Reflections by Phil Ellenberger

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info, Reflections
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Sep 15 - Comments Off on Reflections by Phil Ellenberger

Here we are in September. That if you were an old Roman it would be the seventh month of the year. You might recall that they only counted the months up to 10. They apparently didn’t like winter because their year started with March. Slowly the calendar got to the current 12 months with the occasional leap second and leap year.

That being said reminds me of what Mark Twain said about the months. Admittedly it is slightly paraphrased here. September is a particularly dangerous month to speculate in stocks: the other similar months are the rest of the year. Anyone who has followed the stock market these last few weeks, either ours or China’s, can attest to the roller coaster ride the stocks have taken.

September is that wonderful month where we get the last of summer’s best weather and the cheer of autumn also arrives. For many sport fans football is back. Here in Calhoun County the Sandcrabs have already won two games. By the time you read this they will have played their Homecoming game and hopefully that too will have been a victory. The college football games are filling up our Saturdays with their rah rah games Those who eschew high school and college ball to follow the Professional League know the Cowboys beat the Texans in a preseason game. They also know that Sundays TV dominate pro games. We truly are full of football for the next few months.

Baseball fans are approaching the fascination of the playoffs and World Series. Here in Texas the Astros are surprising us by leading the Rangers for the division title for the moment. Unfortunately my parents are not around to savor that their favored St. Louis Cardinals are tearing up their division and have the best winning average in major league baseball. My brother-in-law and his family who live in that area are excited. My sister, who also is not around, would be beside herself watching those batters wiggle their fannies while in the batter’s box seeking their next hit.

There are other things to celebrate locally. My goodness, Port Lavaca now has a coffee shop. Their beverage menu rivals the much more famous Starbucks. Heretofore to savor of those lattes or whatever’s required a trip either to Victoria or Bay City. It is now a much more pleasant drive to get one of those delicious things.

We could discuss some of the almost humorous but sad stuff that is going on in the political arena. This would especially apply to the race (?) for president which won’t actually start for almost a year. I would guess that qualifies for a slow period for really important news.

Let us end by recalling that Groucho Marx’s (do I show my age) favorite poems he said his favorite poem was the one that began: 30 days has September. . ., because it actually tells you something.

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