Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Sep 15 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

The Lord is working at the Chapel! We are seeing great things accomplished, for which we are extremely thankful. Our greatest joy is in seeing the Spanish speaking services going forward. We have been praying for this for almost the entire 20 years we have been in Port O’Connor. If there is sufficient interest, we will be starting a Spanish Speaking Sunday School Class in the near future. My Spanish is limited to “Menu Spanish;” I can navigate around a Mexican Menu without little problem, but we are honored to have Hermano Jesse and Hermana Angie Alderete here to minister the Word for us. Everyone who speaks Spanish is welcomed to come and be a part of these special services. Services in Spanish are held each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

The Chapel is taking on a new look. The entire Chapel has been refreshed. There is new flooring, new paint, new lights, and a total make-over that is strikingly updated. God has blessed us with people who are willing to work and are making a difference. Come and see!

Our men are planning a camp out at the Farm on Thursday, September 17 through Saturday, September 19. We are taking our shotguns and plan to harvest a few doves. It will be a lot of fun watching “good shots” miss. We will be joined by men from LaVernia and Nixon, who will come and attempt to show us up. All interested men should contact David at 817/881-3868 for further information.

Friends and family of Kaelin Bell will gather at the Chapel on Sunday, September 20, at 2:00 p.m. for a bridal shower. Kaelin and Josh are planning an October 3rd wedding. This will be a special event in this young lady’s life and all are invited to attend.

We have been hosting several guests in our Retreat Center. We will be hosting a group from New Braunfels later this month and three groups are planning to come in October. Our goal is to have groups come to Port O’Connor to help create an atmosphere of Christianity here. We believe that as these groups come to pray, sing and fellowship the “windows of Heaven” will be opened and blessings will fall!

Thank you for all the gracious words of comfort that have been coming to Pastor Joane as she mourns the loss of her brother Kenny. Kenny was only 62 when he passed and his memorial service was in Houston on September 5. Many have called and come by just to say “we love you” and only those who have experienced this grief know the power of those words! Thank you!

Captain Robert led another successful Captain’s Class here from August 21 through August 28. Eleven men completed the course and are moving forward in their careers. There is one more Sea Academy class scheduled at the Chapel this year. All those interested in obtaining their Captain’s Licenses should mark November 13 through November 20 and call as soon as possible. Captain Robert can be reached by calling the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184 or his personal number at 361/816-3010. These classes have been successfully graduating students since 2000. We do not have the 2016 class schedule yet, but will provide it as soon as possible.

Returning to the Chapel’s pulpit will be the Reverend Jason Goldsberry. He will be here on Sunday, October 11, for the 11:00 a.m. service. Reverend Jason brought a group of men from the San Houston State University Chi Alpha last year and is bringing a similar group this year. He has a heart for missions in Spanish speaking regions but will be speaking bilingually in that service. Everyone is welcomed to come and hear this outstanding young missionary speak.

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who strives to help people along their journey to a successful destination called Heaven. Recently we have been preaching a series titled “Finding Our Circle,” where we have identified five circles around a “bulls eye”. The center is a truly intimate relationship with Jesus. Our mission is to show that all of us are “as close to Jesus as we choose!” There were groups of people in Jesus’ day who did not want as much of a personal relationship with the Lord as others, and we see the same pattern today. Our goal is for each to identify where they are presently and are trusting that all of us will want more of the Lord in our individual lives.

The Schedule of Services at the Chapel are follows: Sundays – Bible Study at 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service at 11:00 a.m.; Corporate Prayer at 5:00 p.m.; and Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. Spanish Services meet at 7:00 p.m. each Tuesday; Midweek Service is Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.; and Friday Night Youth happens from 7:00 until 10:00 p.m. Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute will be beginning classes shortly and all interested people should contact Pastor Joane as soon as possible so materials can be ordered. A warm welcome awaits all who come to the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

No todo los días son iguales. A veces son gloriosos y a veces son terribles. Está en nosotros como responder. Como hijos de Dios, tenemos todo en su alcance para poder tener gozo atraves la miseria.

Muchas veces pasamos por tribulación y parece que no hay salida de nuestra situación. Cristo ha prometido estar con nosotros en todos los tiempos. En la gloria o la miseria se puede sentir la gloria de Dios. Jeremías 33:3 dice, “Clama a mí y te responderé y te ensenare grandes cosas que tú no conoces”. Su palabra es vida y poder para vencer cualquiera situación en que te encuentres. Ya es tiempo que le llames. No esperes más. Deja que Cristo llene tu corazón y te de la victoria en tu vida. Él te está esperando. Que Dios los bendiga y les de la victoria. Su hermano en Cristo.

Les recuerdo que tenemos servicios en español en los martes a las 7 pm.

Pastor Jesse C. Alderete
Fisherman’s Chapel

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