“The Way I See It’ is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

More Anti-Gun Laws?

In the wake of the Oregon shooting, Obama immediately used it as an excuse for more anti-gun laws. This time he has threatened to use “Executive Action”, his buzz-word for dictatorship. Like most Liberals, he can’t seem to grasp the simple concept that criminals and crazies don’t obey gun laws. If draconian gun laws actually worked to prevent crime, Chicago, Obama’s “hometown”, should be one of the safest places on earth.

In Chicago during 2014, 2619 people were shot by criminals. The only “good news” is their firearm competency is rather low, because 2229 were wounded, only 390 killed. See: http://heyjackass.com/category/2014-chicago-crime-murder-stats/ On average, that is someone shot every 3 hours and 19 minutes, and killed every 19 hours and 12 minutes.

Also the Chicago Police Dept killed 17 criminals and wounded 28. Al least their accuracy is better, but nothing to brag about. Their 2014 Homicide clearance rate was 144 suspects charged, 7 murder/suicides, and 5 ruled self-defense. 286 murders had no suspect charged.

For multi-victim shootings they had one with 7 victims, 4 with 6 vics, 4 with 5, 20 with 4, 74 with 3, and 284 with 2 victims. They don’t even bother with statistics on shootings that aren’t fatal.

Obviously anti-gun laws are NOT the answer. Perhaps enforcing the ones we have, on the criminals that ignore them, might work better. Many of these shooting are gang related, but police are not allowed to “profile” gang-bangers because that might be ‘racist’. Black people pay a dear price to fight this possible ‘racism’. 78.1% of the murdered victims were black, 14.8% Hispanic, and only 7.1% white/other. The “known shooters” were given as 68.8% black, 11.1% Hispanic, and 8.3% white/other with 11.8% done by police.

The population of Chicago is approximately 2.7 million, which means their shootings are 97 per 100,000 and firearms homicides 14.4 per 100,000. There were also 70 more homicides by other means for a total homicide rate of 17 per 100,000. The National murder rate for all causes in 2013 was 4.5 per 100,000. For the State of Illinois – 5.5 per 100,000, and ‘gun-crazy’ Texas was 4.5 per 100,000. In Texas we have some cities with areas of high crime rates, but random shooters have a “very limited shelf life”, because many people are armed and the criminals and ‘crazies’ know that.

Anti-gun laws do NOT stop the criminals and crazies, only a “Good Guy (or Gal) with a gun” can do that. The police can not respond quickly to a random shooting, especially in rural areas. The Liberal/Progressive Democrats refuse to recognize that simple fact. There are already 37 Federal gun laws. They only affect and inconvenience law-abiding people, not criminals, and certainly not the crazies.

Mass killings can not be prevented by more anti-gun laws, but possibly could by better supervision of the mentally impaired. The problem is not the guns, but the sociopaths and psychopaths that use them as a means to become “Famous”. The Liberals have insisted on “Mainstreaming” the mentally disabled for over half a century. That coupled with high expectations, low marketable skills, and the “Me!” culture of Facebook and other social sites feeds the psycho’s desire for fame and importance. Doing something incredibly stupid like shooting up a school is guaranteed ‘Instant Fame’. Gun Free Zones give these psychos a ‘Protected Free Fire Zone” to commit their heinous crimes with little chance of their victims to defend themselves.

Hillary Clinton immediately followed Obama in declaring her willingness to institute gun-bans by Executive Decree if she is elected. The Constitution, laws, and the needs of the citizens to defend themselves are all immaterial to these totalitarian elitists. A rational and effective gun law to prevent mass shootings was suggested by: http://www.michellesmirror.com/2015/10/the-only-gun-law-that-will-end-mass.html#.VhfXvq2FOZM

“I know a gun law that will prevent future mass shootings; one that requires every law-abiding citizen over the age of 21 to own, train with, and carry a gun for the express purpose of defending one’s self and the lives of others. Then when some maniac decides to go on a shooting spree then there will only be two casualties and the second one will be the maniac.” Michelle Obama’s Mirror

But a ‘rational and effective’ solution does NOT fit The Agenda. Effective tyranny requires unarmed subjects. That is the true goal of “Gun-Control’. It is mostly about the “control” part.

Furthermore, while trying to disarm law-abiding citizens, Obama has ordered thousands of criminals released from prison for “drug related offenses”. http://www.allenbwest.com/2015/10/while-the-left-freaks-about-your-guns-look-what-its-letting-these-criminals-do/ reports:

“About 6,000 inmates are due to be freed in the coming month, the result of changes made last year to guidelines that provide judges with recommended sentences for specific crimes. The Justice Department says roughly 40,000 inmates could benefit in coming years.

Many of them are small-time drug dealers targeted by an approach to drug enforcement now condemned by many as overly harsh and expensive. But an AP analysis of nearly 100 court cases also found defendants who carried semi-automatic weapons, had past convictions for robbery and other crimes, moved cocaine shipments across states, and participated in international heroin smuggling.”

These criminals were convicted of drug offenses this time, but many are career criminals with violent crime histories. Those people should not be released early. But Obama and the Liberal/Progressives are more concerned over the ‘rights’ of inner-city gang-banger dope-dealers than the citizens’ need for self-defense, which really is a ‘Right’ guaranteed by the Constitution.

2 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Bill Brayshaw

In the Democrat Presidential Debate last Tuesday, Hillary and O’Malley are both determined to destroy the Second Amendment by Executive Order if elected.
Bernie Sanders, who mostly sounds like a demented 1930’s Commie, is smart enough to argue against any gun confiscation, but Hillary said we should do like Great Britain and Australia. That means no pistols, no semi-autos or ‘repeaters’ meaning pumps or lever action rifles or shotguns. Probably, even legal hunting guns must be kept at a ‘secure location’ like a hunt club or gun range unless you live in a rural area and need your gun for ‘predator control’. All these rules will be decided by govt bureaucrats. You must get a license for each gun and show a ‘need’ for that gun.
This is the tyranny by bureaucracy that is often worse than a King or Dictator.
The Democrat Party is no more! It is now the Socialist Party, bent on dictatorship of the proletariat by the self-appointed elites of the ‘governing class’ of Socialist Party. This is only the first step, but a necessary one, before their taking control of all property rights and parental rights on raising your children.
Lenin, Hitler, and Stalin all agreed that control of one generation would make their visions of “Socialism” permanent. And don’t say Nazis are the opposite of Communists because the Nazis were “National Socialists” while the Commies were “International Socialists”. They were both Socialist. Socialism is only a transition phase into Communism, or Socialist Totalitarianism.

October 17th, 2015 at 4:13 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Americans are waking up!

According to Chapman University, 16.4 percent of Americans hold “mass shootings” as one of their greatest fears, while more than twice that many Americans, 36.5 percent, are “afraid” or “very afraid” of gun control.

In fact, the poll shows that Americans fear many issues tied to government overreach far more than they fear mass shootings. For example, whereas 16.4 percent of Americans fear mass shootings, 58 percent fear government corruption, and 35.7 percent fear Obamacare. Moreover, 29.7 percent of Americans fear illegal immigration more than they fear mass shootings.

October 17th, 2015 at 8:23 pm
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