Political Clubs Meet

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 15 - 0 Comments

Democrats  To Meet
The Calhoun County Democrats Club meets Thursday, May 28, with social/snacks at 5:30 and meeting at 6 pm, American G.I. Forum, 2786 West Main, between Taquerica La Finca Restaurant and REXCO.  Our Port Lavaca’s new  Economic Development Director Chad Odom, our featured speaker, will present his ideas for coordinating efforts to grow and bring businesses to our city.  All are invited.  Come one!  Come all!  For more information, please call Evelyn Burleson at 552.2791.


Republican Club Meets June 1
The Calhoun County Republican Club invites you to the next meeting to listen to guest speaker Edward Jones Financial Advisor Brenda Christensen, AAMS. Her presentation will be on Outlook and Opportunities – finding the prevailing wind, the investment market, and the economy as affected by inflation.
The meeting will be held in the meeting room at Beijing Buffet, Calhoun County Plaza, Port Lavaca, on Monday, June 1, 2015. Social will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting will begin at noon. FMI please call 261/551-8411 or 361/935-0656.             -Rita Miller

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