The Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic School Mariner 4-H Club had Ms. Tina Trevino, the County Extension Agent, come for a visit to talk to the 4-H members. Ms. Trevino came in to talk to the 4-H members about the upcoming Food Challenge. The activity that they did was they got into groups of five. Next, Ms. Trevino gave each group their nutritious item in a bag including the items in the pantry, cutting boards, mixing bowls, and a folder that lists facts about foods. The groups had ten minutes to work on these projects. Finally, they presented their projects and they figured out what the recipe was actually for. -Emma Mayfield
OLG Mariner 4-H Club Performs Food Challenge Activity
Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Nov 15 - Comments Off on OLG Mariner 4-H Club Performs Food Challenge Activity