You’ve heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child….well, this little community has some great villagers. Many of our children have gained new skills, enjoyed new experiences and found new hobbies and talents through the input, love and sharing of their neighbors, church friends and community. First Baptist started the summer strong with a great Vacation Bible School. Fishermen’s Chapel took a group to the farm country to hike, shoot, cook out and camp under the stars; and Nathan and Darin Luna reintroduced Friday Night Youth at the Chapel. Community volunteers taught youth to clean fish at the pantry project on tournament weekends. The POC VFD gave fire truck tours to dozens of kids during July 4th and other community summer functions. The Tuesday painting group for children has produced some masterful work, confident skills and new friendships. The community swimming lessons helped a big group of children with swimming skills and safety, and would not have been possible without the generous pool hospitality of Kenneth and Grady Jean Clark. The list goes on and on. Our village is busy and full of great children.
Now, our children will be returning to school and to learning a whole different set of skills and abilities. It is an exciting and busy time for children, families and the community. For some students school is fun, an adventure and a happy occurrence. For others it is a struggle, a trial and a test of their self esteem. We must be sensitive to children’s needs when school starts again. Teachers are tasked not only with reading, writing and arithmetic; but must coach and model diplomacy, negotiation, coping skills, tolerance, and perseverance. We must help those educators of our future and shapers of our tomorrows in every way we can. Set up those children, both young and a little older, for the success they deserve. Help them learn that all of their friends and classmates will be smart, just smart in different ways. Show them that those so dissimilar from us are not to be feared or bullied; but that diversity and out of the ordinary are the best of our world, and can teach us new things about ourselves. Our attitudes towards the atypical and uncommon are contagious, so be careful what children are catching when they spend time with you.
Also use your voice, your presence and your pocketbook to endorse our children. Support school supply drives, obey school zone signs and talk positively about their return to school. Support school functions and projects. Buy the popcorn or cupcakes, go to the carnival and Night Out, attend the programs and listen when they tell you what they did at school. Go to the ball games and musicals, and tell them they did a good job whenever you get the chance. Children know what is genuine, so, be real and authentic with your praise and support and help them whenever possible. The POC Elementary always needs volunteers and mentors. The other schools have many programs for volunteering as well. The church and community youth groups depend upon the community to serve the children in our community. Pitch in, share your talents, and give where you can. This is your village, so help to make it the kind of place you would be happy to live. Be a force for change for the good and take care of the members of your village today!