Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Nov 15 - 1 Comment

We need to support our 4H kids.

Once again, our Calhoun County Fair has come and gone. Our local kids raised their animals, showed their animals, and sold them at the Fair auction. We had a local business who participated and has for the last two years. That was Sonny’s Marine. He rewarded a couple of our kids by supporting and purchasing their animal projects. We need support from more businesses here in our community.
The 4H club here had 25 kids with chickens, rabbits, and turkeys. We have had different grand champions, but they sell for 2/3 the price of reserve champions of Port Lavaca kids. Some who didn’t place at the top, only receive minimal bids. Half of the Calhoun County buyers have left the auction barn before they enter the ring.

We adults support the businesses in Port O’Connor, so PLEASE support our kids next year. If you can’t afford to purchase a project alone, maybe two or three could team up. These children are the future. Give them a memorable past. October 2016 – Be a part of something good!

Concerned Parent

What are the goals of the Chamber of Commerce?

As I sit and reminisce about the last 3 years, serving as president of the POC Chamber of Commerce, I ask myself, “What exactly are the goals of the Chamber of Commerce?”. As a business owner, the first thing that comes to mind is how we can increase tourism in our small fishing village. Today, POC pretty much depends upon tourism as its main source of revenue. Our business structure today consists of bait shops, beauty salons, restaurants/eateries, hotel/motels, RV Parks, real estate/rental, rod/tackle shops, grocery/seafood, taverns, boat sales/repair shops, and gift/retail shops. All of these cater to our tourists, retirement community and second homeowners. Have we given much thought to what would happen to our livelihood if tourism stopped tomorrow in our town?

The local support we receive is great and very much appreciated, however we cannot support POC by ourselves. We need the revenue that tourism brings to our town! Summers are a given for our little town; however I feel that we need to focus on Winter Tourism as well. I feel we need to focus on drawing winter folks here by advertising our hunting and fishing options, as well as simple beach combing. I think once we have those tourists that enjoy those opportunities that POC has to offer in the winter, business will see more revenue during those months. Winter Texans and winter ‘weekenders’ also need bait, fishing/hunting equipment, eateries, and relaxing pubs. Let’s start focusing on winter activities and increase the tourism during those months as well! After all, we live here year round and need to continue our livelihood during those months as well!

With this said, I will be stepping down as President at the end of this term, and the Chamber will be seeking a new leader. I will continue to be on the Executive Board and be very involved. This team that has been on board the last 3 years focused very hard on building a friendly- working relationship with the residents of POC, and all of our local supporters. I feel we have achieved that hands down. We have accomplished our present goals, and our festival turnouts have proven that we can definitely put this town on the map! But, it takes a LOT of volunteers to make this happen. Just putting on one festival takes about 100 workers to have a successful event. What we need on this board is someone that will voluntarily donate their time and efforts, someone that is a team player and someone that cares about Port O’Connor as a whole. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but this town is definitely worth it!!!! If you care about POC and want to help, willing to put forth the time, please consider becoming a member, volunteering, and even stepping up to become a member of the board. We will be taking nominations in the very near future, so think about it!!! Where would YOU be today if we had no tourism and what would support YOUR business in POC? Please give back to our little piece of paradise!!

Mary Jo Walker, President, POC Chamber

Our 100th Cat!

The Texas Litter Control transport for the spay/neuter of cats has reached it’s 100th cat for surgery! This is really huge for this community. Please take advantage & have your cat spayed or neutered. Not only does this prevent unwanted litters being born but it also has health benefits.

Spaying and neutering reduces or eliminates:

• The odds of breast cancer and dangerous uterine infections in females and prostate problems and testicular cancer in males.

• Frustration in resisting the natural urge to mate. Your companion will be less distracted, more easily trained, and a more contented member of your family.

• The animal’s need to roam in search of a mate, decreasing the chances that your pet will become lost, get into fights with other animals or be hit by a car.

• Messy heat cycles in females and attracting unwanted males.

• The tendency to bite. However, your pet will still be protective of his home and family even after being altered. Aggression is different from protectiveness.

• Spraying, wailing, marking territory.

• The extra expense for food or veterinary care in the event of an unexpected litter of kittens.

It’s easy. All you have to do is call (832) 510-7622 or book online at www.texaslittercontrol.org. Be sure to let them know that it is for the Port Lavaca transport and you’re all set! Prices are $40 for females & $20 for males. This includes a rabies vaccination, deworming and flea preventative. If you need additional information please call 361-746-0337. Thanks to all that have participated so far & thank you to the Calhoun County Humane Society for letting the folks know about this program.

Texas Litter Control Transport

Letter to the Editor of Dolphin

After reading the letter from Teddy Hawes, published in the Dolphin on October 16, 2015, I would like to submit the following in support. I began my residence in Port O’Connor in late 1985, just after the reinstatement of the Port O’Connor Municipal Utility District occurred. Shortly after that time, I began to remodel the house that I had purchased.

Being a proud new owner of this new place in the land of fun and sun, my wife and I brought her mother (my mother-in-law) down to see the new house and the remodeling impact. As soon as we arrived, she needed to go to the bathroom. Both commodes were stopped up! What to do. Where to take her? I will never forget her comment, “You might as well have gotten a tent”. We got past that brief hurdle. But, the stopping of the commodes did not end. I remember, as if it were yesterday, what occurred when I called for a plumber to come and to unstop the commodes. He, as nicely as one could ask, simply put a sump pump into what looked like a septic tank, directly over the old water well that had been in use until I bought the property, and proceeded to empty the septic tank out into the lawn of my property and the adjoining property. At the conclusion, he said, “that would probably hold me for two or three months”. I wondered just how many pumps I would need to keep my lines open so that the commodes would flush.

I was delighted when I knew we were going to get a better water and sewer system. I honestly do not know any of the former (nor any of the current) board members save one or two. But, I do appreciate the contributions each have made to modernize our utilities. I do know a lot about boards and board members. Practically every member wants to and tries to serve the public—and most of the comments they receive are negative ones. Instead of criticizing and complaining, we all should join together; put our best thoughts and abilities together to resolve differences rather than tearing someone else down. Problems are not solved by blaming, criticizing, and calling each other names. If you need better proof than my simple statement, just look at the Congress and the United States Government.

The relatively small amount of taxes we have to pay in order to have the conveniences of a modern utility district that provides water, sewer, and trash pickup seems like a good bargain compared to what I experienced in 1985-1986. As one who sincerely loves living in Port O’Connor—and could live anywhere else I desired—I appreciate the work that began the process of establishing this Municipality District and those continuing the work in it.

Larry R Vaughn

Thank you, Mr. Sonny Cook.

Justin Munsch & Sonny Cook

Justin Munsch & Sonny Cook

Thank you, Mr. Sonny Cook. I really appreciate your continued support of my 4H projects.

Justin Munsch

To: “Concerned Citizen”:
Re: Your Open Letter to Mr. Leon Brown and Mr. Marshall Bradford published 10/16/15
Since you weren’t brave enough to sign your name, I have no idea who you are, but am wondering where you are getting your information in order to make your assumption that the newly “elected” POCID Directors (Brown and Bradford) are the problem as opposed to the “government appointed” fill in Directors (Junek, Newsome & Redding). As to your false statement of “these are public documents available at the district office for anyone who wishes to see them”, I have requested several documents that were mentioned in Board meetings. A few I received, but on others I was told that “The District office does not have possession of those documents deemed public information.” Those documents are kept by Special Counsel. According to a 7 page letter dated 9/10/15 from the Attorney General’s office, in response to a letter from Walker Keeling, LLP, public information is NOT always public. There are some documents that ARE NOT subject to the Public Information Act and there are some documents that the District MAY CHOOSE TO WITHHOLD. Apparently this is why many documents are kept in the District Counsel’s office and why the District must confer with and pay Counsel for document release. In other words, documents are attorney protected. It is our utility payments, our taxes, and our dollars that are being spent so WHY the SECRETS? Please check your facts before stating information that is not true.

S. Raybon

To: “Concerned Citizen”:

I did receive an envelope with no return address containing a copy of the document you mentioned, Judge Qualtrough’s Motion to Dismiss the “Ratepayers’ Appeal of the Decision of the Port O’Connor Improvement District to Change Rates”, dated 5/15/2015. I assume since you mentioned this document, the envelope came from you. Again I wonder, as adults, why you feel the need to be anonymous and why we can’t discuss this openly rather than secretively. I see the highlighted parts you are referring to, but you are skipping over and disregarding other parts of the motion. The Motion states that “According to the Watchdog Group, IT MADE ITS DECISION not to prefile its direct case because of the potential for rate-case expenses and the inability to address members of the District’s Board of Directors because of their resignations. The Watchdog Group acknowledged that it understood that the case may be dismissed and had no objections to dismissal.” The Motion to Dismiss had been brought up in a Board Meeting and discussed. You really should come to a few meetings to get the whole story. To refresh your memory, all 3 Past Directors (Teddy Hawes, Doyle Adams, Tom Ekstrom) resigned 2/13/15 at 11:45 a.m. leaving the town in a bind with no quorum. TCEQ appointed temporary fill in Directors (Allen Junek, Joe Newsome, Bryan Redding) who were sworn in to office on 4/28/15. The TCEQ temporary “fill in” Directors will remain in office until the next general election in November, 2016 at which time the town’s citizens will again have an opportunity to CHOOSE Directors. Leon Brown & Marshall Bradford were ELECTED by a majority of the POC Citizens.

S. Raybon

Imagination Monkey

That should get your attention. It did get mine at the October 22, 2015 board meeting. This item was put on the agenda for consideration by Allen Junek. We were presented a contract to be voted on in the amount of $36,000.00 to represent the district and the people of Port O’ Connor. There was no presentation made, other than what we were told by Allen Junek, and that it was something that would benefit the district. The item passed, Allen Junek, Joe Newsome, and Bryan Redding voted yes, I voted no. At the November 12, 2015 meeting of the board we were presented a bill from Imagination Monkey in the amount of $3,000.00 for a communication agreement. When I questioned the bill and asked what we had received for this amount of money no one could show me that there had been any services provided. We will receive this bill every month, unless the contract is terminated. Need I say it again? THIS IS YOUR MONEY!!!

When looking at the web site there is not much information to be found, except that they are a PR and Marketing firm, they have been in operation since September of 2014 (14 months). The only employee that can be found is Chris Hill and he claims to be the top banana. I am told he will be in town next week November 16-20 doing interviews with people concerned about their water. When I inquired who he would be interviewing I was told by Allen Junek that he would provide a list.

People ,this is your money, there should not be a select group that will be allowed to do interviews. Mr. Hill’s phone number is 823-278-5510. Since this money is being spent for the people by the people of Port O’Connor and for the good of the community I believe you as a rate payer have the right to give Mr. Hill a call and be put on his list of people to be interviewed. The more interviews the better; he needs to have a balanced perception of the community if he is going be doing PR work for all of us.


Marshall Bradford

Readers Identify 1957 Students

Several of our readers attempted to identify the POC students from Mr. Rosenbaum’s 1957 class. Dwain Munsch, Mark Hawes, William Striedel, Bubba Munsch, Pete Garza, Molly Hawes, Donna Striedel, Theresa Munsch Abshire, Sally Hersey, Robbie Hawes, Sidney Claire Albrecht (definitely identified), a Goode boy, a Gonzales, and one of the Carriles girls were their guesses. Check out the pictures in the October issue (www.thedolphintalk.com) and see if you agree. We did not hear from anyone who actually identified him/herself as being in the photo.

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
Letters to the Dolphin
P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

One comment for “Letters to the Dolphin”

S Raybon

I starting coming to POC in the late ‘70’s, bought my property in ’95, and retired here in 2014. We started on well water and septic, were on a waiting list for utilities, and in ‘96 were thrilled to finally get public utility services. I do appreciate all former Board members who gave of their time, hard work and knowledge to bring these improvements and services to POC. Over the years, like many, I have given little thought to our utilities, just paid my bill and took the services for granted. When the 11 Million Dollar requested bond election came up, and the following increase in utility rates occurred, I decided that it was time for me to become more knowledgeable and informed on the issues. I attended my first Monthly Board meeting in 1/2014 and was surprised to learn how complex the issues were, how millions of dollars were being received and spent by the Board, and how decisions made affected the entire town both currently and for the future. Each and every decision made affects both long time citizens and future citizens of this town. That said, as in all levels of government, ALL citizens should try to educate themselves somewhat and be aware, concerned, interested and involved in who is on the board, are their motives pure, are they making wise decisions, and how will the growth of our town be impacted. I agree 100 percent that we should support those on the board who are giving their time, effort, and are hopefully doing what’s best for the town. Monthly Board meeting dates are posted on the Post Office bulletin board, MUD website, and MUD office door. My experience is that no more than 5 citizens show up to hear and know what decisions are being made. If even 10% of the townspeople would attend and show their support, the strife would go away. No information is given out unless you are at a meeting. This causes rumors, gossip and sides to be drawn without even having the knowledge to base opinions on. We CAN MAKE THIS BETTER, if we all work TOGETHER logically and informed.
S. Raybon

November 24th, 2015 at 8:03 am
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