What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jan 15 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Not writing anything now as Henry and I have just returned from a very long trip; long but totally enjoyable; at least till the temperature DROPPED!  Then I was very thankful for the non-decorative but very warm sweats I’d brought.

Hope many of our residents had the opportunity to come into our Library during the Christmas Season and were then able to see the many books and dvds our Library offers to our residents.  In addition, there are 5 computer stations that are available to anyone here.  Don’t make yourself a stranger; come see us.

And if you missed our Christmas Celebration wherein you would have found as you entered Christmas Carols of all kinds echoing throughout the room; cookies available for a snack and often coffee too; and delightful decorations throughout our Library, including a stunningly appearing tree, all I can say is wait till next Christmas.  For those, Shirley and I have to thank Ginnie Lichac for helping me decipher the funny instructions needed to set up the tree!  And to Mrs. Grace Stone and her totally enjoyable and enthusiastic daughter, Susan Onishi for their input —- no, their decorating skills that gave our tree and our Library itself a warming Christmasy appearance.  Thanks so much to all of you for your help; next year we’ll do even better, and maybe I can find a plug for my coffee pot!

Hope everyone in Port O’Connor had a delightful and Merry Christmas and we’re all awaiting the next few months of 2015 in our very special New Year!
I know I’ve used the following quote for several years, but it really makes sense.  Just think about it!

“When an old person dies, a Library burns down!” – Karin Gillespie

And we certainly don’t want our Library to burn down!

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