more information, you are welcome to contact me or any board or advisory board member. Please join us in our effort to build this wonderful enhancement to our community. No donation is too small and if you cannot donate, there are lots of opportunities to help in other ways. Help us get the Port O’Connor Library Branch as up-to-date as the Seadrift Library Branch. Together we can do it. Thank you.

Judy Whitworth
Director, Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc.
Contact: libraryfriendspoc@gmail.com


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