Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 19 Nov 15 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

I’m not sure how this year has passed so fast, this will be the last paper before the Chamber of Commerce yearly Christmas Party, on December 14th. At this event the election will take place for the upcoming 2016 directors. If interested in becoming a director it’s not too late, just get your name on the ballot by contacting Donnie Klesel at dk@pocrods.com or contact the Chamber.

Each year this get together allows neighbors to meet neighbors and certainly not for members only,.It’s a chance for the community to come together, so EVERYONE is invited. It’s been a fantastic year for POC, many good things have been accomplished.

Our County Commissioner, Mr. Kenny Finster, and his County employees, deserve a huge “THANK YOU”; they go above and beyond to keep King Fisher Park in tip top shape. All of you guys please come and join our celebration. POC is proud to have the new pavilion; our park and beach area is a showplace.

Mr. Steve Ferguson is the go-to person for the Christmas Lighting in King Fisher Park. Our Christmas in the park will be lit up by Thanksgiving, so please make it down Park Street for this beautiful sight.

Please check the entry information for Lighted Boat Parade along with the Annual Lighting Contest info, in this issue of the paper.

New Members:
United Country Real Estate
Jon Daniel

Wishing all a safe and wonderful THANKSGIVING!!!

361-983-2898 361poc@gmail.com

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