“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Hillary Implodes. How far will it go?

Hillary Clinton has been sold to us as “The Smartest Woman in the World” and “The First Woman President” by the Lib/Prog Media for 23 years. And if there is single consistent fact in politics, it is the Lib/Prog Media doesn’t like to admit they are wrong. But the wheels are falling off the Hillary for President Bandwagon. Even some at NBC have turned on her.

Hillary-Watchers from way-back can tell you that she was the Goldwater Girl that was radicalized before she went to Wellesley, and the transition was completed there. Her thesis was on Saul Alinsky, a radical socialist who was developing tactics to fool and trick Americans into accepting it. Her thesis was ‘withdrawn from publication’ after Bill Clinton and she became major political figures. She was offered a job with Alinsky’s Chicago operation, but chose Yale law school instead. While furthering her education, she met Bill Clinton. She claimed to recognize him as a future president and “hitched her wagon to a star”.

She was a dedicated radical at Yale, working on legal defenses for Black Panther terrorists. She was hired as a lawyer by the Democrats working on the impeachment of Richard Nixon, but was fired because “She was a liar”, her supervisor, Jerry Liefman, a life-long Democrat said, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality”. Now that is really saying something, an attorney too dishonest for the Democrats? At least in the mid-70’s.

Bill Clinton lost an early election in Arkansas and his advisers placed part of the blame on his “hippie wife”, so she gave up the long straight hair, granny glasses, long tie-dyed dresses, and even shaved her legs. Political Success trumps Radical Leftist Chic. She could never pull off “Southern Belle”, but tried hard to look like the wife of ‘a moderate Democrat politician’, not Sasquatch or a hillbilly moonshiner. She made several fortunes while at Rose Law Firm, from ‘cattle-futures’, and other questionable deals, but mostly as Bill’s ‘bagman’ for political influence pedaling. She also learned to “never write anything down”.

As First Lady and self-appointed “Co-President”, Hillary came into her own power. HillaryCare was a bust, but Travelgate, Vince Foster assassination, Bimbo eruptions, the constant trail of Arkansas scandals, even Bill’s impeachment, all kept her in the news, gave her plenty of TV time to make excuses and blame The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, encourage the Liberal Media’s knee-jerk defense of her, and create this Feminist “Poor Hillary, she deserves to be President” meme until it has become part of our culture.

That liberal hysteria got her elected as carpetbagger Senator in New York even after her fit of kleptomania leaving the White House. She was reasonably careful as a Senator with her eye on the Presidency. With the Media scourging George Bush and all Repubs, she was the “shoo-in” in 2008, until a “well-spoken, young, light-skinned black man” with better Alinskyite/socialist credentials entered the race. Her campaign exposed Obama as being Constitutionally ineligible, but Race Card trumps Feminism in the New Democrat Party. She was given Secretary of State as a consolation prize.

Obama says she was a good SecState for HIM, but for America, not so much. She totally blew it. Benghazi is a career-killer. And it is just the tip of the iceberg of Hillary’s miscontrol of Obama’s anti-American Middle Eastern policy. With Muslim Brotherhood’s Huma Abedin as her major adviser, Hillary screwed up everything she touched. The Secret Email Accounts were just an attempt to control access to their communications. Huma is on the same server. Obama’s White House staff have been asked about his Email and refuse to answer. Ambassadors were disciplined for the same thing for their personal Emails, but Hillary is ‘above the law’. She, Huma, and Obama needed the deniability and easy-to-delete communications. They got caught because Hillary’s home-made server is easily accessible to hackers. That makes it a security risk and a crime. They can deny, lie, and whine about it, but the facts are those Emails are out there. That is why Hillary is beginning to back down on all of her excuses. The Democrats and the Lib Media will defend her from accusations of criminal and even treasonous behavior as long as they can protect Obama, but now the “cat is out of the bag” and with Warrants for her server and for the Email accounts that she sent messages to, all may come out. Not only the incompetence, lying, criminality, and treason, but the cover-up! That is what the Dems fear the most. The lying, criminal, Contempt of Congress cover-up. Valerie Jarrett threw Hillary under the bus last Monday, Hillary’s “Use-By Date” expired long ago, especially for the Obamunist Inner Circle. But she has kicked over the fire-ant hill, and all are being bit and stung.

I am not going to try to go over the tidal wave of info, excuses, counter accusations, and phony Media poses, because when it comes down to this political dog-fight, Hillary is over. Even many in the Lib/Prog Media know it; she must be sacrificed to defend The Party. If the real Republicans really defend the Republic and the Constitution, and actually get to the bottom of this, it may be possible to expose the criminality and corruption of the entire Obama Administration. But, never underestimate the ability of the RINOs to snatch “Defeat from the jaws of Victory”. Even if she can weasel out of this Insecure Server Scandal, the millions of dollars she took in bribes for the Clinton Foundation, many from foreigners, including Muslims, some with ties to Wahhabis and Muslim Brotherhood, are going to keep investigators busy for years.

Just my opinion based on my observation and reading, we will see how it plays out. Even Hillary can’t survive this Political Holocaust!

One comment for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Curtis Carter Jr.

Good work, as always, William. Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading your columns, and I’ll keep writing letters to the editor of the Port Lavaca Wave — whether or not they publish them. Thanks. C2

April 14th, 2015 at 7:25 pm
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