A Whale for Children

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jun 15 - Comments Off on A Whale for Children

Art exhibit benefits children.

German artist Dieter Erhard, proprietor of Art Center Seadrift, spends much of his talent and time supporting children. His latest exhibit, including 20 art pieces, opened April 17 in front of the castle “Weissenstein” in the town of Pommersfelden, Germany.

The benefit night began with children singing songs about whales. A magic show and auction with some donated limited edition artworks by the artist, filled a wonderful evening.

The centerpiece of the evening was the unveiling of the 25-foot whale as it was highlighted by black light flood beams. When Dieter built the plexiglass whale, he went to the local jail for assistance. Twenty-eight inmates, including the director and social worker, helped put the plexiglass pieces on. It took three people counting all afternoon to count the number of plexiglass pieces.

The selected 90 guests were given chances to guess how many pieces composed the whale. Number varied from 6,000 to one million, 38 thousand!

The opening exhibit raised $5,000 to equip the local school with new musical instruments and $2,400 for the center for starving children in San Miguel Duenas in Guatemala.

The whale is now being exhibited at other locations to raise more money for children as chances are purchased to guess the correct number of plexiglass pieces comprising the whale.

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