Seadrift To Receive Silhouette

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Oct 15 - Comments Off on Seadrift To Receive Silhouette

In accordance with its dedication to the preservation of the historical heritage of Calhoun County, the Calhoun County Historical Commission has commissioned a representative silhouette be made and given to the City of Seadrift. Mary Belle Meitzen, Chair of the Commission, was at the October 6 City Council meeting to present the details to the Council. The metal silhouette will be sculpted by Brian Norwood of Jal, New Mexico and will be based on a selected photo of one of three scenes representative of Seadrift: a shrimp boat built in Seadrift ; a 1909 locomotive; or the old bath house. Council member Peggy Gaines has secured the photos from which the selection will be made. The sculpture will be about 10 X 18 feet. Its placement site will be either at the Bayfront or the train depot, depending on which photo is chosen. The Commission has placed silhouettes at two other sites in the County: “Camel & Soldier” at the end of Hwy 316 in Indianola and “Lavaca Bay Bombardment” at the Port Lavaca Bay Front Peninsula.

The bulk of the Council meeting was taken by reports from the various department heads, including:

Seadrift Police Department Chief of Police Leonard Bermea: 337 calls for service (ranging from information to calls resulting in arrest) in the month of September. 82 Traffic stops were made, resulting in 32 citations and 42 warnings. There were a total of six arrests: three from warrants; one public intoxication; and one reckless driving/evading.

Building Permit Report: two for new construction; three for placement of manufactured housing/portables; one for repair/remodel; and one placement of RV. The total property valuation increase to the City is $66,851.00.

Municipal Court: Thirty-four new cases; 42 cases closed; 95 current cases. There were 16 notices sent out for weed/public nuisance. Total fines collected were $3,833.20, of which $2,337.39 goes directly to the City.

Animal Control reported five dogs picked up and impounded; nine dogs picked up and returned to owners with Warnings; two dogs picked up and returned to owners with Tickets; 14 verbal/writing warnings issued; eight cats trapped and impounded; 15 wild animals trapped. One dog was found a new home and five animals were hit by cars.

Council voted to amend and adopt the final year end budgets for 2014-2015. The Utility Fund Budget ended with $16,000 deficit; General Fund Budget, $64,000+ surplus; Harbor Fund Budget, $8,000+ surplus; and Hotel/Motel Tax Budget, $20,000+ surplus.

Eldon Gaines was nominated to be considered as a member to the Calhoun County Appraisal District Board of Directors. CCAD will vote on final nominees at a later date.

In the Open Forum portion of the Council meeting, a citizen expressed concern over the prospect of sheep and goats being allowed inside the city limits. Mayor DeForest noted that, with certain limitations, these animals are allowed according to a 1984 City Ordinance. (Residents should make themselves aware of the specifications of this ordinance before acquiring any farm-type animals.)

Comment closed.

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