Cross, New Seadrift Councilman

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jan 15 - Comments Off on Cross, New Seadrift Councilman

Mayor Elmer DeForest (right) swore in Buddy Cross as the newest Seadrift City Council Member on January 6.

Mayor Elmer DeForest (right) swore in Buddy Cross as the newest Seadrift City Council Member on January 6.

At the January 6 meeting of Seadrift City Council, Mr. Jackson D. “Buddy” Cross was appointed to the Council to fulfill the unexpired term of newly-elected Justice of the Peace, Wesley Hunt. Mr. Cross, a retired welder/fabricator who worked at Union Carbide, has lived in Seadrift since 1955. He served on City Council back in the 70’s and was instrumental in getting the Harbor returned to the City. He and his wife, Sally, have three daughters: Laurie Beaver of Seadrift, Christine Gohlke of Port Lavaca, Susan Murphy of Victoria; seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

The City’s election will be held Saturday May 9th and the filing period begins on January 28. The positions up for election are currently held by June Cantrell, Buddy Cross and Johnny Mikolas. It is not yet known if they will be filing for re-election. Filing dates and times are: January 28 through February 27, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 500 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Wednesdays at Seadrift City Hall.

In other business, Mayor DeForest announced that the Corps of Engineers has approved dredging of the channel, but funding must be acquired before the job can begin. Mr. Donald Goldman of Goldman, Hunt & Notz L.L.P. presented the City’s yearly audit report, showing that the City has ended the year in the black and is gradually building equity.

Monthly reports from the various departments were given. Chief of Police Leonard Bermea reported 340 calls for service in the month of December. There were 103 traffic stops, resulting in 30 citations and 51 warnings. There were six arrests: 3 on warrants; 1 possession of marijuana; 1 assault family violence; and 1 driving without a license.

Mayor DeForest reported six building permits issued last month for a property value increase of $22,105.00. The Municipal Court closed 15 cases in December, with fines adding up to $3,507.00. Of this amount, the City keeps $1,962.20; Municipal Court funds amount to $137.33; and $1,407.47 is sent to the State. Thirty new cases bring the current case load to 45.

Code Enforcement, Animal Control, reported three dogs picked up and impounded to Port Lavaca, seven dogs picked up and returned to owners with warnings, one dog picked up and returned to owner with tickets, and finding new homes for two dogs. Ten cats were trapped and impounded and 15 wild animals were trapped. There was one call out for an animal hit by a car and two for animal cruelty (both cleared).

Seadrift City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Seadrift City Hall. All citizens of Seadrift are invited and encouraged to attend and stay informed on the processes of your City government as it works to make and keep Seadrift a great place to live.

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