Texas Sea Grant and the Calhoun County Extension Office are proud to partner with the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce to bring a series of educational meetings to the residents and visitors in our area. The series will run for 8-weeks, on each Thursday of January and February, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in the Meeting Room at the POC Community Center. Each meeting will have a presentation followed by a question and answer time. Currently the schedule is as follows:
Jan. 8: The State of the Gulf — Rhonda Cummins (Coastal and Marine Extension Agent)
Jan. 15: Oysters– Nicole Pringle(TPWD)
Jan. 22: Local watershed information — Stephanie Shelly (GBRA)
Jan. 29: Why water matters to the bay (inflows)– Leslie Hartman (TPWD)
Feb. 5: TBD — Madeliene Cantu (NRCS)
Feb. 12: Seagrasses — Colt Cook (TPWD)
Feb. 19: The invasive Lionfish — Leslie Hartman (TPWD)
Feb. 26: TBD* — Aaron Adams & Andy Gosnell (TPWD)
*TBD – to be determined. At press time the topic was not yet decided.
Please come join us and learn something about our wonderful coastal resources.