Christians, Culture War, and the Liberal Media

Like most of us, I consider myself to be a Christian. Maybe not a real good Christian, but a Christian nonetheless. About a year or so ago I started hearing about a family called the Duggars. We don’t have broadcast TV here, so most of my information comes from the Internet. While at the local Seadrift Library one day I saw a book about this family. Being an avid reader on just about any subject, I was curious. It was interesting reading. Actually I was surprised to see that some Christians still believe in chastity before marriage and other ideals we old folks grew up with, that have seemed to have gone by the wayside. I read another book about them when it came to the library and then pretty much forgot about them.

Now we read about how offended the atheists and the Muslims are when Christians do most anything at all. Would someone please explain to me how someone who thinks God does not exist can be offended by Him? How can you be offended by something you don’t believe even exists? Aren’t you tired of everyone ELSE being offended all the time just because THEY are different? We believe in God and Country and what is right, and the Atheists hate us, the Muslims hate us. Why do Christians always have to accommodate the non-believers and the haters? Yes, I know, because we are Christians. But enough is enough. Those kinds of folks are hard enough to contend with, but now it seems we also have a rash of perversions growing around the world and all of those people hate us now as well.

Now it is only fair that all the gays who want to, can leap out of their closets and expect to be regular folks. Except, regular folks mostly don’t define themselves by their sexual identity. Now they want to re-define the word marriage to include them marrying each other, and they are offended when we don’t agree with them. God also gave you the gender he wanted for you and most of us regular folks just accepted it and never thought of it again. But now we have grade schools accommodating 7-12 old children who THINK they might be the other sex than what they were born with. Of course since they are children they have no idea who they are yet or what they want, but since this nonsense is all over the media the past few years, they are little kids, and they will try to see how much they can get away with. Like being able to go to whatever bathroom or locker room in their school that THEY choose for the gender they THINK they prefer. At that age most can’t decide if they want chocolate or vanilla ice cream, but they just know they are the wrong gender?

And now we have Caitlyn Jenner aka Bruce Jenner. These poor kids certainly don’t want to end up like HE did, well, that is before all the notoriety and the operations. Because as the male person he was born as, he became a sports hero, won an Olympic Gold medal, and was a husband and a father. But somehow after 65 years he decided he had always been uncomfortable with who he was, and gee, it must be because he really should have been a woman all this time. Okay, whatever. If you are that messed up, I feel bad for you, but do you really need to become a “national icon” with your name and your face (faces) and family plastered all over the news day and night forever? I guess you do. I guess it was the publicity you wanted the whole time after YOU personally were no longer a sports figure and your silly Kardashian family became more important in the news than you were. The worst thing is, there are so many people in this country who just love to read about this sort of thing… can’t seem to get enough of it, plus the media is making him a hero again because of his great courage. What?? This is what I thought happened with the Duggars. But I was wrong.

I could not figure out why in the world they would tell the news media about what their one little 14 year old boy did, and all of a sudden bring the whole country down on top of him. Publicity? What? Well, what happened to this family goes back to the Christian haters, the media this time. When this first happened, this boy felt so embarrassed by what he did (touching through clothing) he confessed to his parents, who then discussed it with the family (which is when the girls first found out about it… they were not really traumatized and ruined for life, as they were not even aware it happened and of course still loved their brother.) They all decided on some follow up counseling and there were no further problems.

UNTIL…. 12 years later, the Liberal Media seeking to ridicule a popular Christian TV family, managed to find out about this and made a big deal out of it. These young married women are being victimized by the anti-Christian media over something long passed and minor. As the older sister stated, my brother was going through puberty and curious about girls, and did something improper. The girls were not harmed by that, but by the silly media storm over a very minor thing. If the Duggars did not reveal this, how did the Media find out about it? All those records are supposedly strictly confidential. But the Media will pay large sums for any “incriminating info” of a sexual nature. Remember when the media was offering big money for anyone to make even an ‘allegation’ against Gov. Rick Perry during the 2012 Presidential Campaign? They try to create the “news” they want, even if there is none. They should be held responsible for malfeasance, slander, and violating the right to privacy in a family counseling matter involving minor children.

The Duggars did not want or need the whole world to know about any of this, but the news media did!!! And compared to 7 year old girls wanting to be boys and 65 year old ex-decathlon champions having surgery to become 65 year old women… the Duggar story is just boring. Not sordid at all. But by golly, once the media gets into sealed records to try and find something sordid, we will be listening to how horrible this disgusting Christian family is, until some other Christians comes along for them to try and destroy.

By Karla Burland

Mrs. Carol Fisher, last month pointed out in a Letter to the Dolphin that young people play very offensive music and music celebrating illegal drugs in public as a an intentional insult to Christians, patriots, and parents. She asks local politicians to take some actions to prevent this. Lady, I agree whole-heartedly, but don’t expect much to happen. The political powers of the Socialist Democrat Party are fully committed to their Marxist/Alinskyite Culture War. They want to corrupt your children with libertinism and perversion that they define as ‘The New Normal’ and are willing to use ‘entertainment media’, drug culture, and the irresponsibility of rebellious youth to push it to new depths of depravity. Drugs and sexual promiscuity have lost their shock value, so the new frontal attacks are now homosexuality and transsexualism, direct attacks on Christianity, violence and degradation against women, and violence against the police and any other figures of authority, economic responsibility, common sense, or civilization. And it is all part of The Plan.

Check #s 22-26, also 15, 17, 28, 40 & 41.

I am amazed that “atheists” that claim disbelief in any God can be so sorely offended by those that do, and try to live by and teach their children a reasonable moral code and individual responsibility. How can one possibly be offended by something they claim does not exist? But the current crop of Liberal/Progressive “leaders” are on such an anti-Christian campaign that they even ally with the Muslims. They ignore the facts that Muslims violently oppress women, and execute adulterers, homosexuals, blasphemers, apostates, and others that the Lib/Progs greatly favor in our society. Islam is far more oppressive to those ‘favored minorities’ than Christianity whose message is “hate the sin, but love the sinner”, where Islam mandates killing them. There is an amazing double standard – where any mention of Christianity is forbidden in public schools and universities, these facilities now offer Muslim prayer rooms. It simply boggles the mind. But “Liberalism” is often described as a mental disease.

These “Culture Warriors” go even beyond the double-standard into willful invention. Like the Duggar Molestation Scandal, Karla cited above. The Lib/Prog Media must be held accountable for their actions.

As Sarah Palin pointed out, what about Lena Dunham actually molesting her much younger sister? Where is the Media condemnation and shame for that real molestation? This demonstrates the Liberal Media’s willingness to ridicule and demonize a Christian family dealing with a minor disciplinary problem while encouraging a liberal pervert and proven liar that pushes the Lib/Prog libertine and perverted agenda.

By Bill Brayshaw

3 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


I always get a kick out of the honesty and heartfelt beliefs that Mr. Brayshaw has, and the direct, in your face presentation. He is a man of true heart and soul. This article includes narrative from obviously his significant other, wife, partner, or whatever you wish to call Ms. Burland. Mr. Brayshaw, you have serious competition, or might I say, seriously honest, pleasantly capable, complimentary wisdom in Ms. Burland. Wow, what a team. Keep up the good work, honesty and just pure telling it like it is.

June 20th, 2015 at 11:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

I thank you so much.
Karla and I have more or less together since 1976.
After that Forestry contract season, because I had been a ‘Maintenance Officer’ and ‘Test Pilot’ without proper Army training, I decided to go to Douglas Community College to get my FAA License.
(I had been almost ‘busted’ my the FAA because I was doing some minor repairs to necessary instrument inputs. I had a friend that was an A&P and an AI, flying the B-17 Slurry Bomber, and he said he was training me and inspected my work).
Because I had a very successful season with a wore-out Boeing Boelkow Messersmitt. The company Rep promised me a free-ride to the Boeing School if I got an A&P License and also Karla if she got hers.

Karla was the first woman to graduate from the Boeing-Boelkow School, as I did.

The Boelkow is an excellent helicopter, but the company I worked for was NOT.

Karla enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam War and was a Dental Technician, though her best scores & her choice was to be a Radio Operator. But she had enlisted without any “guarantee” of school.
Oh, well.
Trust the Gubbermint and see what you get…?

June 20th, 2015 at 9:22 pm
K. Burland

Mike.. That is quite a compliment. I am not sure what to say, other than, thank you!

June 20th, 2015 at 11:09 pm

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