Ten of the best years of my life concluded just before Thanksgiving Day when the 52’ wooden boat called Endeavor rolled a hull 180 degrees to an upright position. Now, it looks like a boat, but in December of 2004 it was more of a dream. A nine foot tall stern was cut using several […]
Home > December, 2014
The Endeavor by Larry Wegeman
Saltwater Lodge Outdoor Report by Captain Jeff Larson
How was your 1st half of duck season? I just finished measuring my trigger finger; it was 15% larger than last year at this time, same dry splitting skin areas, but 5% smaller than the year before last. That’s how I measure my 1st half. I think its natural, but most hunters measure their success […]
Thou shall not covet another man’s duck blind By Robert Sloan
The second split of the South Zone duck hunting season is open through Jan. 25, and based on what I’ve seen the past several days we definitely don’t have a shortage of birds on the bays, flats and marsh out of Port O’Connor. In fact, we’ve got redheads swarming like bats out of a cage; […]
Cook Off at Hurricane Junction
Our Lady of the Gulf 4H News by John P. Hernandez
Our Lady of the Gulf 4H started their year on October 3 by electing 4H Officers for 2014-2015. OLG 4H President is Ben Chen; Vice President, Erin Dent; Secretary, Jenny Pham and Reporter, John P. Hernandez. The Calhoun County Fair was held in October from the 14th to 18th. Our members worked hard raising their […]