What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? – The Sweetheart Banquet by Doyle Adams

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Feb 15 - Comments Off on What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? – The Sweetheart Banquet by Doyle Adams

For the past several weeks the Church has had several Committees working toward the Annual “SWEETHEART BANQUET”. This Banquet is a very important event in the life of Port O’Connor First Baptist Church and the people of Port O’Connor in general.

This is the twentieth year for the Church to sponsor this special “Valentine’s Day” Banquet we call the “Sweetheart Banquet”. My wife Bernice and I began supervising this banquet in 1995. Bernice passed away in July 2009 and I have continued to lead this great event.

Each year, after the Christmas activity ends, committees begin planning the “Sweetheart Banquet” and I immediately print the tickets to sell. By the way, the Church never makes money on this banquet, there is $600.00 in the Church Budget to cover any cost over the ticket income.

The Food Committee met and individuals were selected to purchase the various food items, silverware and napkins. The steaks were selected and we received so many recommendations on the quality of meat at our Port O’Connor “SPEEDY STOP” that we decided to go with their recommendations. We purchased three steaks, cooked them, and they were delicious. The steaks were seasoned with “Uncle Chris’ Gourmet Steak Seasoning the day before they were cooked and placed in a refrigerator over night. The following day, or the day of the banquet, the charcoal broilers were fired up at 3:00 PM and Chefs Tommy Smith, Ray Roberds, Tom Ekstrom and Doyle Adams cooked 200 beautiful steaks for the Banquet. All the steaks were wrapped in foil and placed in a cooler to remain hot for the Banquet.

In the mean time, the ladies were preparing and cooking the green beans and twice baked potatoes. Diane Cooley was finishing the decorations in the Community Center with her Committee and she was preparing the Special “FABULOUS FIFTIES” Dessert.

When the big night finally arrived, we had an outstanding attendance of 189. Everyone loved the “Fabulous Fifties” decorations and the great “oldies” spun by our DJ, Danny Bourg, and of course, the great food served by the Church Men and Youth.

Door prizes were won by Bob Wadley, Susan Raybon, Brenda Bateman, Rosa Lee Bryant, Twiggy Wadley and Shirley Martin. Special recognition was given to all couples married over 50 years. Marvin and Biddy Hileman, married 65 years, were presented a Valentine Basket and recognized as the longest-married couple in attendance. Also receiving a gift were Frank and Melissa Soto, the newest-married at only 6 months, 4 days.

The final award of the evening, Port O’Connor Citizen of the Year, was presented to Jim and Diane Cooley. The plaque read:

Presented to Jim & Diane Cooley
Port O’Connor Citizens Of The Year 2015
For Your Total Commitment, Hard Work,
Enthusiasm And Dedication
To the People of Port O’Connor
For Your Work In The Port O’Connor School, First Baptist Church
and The Port O’Connor Service Club
For Your Unequaled Enthusiasm And Participation In The Many Annual Port O’Connor Activities
May God Bless You
Port O’Connor First Baptist Church
February 12, 2015

What a wonderful time of first class enjoyment! Everyone left with love in their heart.

Marvin & Biddy Hileman- married 65 years

Marvin & Biddy Hileman- married 65 years


Melissa and Frank Soto - married 6 months, 4 days

Melissa and Frank Soto – married 6 months, 4 days


Becky & Robin Carville dressed for the occasion “The Fabulous Fifties”

Becky & Robin Carville dressed for the occasion
“The Fabulous Fifties”

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