Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

The Crawfish Festival is behind us now and was enjoyed by hundreds. So mark your calendars for the 1st Saturday in May of 2016, as the 4th Annual Crawfish Festival will be underway.

This weekend is the heart warming Warriors Weekend. We owe these people more than we can ever repay. Please come out and visit and let them know just how much we do care and appreciate what they have given for us.

Saturday, May 23rd, will be the Annual Kid’s Fishing Tournament for children 3-12 yrs., held at King Fisher Park & Beach, time is 9 a.m.-11 a.m.–all must register before beginning to fish, free bait will be furnished; trophies will be awarded for category winners. In 2014 there were over 60 children and we’re looking forward to more this year. Beginning at 1 p.m. will be a Kite Contest. The kites can be bought or homemade. There will be categories for all ages; trophies also awarded. Looking forward for some breeze to make this event a beautiful thing.

If you have not seen the new pavilion, you must drive down to King Fisher Park, get out and walk down and enjoy what the Chamber has been working for the past three years. This would not be a reality if not for all who have given time and money to make this a reality.

Next Chamber meeting will be June 8th-6:30 p.m. in meeting room of POC Community Center. I know we have a lot of newcomers in Port O’Connor, so come out and get involved with things going on. Give your ideas and suggestions.

New and Renewed members–2015:

Mike & Peggy Macha
Unlimited Logos, LLC
Port O’Connor R.V.Park
Prokop Custom Homes, LLC
Joe & Vera Wiatt
POC Pirate Fishing, LLC
Scott & Kelly Wheat
Napa Auto Parts & Machine
Ron Elkins Guide Service
Alan & Robyn Roberts
Bugman of Weimar, Inc.
Josie’s Mini Mart
Family Affair Creations/ Butler’s Landing
Josie’s Restaurant & Cantina/ Paradigm Diversified
Coastal Bend Marine

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