Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Feb 16 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough
Winners of Fisherman’s Chapel’s Annual Chili Cook-off: 1st Place - Vidall Resendiz; 2nd Place - Joane McDonough 3rd Place - Erny McDonough

Winners of Fisherman’s Chapel’s Annual Chili Cook-off:
1st Place – Vidall Resendiz; 2nd Place – Joane McDonough
3rd Place – Erny McDonough

Talk about being “blown away!” The first week of this year, Joane and I went on a retreat to Arkansas. While there, we got a call from Doyle Adams asking if I could assist him in passing out an honor at the First Baptist’s Annual Valentine’s Banquet. I assured him that I would do anything that would help him, but would get back with him when we returned. After arriving back here in Port O’Connor, I made contact with Doyle and asked him how I might prepare to assist him with this task. He assured me that I talk “fast enough” on my feet that I can do it without preparations, and Doyle sent Joane and me tickets to the dinner. What a delight it was to arrive with the Community Center packed with “love birds”. After passing out awards for the oldest and youngest couples present, he announced that we would be assisting him with the next award – so Joane and I went to the front to assist. But, instead of helping Doyle with a presentation, the Citizen of the Year plaque was presented to us.

Now, I must say that while honored to be considered for such a great honor, we know that the name on the plaque was representative of a lot of people. When the plaque talked about the Friday Night Youth, we thought the award should have gone to Nathan and Darin, who head up that program! When the plaque talked about the breakfast tacos we make for Warrior’s Weekend, we know the award was for the many who donate eggs, tortillas, sausage, milk, coffee, etc., and those who work cracking and mixing the eggs, cooking the sausage, and who show up at 3:00 a.m. to get all the cooking done and tacos ready to serve the servicemen and their families! When Poco Bueno was listed, we know that my job is simply to thank the fishermen for their donations while a host of people are here at the Chapel working to clean, bag, and freeze the fish for distribution! When the pantry was spoken of, we know that many names of contributors and those who “shelf” the items should have been on the plaque! What I am attempting to say is this: while Joane and I were honored to receive the award, we know that it should have been much larger with many, many names listed on it instead of just ours!

We are honored to be a part of a community of believers who are not competing with anyone except the enemy of our lives. We are builders together with each other and with our Lord, Who makes it happen for eternity! Now that we are beginning our 22nd year laboring here in Port O’Connor, just know that our hope is that we should leave here in what we call the “Rapture of the Church,” but if not, we plan to be buried in the Port O’Connor Cemetery! Thank you for allowing us to partner with you to grow God’s Kingdom here on earth!

Our Annual Chili Cook-off was held on Valentine’s Day with Vidall Resendiz taking first place, my wife, Joane, being named second place, and I took third place! After all these years, I finally found some judges who recognized my chili-cooking ability. (I have always been deemed the least favorite in this cook-off and was just about ready to hang up my apron.) Thanks, judges, Grace Stone, Susie Onishi, and Joyce Rhyne!

We also honored Mrs. Grace at our cook-off, making it a Birthday Party! Mrs. Grace can teach all of us the secret of living a happy life – since she has just reached the century mark! We know this community has come together to show her our love, and she has received over 150 birthday cards to date!

Captain Robert is teaching another Captain’s Class for us. Remember, there are going to be only five more Sea Academy Classes here in Port O’Connor. If you have been waiting to take the class, time is running out! For more information, call Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184. Captain Robert will be offering a GPS Course for us in the near future, so if you are interested, please keep listening for further information.

“The Kids Are Coming! The Kids Are Coming!” is the cry at the Chapel. On Friday and Saturday, February 26 and 27, mountains of kids are coming to Port O’Connor for our Kids’ Retreat. There will not only be Port O’Connor kids here, but some from as far away as Nixon and El Campo and many points in between. This is a free event and we would like for all our local kids (ages 7-12) to come and those teens who would like to work this event are also welcome to call Pastor Joane (361/648-4622) or contact Darin at Friday Night Youth for further details. It is a Western theme and if weather permits, there will be a hay ride and camp fire. Much is going into this great event and you are welcomed!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help people successfully navigate their lives from earth to Heaven! You will always find a warm welcome and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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