Female Judges at State Capitol

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 15 - Comments Off on Female Judges at State Capitol
Judges Pomykal and Rosenboom at the State Capitol.

Judges Pomykal and Rosenboom at the State Capitol.

On April 13th Judge Nancy Pomykal, Justice of the Peace Pct. 5 and Judge Janet Rosenboom, Seadrift Municipal Judge attended the first ever FEMALE JUDGES DAY AT THE STATE CAPITOL.  Senator Royce West, Senator Joan Huffman and Rep. Senfronia Thompson sponsored the event.

Texas has approximately 1,006 female judges presiding at every level of Texas courts.  Female jurist from city municipal judges, and justices of the peace to judges of the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals were honored and recognized.

It was an exciting day.  Dressed in black robes, approximately 130 female jurists were in attendance. The group met in the Supreme Court room for brief networking and photo op with the senators and Supreme Court judges. They were then escorted to the Senate chamber where they were seated in the gallery while the resolution was read and adopted. After the visit to the senate, the judges were escorted to the House of Representatives where they were again recognized. A photo op was held on the south steps of the capitol and a reception for the judges sponsored by the National Association of Female Judges, was held in the capitol building.

“Judge Rosenboom and I felt honored and privileged to attend such a prestigious event. I have always enjoyed going to the capitol, but being there to be recognized by the Senate and House of Representatives made the day extra special.”  Judge Pomykal said.

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