Intercoastal 4-H News by Tarah Munsch

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Dec 14 - Comments Off on Intercoastal 4-H News by Tarah Munsch

At our December meeting, we welcomed two new clover kids into our club, Antonio and Elanah.

Our sewing group is meeting again to make more kennel blankets to donate to animals in need.

POC 4-H and the First Baptist Youth Group are going to team-up again to help out our community with another food drive. Thank you all for being so generous!

Our President, Justin Munsch, had a great time at his career development and leadership conference in San Antonio. He spent the day with the DPS and San Antonio Police Department at their training facility learning about law enforcement careers.

We have also decided to start a photography project! We will be taking pictures around POC and having a monthly photo contest for our club members.

Some of our members are also starting to participate in archery and shooting sports. We wish them luck and hope to have good reports on their meets soon.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Intercoastal 4-H!

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