Vera Wiatt; Donnie Klesel and Mary Jo Walker, POC Chamber of Commerce; Allan Berger, San Antonio Bay Partnership; Shelly Plante, TPWD; and Alan Raby, Dolphin Kayaks POC cut the ceremonial ribbon on the new Paddling Trails kiosk on Thursday, July 9.
New Paddling Trail Opens
Port O’ Connor has lots of paddlers. Whether fishing or just enjoying the view of nature, kayaks offer a unique option to enjoy our waters. On Thursday morning July 9th, kayakers celebrated the official grand opening for the new POC Paddling Trails. This joint project of community sponsors including Calhoun County, Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce, Westside Calhoun County Navigation District, and San Antonio Bay Partnership in cooperation with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) establishes marked routes that make the POC Paddling Trails some of the longest marked paddling trails in the state. A new kiosk and map located near the Little Jetties Launch Site at Washington and Commerce show the routes available to paddlers.
The POC Paddling Route consists of a series of interconnecting trails. Twelve miles of expansion included two new trails named Pass Cavallo J-hook Trail and Barroom Bay Trail. Existing trails were renamed Fishpond Trail, Big Pocket Trail, Mule Slough Trail, and Matagorda Island Trail. Together they offer 40 miles of paddling fun and opportunity along the shores of Espiritu Santo and Matagorda Bay and through their saltwater marshlands. The trails have routes to paddle several hours, all day or even several days for paddlers from beginner to master level to enjoy.
Free Kayak Lessons were offered after the ribbon cutting Thursday, and Alan Raby of Dolphin Kayaks was on hand to instruct newbies and sign up others for the guided paddle planned Friday July 10 at Boggy Park. The public was invited to hone their kayaking skills at this free event. After these two outings, beginners could participate in monthly paddles in SABP’s Explore the Bay paddling events. For more information on paddling fun, contact master naturalist and local kayak enthusiast AllanRBerger@comcast.net or Dolphin Kayaks on Adams St. Take a look at the new kiosk and the paddling trails map.
Kayaking is a great way to see a different view of the bays we call home. Try it, you just might like it!