Grace Stone
Grace Stone is a remarkable woman; one who has turned 100 years of age recently, but one whose day is not spent staring at a television set or bemoaning her age. This is a woman of incredible talent and imagination and one who remains as active as her daughter, Susan Onishi, does. She lives in a small home adjacent to her daughter’s home, and the inner walls of this building are covered with many examples of her beautiful needlework and quilting; many that have taken prizes at the County Fair. And most days, you can see Mrs. Stone exercising joyfully as she walks six or seven blocks on streets near her home, or climbing a long staircase on an adjacent home six or seven times. These activities resulted as she had to stop riding her bicycle at age 89.
Grace was born and raised in a small community about 100 miles north of New York City. There she attended school, and had the joys of being able to walk from her home to school, something that many students are unable to do in these tempestuous times. Following graduation from high school in that town, she found employment with the local Montgomery Ward’s store, rising to become the manager of three departments before retiring. Seeking a new attitude in life, she moved “bag and baggage” to Deland, Florida, a city containing a university, several private schools, huge museums, and lots of antique stores; a city that holds residents of all ages and interests. Mrs. Stone made her life there, meeting many people and forming many friendships as she continued her artistic endeavors, one of which was learning to form very unusual basketry from raffia and pine needles, with an astonishing result. One of the major museums in Deland now boasts several of her hooked rugs.
When Carl and Susan Onishi left Houston and moved to their home in Port O’Connor, finding it such an enjoyable place to live, Mrs. Stone believed it was time to relocate too. She says that Port O’Connor is the perfect place for her at this time in her life, doing her favorite needlework, and visiting with friends. She also is an avid reader, enjoying some of the westerns that are available in our Library, and attends the Tuesday morning luncheons at the Community Center, and playing bingo, and winning. Both she and Susan love watching football games on television; primarily pro games, and she is an avid rooter for the Houston Texans. And since their freezer is stocked with Blue Bell ice cream, half-time during a game becomes a treat.
Not one to demand or complain, this delightful lady is not just self-sufficient, but very adamant that “of course, she can do it”; she has a delightfully wry sense of humor with a charming smile on her face. A beautiful woman who is small in stature with a pile of white hair that she wears twisted into a knot on the top of her head, she lives each day with the philosophy that “life’s too short not to have fun each day”, and this woman intends to keep doing that day by day.
Her greatest accomplishment in life is knowing that she raised her children well; they are both happy, healthy and successful in life. She also says that she is only 100, but her spirit is younger and she has many years ahead of her. And the plans for later this year will be designing and constructing bird houses out of some reclaimed lumber Susan has accumulated. But she has also fallen prey to the latest adult pleasure of coloring designs of all types, and Susan has just purchased a large amount of coloring pencils for their enjoyment.
Although Mrs. Stone’s birth date is February 8, her birthday celebrations began in January and have lasted more than a month. It began with a visit from family members from California, then more family arrived from Chicago and Florida, followed by a visit from friends from Dripping Springs, Texas.
She enjoyed several luncheon dates, a birthday celebration at Fisherman’s Chapel, celebration with “100th” T-shirts at the Tuesday, February 16, Senior Lunch, birthday greetings posted on the large bulletin board at the POC Fire Station, five birthday cakes, plus several flower arrangements and plants and boxes of candy.
Of all this recognition, perhaps the most touching to her was receiving more than 150 birthday cards. According to Grace, all this celebrating has left her “a little tired, but a lot happy”.

Celebrating Grace’s Birthday at the Senior Citizens Luncheon