BUG Awards at Port O’Connor School

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Jun 15 - Comments Off on BUG Awards at Port O’Connor School
The Kiwanas Club treated Port O’Connor students who received BUG awards to an end of year party and even gave away scooters to two lucky winners.  Students attending the BUG party were: Derek Tausch, Justin Gossett, Kendal Mooney, Adalia Gossett, Ethan Redding, Dylan Ramirez and Kiwana’s representative, Mrs. Jane Daniel.

The Kiwanas Club treated Port O’Connor students who received BUG awards to an end of year party and even gave away scooters to two lucky winners. Students attending the BUG party were: Derek Tausch, Justin Gossett, Kendal Mooney, Adalia Gossett, Ethan Redding, Dylan Ramirez and Kiwana’s representative, Mrs. Jane Daniel.

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