Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jul 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Here it’s the middle of July, all the “BOOMS” have come and gone. Seems every year the ‘Annual Fireworks Display’ gets bigger and better. I think it would be surprising if we knew just how many people come from near and far to enjoy this event each year. The Chamber wants to say a big “THANK YOU” to people that make this possible with their DONATIONS. No donation is too small or large; without you there would be no show!!! Thanks go out to everyone that helps to put this on. A lot of you go unnamed, but you know you are a big part of this. THANKS to the volunteers that make this event possible.

Our community has been very busy this summer. By the time this paper comes out again, school will be starting and business will be slowing down once again. There have been calls asking if there will be a Labor Day Bash for 2015, and the answer is there is not one scheduled for this year.

The Chamber appreciates all the Fishing Tournaments that have promoted business for our community, along with the upcoming tournaments. If you have a flyer for a Tournament, email to 361poc@gmail.com and it will be sent out to our email list. If you are not on our email list and would like to receive our emails, please let us know.

New & Renewed Members
(I apologize I missed a couple last issue.)

Cathy’s Restaurant
Middleton’s Advertising
Hammertime Guide Service
Larry & Beverly Hedtke
Tom & Pat Ekstrom
B & B Upholstery, LLC
Dolphin Kayak & Water Sports
Salt Blossom

Next meeting will be August 10, 2015 –6:30 p.m.–POC Community Center–Everyone is invited.

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