The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jan 15 - Comments Off on The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21

Will The GOP Do Better?

In the last few months the “news” has been overwhelmed with Ferguson riots, Mike Brown, and Eric Gardner,  the media manipulation by the Race Baiters, and the constant socialist political drumbeat of blaming the police. The truth is the number of police deaths by violence went up 56% last year. The Media declares ‘Police Brutality’ and ‘Racism!’ while encouraging criminal behavior and resistance to law enforcement. There may be heightened tension, but not the fault of police brutality. See: It is well known that in the ‘news business’, “If it bleeds, it leads!”; but also it served the Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine to distract the Low Info Voters (LIVs) from learning more about the previous scandals and the current unlawful actions of the Obama Admin. The 2014 election victories were more a rejection of 6 years of failed Obama policies, and the voters desire for a return to a balanced and Constitutional Federal Govt, but the RINO hierarchy of the GOP has taken it as a “mandate” to reject their Christian conservative and Constitutionalist base while groveling for Liberal Media approval and adopting a “Go along, Get along” rubber stamp of Obama’s policies. Even the policies that Republicans actively campaigned against like ObamaCare and Executive Amnesty. Now even our Senator John Cornyn, newly appointed as a Majority Whip, has voted the ‘Party Line’ rather than the interests of the people and tax-payers of Texas. Blabber-mouth Sen. John McCain has declared war on the Tea Party, and anyone else that stands for Constitutional govt and fiscal responsibility. Squeeker-of-the-House John Boehner has caved to Obama at every confrontation in hopes of another invitation to play golf and the Media won’t say mean things about him. He desperately needed replacing, but managed to hang on. Obama has gone “Full Mussolini” on Amnesty, stirring up the race & class War on Police, raised the minimum wage for govt workers and contract workers, added some 1200 new ‘regulations’, pushing normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, while basically ignored the last election results.  He is going to do what he wants to do, regardless of Congress, many of his own party, and that pesky old Constitution that the Republicans are incapable, or at least unwilling, of enforcing.  Obama has become Dictator.  Not by revolution, or popular demand, but by default and the endless disinformation of the Mainstream Media. Obama recently claimed that under him, “race relations are better than ever”.  Say WHAT?!?  Nightly reports of riots, arson, attacks on police and firefighters, while ‘Community Organizers’ lead chants for “Dead Cops, now!”, the Black Muslims and the New Black Panther Party call for organizing and training their own armies, and Obama, Holder, and the Media encourage the rioters.  Is this “better” race relations?  Maybe, if your “Ideal” is race war and revolution; that may be the “ultimate solution” for the Obamunists and radical socialist “Democrats” to declare Martial Law and stay in power. And look what the Muslims are up to after 6 years of apologies, coddling, and cover ups.  Al Qaeda/ISIS murder people they don’t like in Paris with impunity now, how long before its in New York or Houston?

For more on Obama and his current usurpation of power, I recommend “His Royal Glibness” by Dr. Thomas Sowell.  One favorite quote:  “Every society has some people who don’t respect the law. But, when it is the people in charge of the law — like the President of the United States and his attorney general — who don’t respect it, that is when we are in big trouble.  Has anyone asked the question, “How could so many people across the country spend so much time at night marching, rioting, and looting, if they had to get up and go to work the next morning?”  -EXCELLENT!-

Gallup did a recent poll on The Concerns of Americans.  The results were surprising, especially compared to the Democrat Agenda and the Lap-Dog Media’s continuous howling. “ Complaints about government leadership — including President Barack Obama, the Republicans in Congress and general political conflict — led the list, at 18%. This was closely followed by mentions of the economy in general (17%), unemployment or jobs (15%) and healthcare (10%). Beyond the top four issues, 8% of Americans named immigration as the country’s most important problem, while 6% mentioned the federal budget deficit or debt and 5% cited ethical or moral decline. All other issues received less than 5% average mentions in 2014.” “Of the top five issues that most concerned Americans in 2014, the economy and unemployment are significantly less dominant than they were even two years ago. At the same time, concerns about government and immigration have been mounting, while concerns about healthcare have consistently simmered at a moderately high level since 2009.” -quotes from article.  The other 13 issues had 4% or less.  Of the issues that seem to most concern Obama & Co.: ‘Race relations/Racism’, and ‘Gap between rich and poor’ each got 3% and ‘Wage issues’ (minimum wage) got 2%.

I don’t expect Obama to pay any attention to this, but the GOP “Leadership” better.  The top 7 issues are most of the Tea Party platform, while Obama’s Agenda issues top out at 3%, don’t make the list, or are in direct conflict with what the American people really want. If the RINOs don’t wake up and pay attention, the voters will reject them in 2016 even worse than they rejected Obama and his Democrat minions in 2014.

Will the GOP do any better than the Leftist Dems lead by the Obamunists?  What we have seen since Nov. 4th doesn’t inspire much confidence. The RINOs better get with the program of trying to restore a Constitutional America, or we should abandon them and form a “third party”, actually a real “second party”, because the RINO lead GOP is not a dime’s worth of difference from the Socialist Democrats when it comes to getting anything done but grow the Federal bureaucracy, create debt, and waste money.

We are at war for freedom, the Constitution, and Western Civilization, continuously attacked by Communists & Anarchists with their Do-Good-er “Socialist Democrat” cheerleaders, Muslims and militant anti-Christians of many types, the Elitist One World Totalitarians, … and now the power-hungry RINOs?  Folks better wake up and start doing something other than watching TV.  Supporting our police might be a good start.

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