The Masonic Lodge provided dental health kits to first graders at Seadrift School. The kids learned how to take care of their teeth to prevent dental issues by eating healthy, brushing properly, and flossing.
Mrs. Anderson teaches her first grade class about the anatomy of chicken eggs. Landin Rhoads and Anthony Flores observe the chalaza. Did you know that the chalaza are ropes of egg white that hold the yolk in the center of the egg. It acts like little anchors to attach the yolk to the membrane of the eggshell which prevents it from getting damaged. The more visible the chalaza is, the fresher the egg! Isn’t science amazing? POC School
Kindergarten students are learning about the differences in birds and fish. Students made binoculars out of tissue rolls and went bird watching. Shown here using their binoculars are Mason Miller-Hewes, Mato Sanchez, Adamariz Zuniga, and Shelby Wheat. POC School
8-year-old Antonio Gloria, a second grader at Port O’Connor School, sent us this picture showing what he likes about living in Port O’Connor.