Zehrs Honored

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Oct 15 - Comments Off on Zehrs Honored
Arlis and Virginia Zehr

Arlis and Virginia Zehr

Arlis and Virginia Zehr were honored with a going-away party hosted by Elmer and Tanya DeForest and attended by family and friends at the La Terraza Restaurant in Seadrift. Arlis and Virginia are moving to Pennsylvania to be nearer their children.

Virginia is Elmer’s sister and had a street named after her in Seadrift when the Henderson Addition was constructed in 1952. Virginia is a member of Texas First Families having a great-grandfather living in Texas before 1836. He was a member of the Texas Army during the Texas War for Independence, eventually becoming a Texas Ranger in the Republic of Texas.

Arlis and Virginia met in 1956 while he was a member of the Air Force and stationed at the Air Force Base on Matagorda Island. They soon married and ended up making their home in New York where Arlis was from and raised six children.

In 1985 Arlis retired from his job in New York and they moved to Seadrift where Arlis worked for CCISD.

Arlis says this area has the most-friendly people!

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