“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Global Warming, Fraud, & Government Usurpation

I strongly recommend that everyone, whether you believe in “Man-Caused Global Warming” or not, read Dark Winter, How the Sun is Causing a 30 – Year Cold Spell by John L. Casey. Mr. Casey has had a 35 year career in science and space technology with NASA and as a consultant. He is currently the President of Space and Science Research Corporation. The Seadrift library has a copy. You should ask the County Library to get one to every branch.

I have long believed solar activity is the major source of climate change and is cyclical, with several cycles, from many thousands of years (Ice Ages) to short-term of about 10 years. Mr. Casey’s research over the last decade explains that, and identifies 3 of these shorter term cycles – the Schwabe Cycle that averages 11 years (7-17 years), the Centennial Cycle (90-100 years) and the Bicentennial Cycle (about 206 years), the most powerful of these Relational Cycles. Mr. Casey documents and explains the last Dalton Minimum with historical facts, the rising warm cycle to the “Global Warming” hysteria of the 1990’s, the probable peak at 1998, and the projected falling temps to a “Cold Era” of 2020-2045 with the bottom of the cycle 2031-2037. The following Warm Era 2070-2090 will be less warm than 1990-2010. Forget about the “Al Gore and Media” hysterics, people survived the last cold spell in 1800’s with their limited technology, though crop damage and famine was a problem in the northeastern US and other parts of the world.

The main part of the book is only 45 pages, the following 119 pages are documentation. Please read the Forward, Preface, and especially the Introduction where he states:

“The theory of man-made global warming and climate change based on human greenhouse gas emissions is the greatest international scientific fraud ever perpetuated on the world’s citizens!”

Why is this FRAUD so popular? First, there are many PhD graduates that have very little employment opportunities, but have been ‘socialized’ in their education to want “more govt oversight for the good of the collective”. Govt grants offer lucrative employment, so they produce the findings that the govt entities issuing the grants want, skewing the data is easy when necessary. Why do the UN, the Liberal-Progressives, and totalitarians around the world want to push this fantastic fraud? Simple – Power, Control, and Money! All govts know that to expand their power they must convince their citizens, subjects, and taxpayers that The Govt is protecting them from some ‘Enemy’ to justify more taxes, regulations, and limits on their freedom. “Global Warming and Climate Change” is ‘The Perfect Enemy’ because climate-change is natural and never ending, and the premise of “Man-caused Greenhouse Gases” as the culprit is totally false, so this ‘Enemy’ can never be defeated! However, as long as the people are afraid they will support any Govt Program to try to defeat it. This is the perfect excuse to tax almost anything, to ban anything the Elites don’t want you to have, to usurp your property rights, or even confiscate your property and savings if you are accused of contributing to “greenhouse gases”, which includes breathing – exhaling CO2! The most beautiful scam of all is selling “Carbon Credits”. If you produce more carbon, or anything else they decide to ban, you must purchase Carbon Credits or face horrific fines or imprisonment. These Carbon Credits are simply created from nothing but computer entry. And there will be a ‘Carbon Credit Exchange’ to handle the sale and trades of these Carbon Credits, controlled of course by political cronies. Like a ‘Stock Exchange’ based on a fraud. Obama is now calling it an “Emergency” so he can deal with it by Executive Orders – Dictator Powers.

This Obama Administration has also created another “Emergency Condition” by taking Race Based Politics to a new level. Obama and his minions have repeatedly sided with young black criminals, gangster wannabes, and Professional Race Baiters, even against the police. Their very public support encourages riots and the intervention of race-baiters and active anti-capitalists (communists). At one level this is just political posturing for their active base, but we are now seeing one of Obama’s “political mouthpieces”, Al Sharpton, demanding Federal oversight over all police forces. The excuse is ‘police abuse’ of criminals, especially “minority suspects”, usually with a laundry list of arrests and documented offenses. Now, why do the Obamunists want control over all the country’s police, down to local police? They don’t even enforce the laws that are Federal jurisdiction! Like Border Security. But that is another potential “Emergency”.

History shows this is a major step in the march from a democratic Constitutional Republic to a socialist state and to a totalitarian communist state. In a Constitutional Republic it is a UNION of the States that creates the Federal Govt to handle foreign affairs, trade, defense, border security, and regulate disputes between States. The States have their own laws, courts, and police; elected and paid by the People.

In a Socialist State the Federal (Central) Govt regulates most things and tells the States what they can and can not do. The Federal Govt gives “money” to bribe state officials to enforce their ‘laws’ and ‘social programs’. Federal courts and bureaucracies start to micro-manage the State’s business, independent school districts, and all forms of ‘wealth-creation’ – farming, manufacturing, fishing, mining, & energy production. It is incremental at first, but constantly expanding.

The only difference between a Socialist State and a Communist State is the degree of control and enforcement. A Communist State must have the Coercive Force to enforce its doctrine. Therefore, the Central Govt (Federal) must have an overpowering police force, Federal Courts that can get in the State’s business and over-power State courts, and a “Domestic Military” to enforce the ‘doctrine’. The “Domestic Military” can be called anything – Federal Police, Gestapo, KGB, Dept of Homeland Security – but it is loyal to the controlling regime, not bound by law or Constitution, to enforce strictly any program of the Regime or Party.

That is what Al Sharpton wants for the Dems and the Obamunists. A Federal Police or Domestic Military with both the regulatory authority and the physical military superiority to strictly enforce the doctrine, any doctrine, of the current Regime on the States and the People. We are seeing the Federal Govt tell the States that they CAN NOT ask for proof of citizenship to register to vote. This with the huge influx of illegal aliens and the politicization of their demands for citizenship. Is this the ‘last best hope’ of keeping the Liberal Progressive Socialists in power? Or simply foment a revolution before the 2016 election? The “laws” are in place for an Emergency “Continuation of Govt”. Van Jones explained the Obamunist plan for socialist change, pressure from the top down and the bottom up. Obama, Eric Holder, and others at the top encouraging the Race Rioters, Occupy Wall Streeters, Socialists, Militant Homosexuals, and Climate Change Fanatics at the bottom, with the Lib/Prog Lap-dog Media cheering them all on.

Sharpton would be pitching a fit if a Republican Administration wanted a Domestic Military or National Police Force. Then it would be a HUGE VIOLATION of the CONSTITUTION!

It is all about “Coercive Force”, and who controls it. When the Govt fears the People there is Liberty; but when the People fear the Govt there is Tyranny. That is why the Bill of Rights has the 2nd Amendment. It is really about freedom, personal & property rights, liberty, and even civilization vs. tyranny, out-of-control Central Govt, oppression, slavery, and death. Freedom is not FREE, if you won’t stand and defend it, you will surely lose it. We are certainly at a crucial point in history; to restore our Constitutional Republic or slide into Marxist tyranny. The totalitarian boot in the face of humanity…, forever.

3 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Shirley Biamonte

First I wouldlike to comment to the editor. I really had a problem finding this article. It is not listed as a currant/new posting by Mr Brayshaw. I completely missed his last article.

Mr Brayshaw is current & correct about the “Global Warmming” SCAM. Anybody with a highschool education, & a sicence class should know without CO2
we will be living on a BROWN PLANET. All living things must have CO2. The globlist freaks just want to charge you for what was a given right by GOD , when he created earth. Should we have respect & take care of the planet? Absolutely! That is a given. In MHO this is so far the biggest Scam/Fraud yet by a government that has proved it cannot be trusted. Sicentist that are not on the government payroll have come out with facts that are proof of the fraud. The earth is not discenerateing & going away before your eyes. Mother nature works in cycles. People need to investigate HARPP in Alaska. A closed to the people secert agency. They are the ones creating the Chem trails, shooting stuff into the atmosphere, trying to create, rain, storms, and we really don’t know their function. They are experienmenting with our lives on this earth. All in the name of science. Knowledge is good, but too much can be fatal, to human beings. I have a hard time with scientific terms, but can read between the lines. Anytime government is pressing for more of your hard earned money, is time to look at the reason. They change the name of the project, use scare tactics,to create a world on the edge. Are you aware our CIA & WAR MONGORS created ISIS? The left in the USA is throwing everything against the wall hoping something will stick. They have never had a more willing pardner till you voted the perfect MARXIST in. Now creating a race war, pitting race against race, hoping to sit back & watch the fireworks. So far we Patriot Americans are not falling for it. All we have left is to protect our families & our property when it comes crucial. The morons need to wake up to the fact that the government is not going to protect you. You must stand on your own 2 feet & show the MARXIST what AMERICANS are made out of. IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. if it comes down to a showdown “Die Standing On Your Feet Not On Your KNEES”.

May 16th, 2015 at 8:53 am
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you, Shirley.
I try not to write about things that I can’t document my arguments. Already have too many accusations of being a “Conspiracy Theorist” LOL!
I confess to being a “Conspiracy Investigator”, there is no “theory” about the Global Warming Scam or the reasons behind it.
On HAARP: if you are talking about the extra-low frequency antenna “farm” for weather control in Alaska, I am aware of it since late 70s, early 80’s.
It is a copy of a Soviet array across the Bering Sea. Low-freq and Extra-low-freq (ELF) were/are used as long-range radio communications and also through ocean water for submarines. The Soviets also found that with a vast antenna array they could somewhat control weather ‘fronts’. By delaying Polar Air Masses they could encourage rainfall in Siberia when desired.
Also the theory is by delaying these Polar fronts, they tend to strengthen and therefore are causing much stronger and more violent storms when they flow down the Rocky Mountains and into the Great Plains. This “weaponizing” of weather fronts is open to many conflicting arguments as to its effectiveness vs. the huge power requirement to power the transmitters to establish the “standing wave” of radio energy necessary to have any effect. It is possible, has been demonstrated, and probably has been used to incite “Climate Change” fears.
Contrails are a natural phenomenon caused by condensation caused by pressure changes as air flows over the air-foil of an airplanes wing to create lift. Usually dissipates fairly quickly. What are the reasons for the long-lasting “Chem-trails” and what chemicals are used, or for what effect? I don’t know. Those that do know are not telling, at least anything believable. There is much speculation about this, some is pretty fantastic. If they won’t tell you a believable truth, it is probably not good.

I firmly agree with your last statement. Hopefully it won’t come to that, IF the majority of Americans wake up and realize that that are groups that want to “Fundamentally Change America”, and not for the better.
Mostly for their own Agenda and selfish benefit.

Thank you for reading the Dolphin and tell your friends.

May 16th, 2015 at 3:54 pm
shirley Biamonte

I forgot on my last post Senator Stevens from Alaska was Killed in a plane crash on the way back to DC. As rumor has it, it was said he was ready to lower the boom on HARPP & tell what they do there. He told some of his buddies in DC from what I read. Anyway he was in a fatal plane crash about a week later.

May 16th, 2015 at 5:22 pm
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