Service Projects With A Purpose by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Oct 15 - Comments Off on Service Projects With A Purpose by Kelly Gee

The POC Community Locator Map is posted at Kingfisher Beach on the wall outside the restrooms facing the street. If you have not seen it yet stop by and take a look. We took the time to check out who was using the map on one beautiful day recently. Two women on a morning constitutional stopped by to see the ‘new picture of POC on the wall’ they had heard about. They seemed impressed with the map. A dad and his son dashed by on the way to kindergarten. The boy was indignant that there was no map spot in the location of his house pointed out by his dad, and no explanation would suffice for his outrage at the oversight. A fisherman from out of town stopped to investigate possible accommodations to extend his stay and left with a list in hand procured from ‘the map.’ A young lady jogged by and then returned to reference the map as she made plans to meet a friend later, and the map made being specific much easier she said. A northern couple who ‘snowbirds’ in POC braked excitedly when they saw the map and took a few minutes to review old haunts and discover possible new ones since their last time here. They were duly impressed with the ‘nice addition to front beach.’ A leisurely dog walker watered his pup just in front of the map and commented on how he liked it and had found things he did not know were in our town as he studied it on his daily route. Two neighbors waved as we sat and watched and one walked over to ask why we were there and inquire if we needed assistance. Once they knew our purpose they were on their way; with a quick ‘that map is a good thing. I like it across the street.’ So, nine people, four dogs, a few stray cats, golf carts, bikes, cars, 1 RV, 2 cycles, passing boats, barges, several birds including some nesting osprey and half a morning later, we decided the map was getting used and being appreciated. This is another Port O’Connor Service Club Community Service Project done well.

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