Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Dec 15 - Comments Off on Port O Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

The Port O’ Connor Community Service Club has had an active and successful year. We said goodbye to a few members, and welcomed several new ones. After hosting two community wide garage sales we funded more than seven scholarships for local students to continue their education; honored over 20 locals citizens, friends and family members with in name donations to the Volunteer Fire Department or the Library; purchased new signage for the fire department, flags for the Warriors Weekend Celebration and the Community Center; donated to the community benevolence food pantry and holiday baskets; gave seed money for the children’s painting classes at the Community Center, bought and installed pet potty stations and community bike racks at front beach, honored three community members as Citizens of the Year; donated time, funds, food and support to numerous community events and much more.

We also recruited more than 100 local businesses and professionals to participate the in the Port O’Connor Locator Map; developed and printed the map; and installed it at Kingfisher Beach. We sold over 250 baked goods and shared information about our club with locals and visitors alike at community activities and events like the Crawfish Festival and Fabulous Fourth of July. The Club also maintained, updated and frequently changed lettering and flyers to provide advertising, announcements and public information on the billboards and bulletin boards at the Community Center, Firehouse and Post Office. Service Club members volunteered and served in numerous other community activities including school mentoring and student buddy programs; Friends of the Port O’ Connor Library, Chamber of Commerce, Warriors Weekend, Toy Run and Boat Parade, Beach Clean Up, and numerous other investments of time and talent large and small. We were proud to plan, fund, prepare and host our annual seniors’ Christmas Luncheon with delicious Mexican themed food, homemade desserts, door prizes and entertainment. And in our spare time… No, seriously, we had a busy and productive year.

We are already preparing for the New Year. Two more garage sales are scheduled, and yes, we need your donations. We have selected a theme for next year’s Christmas Luncheon, and no, I can’t tell you. It is a secret. We are in the process of organizing the next edition of our well loved cookbooks. We would love to find space for your favorite recipe.

This is a very special group with big hearts and willing hands. They provide a unique and uncommon addition to our community. They have a heart for others and service is their theme and purpose. Watch for what they do next. And, if you are looking for a place where you can meet great people and be a blessing to others, come join us. Ladies of all ages are welcome. We meet at in the back room of the Community Center every 1st and 3rd Thursday. We have plenty to do, so you won’t be bored; and we have tons of fun so you will be glad you joined us. For questions or more information please contact President Marie Hawes at 361-920-2322.

So, until next time, be safe, live simply, love openly, forgive generously and remember what our great founding father Thomas Jefferson said, “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness, generosity and compassion.” We know some needs near you, so come and help us find a way to respond. It will add greatly to your New Year!

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