Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jan 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Wow!!! Here we are beginning new year. 2014 was a good year for Port O’Connor and the Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to even a better 2015. Starting the year off, from what I’ve been told, the Duck Season has been fantastic and fishing has been normal for this time of year.

Officers for the new year have been elected: President- Mary Jo Walker; Vice President- Donnie Klesel; Secretary- Darla Parker; Treasurer- Carolyn Garrison.

The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce accomplished a lot in 2014. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the caring people grouping together for the smallest chores to the largest; it takes all to pull off an event. So with 2015 now here, the Chamber will again need everyone’s help and input of ideas. Also if you make a budget this time of year, please remember all the things the Chamber does for the community with no charge for all to enjoy.

Our biggest event needing donation is the “Annual Fireworks Display”. Without donations this event would not be possible. If possible, help us – no donation is too small or too large.

If you have an upcoming event for 2015, please get the information to the Chamber, so we can get the information on the website calendar and be able to keep up to date to give the information to the many inquiring phone calls we receive.

What we have so far in 2015: Sunrise Service on King Fisher Beach, April 5th; POC Crawfish Festival and Cook-Off Festival, May 2nd; Warriors Weekend, May 15th & 16th; Kids Fishing Tournament & Kite Contest, May 23; Annual Fireworks Display, July 4th.

Thanks to all who entered the Christmas House Lighting Contest. The winners were: Best Commercial – POC RV Park, Betty; Best Religious Theme – Gary & Carolyn Garrison; Most Unique – John & Melissa Doggett; Best Christmas Theme – Otto Harrdt; Most Spirit – Freddy & Nancy Harborth; Most Colorful – Bernie Klein; Most Decorated – Sarah Washburn; Best Overall – Ray & Sherry Roberds.

Renewed Membership–Tigrett Real Estate and Vasquez Construction & Remodeling.

If you want to contact the Port O’Connor Chamber, please call 361-983-2898 or email poccc@tisd.net. I am here to help answer your questions or put you in contact with someone who can. Our web site is: portoconnorchamber.com.

Our next meeting will be February 9th, 6:30 p.m, in the Meeting Room of POC Community Center.

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