Cook Off Benefits Port O’Connor Fire Department by Sue Kubecka

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Feb 16 - Comments Off on Cook Off Benefits Port O’Connor Fire Department by Sue Kubecka
Members of the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department

Members of the Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department

On Saturday, January 9, 2016, about 20 chili and gumbo cooks prepared to demonstrate their unusual talents. And it was a chilly and windy day as these folks from various areas of Texas gathered underneath Hooper’s Bar & Grille to set up their tables loaded with spices and other accouterments and the necessary cooking element with a huge pot. And some had two pots, as the chef was entering both chili and gumbo divisions.

Hoop has sponsored this event for several years, and the response from the entrants has been remarkable. Particularly when the weather does not reciprocate.

This year there were five divisions of items to be entered: pinto beans, chili, gumbo, Bloody Marys, and Margaritas, and I watched with interest the final decision as it was reached on the faces of the judges. There were several winners representing our area and the amazing cooks here: Peyton Martin and family who garnered a win with chili and the Texas Chicks. However, most of the winners were members of various divisions of the Central Texas Chili Group and they were certainly welcomed here in POC.

Terry Wright of the Central Texas Chili Group based in Lockhart was there to oversee this cook off as he has done throughout the years. His group during the past several years has awarded 42 scholarships of $500 each, mainly to graduating high school seniors, but also some to college students, and one to an adult returning to college. The members of this group were well represented in the cook off; what brings them all together is the interest in cooking and the desire to be of help to others.

This year the cook off benefited our Port O’Connor Volunteer Fire Department with a check for $2,340. which was gratefully received. And, per Terry, he and his group will be back again next year. Just hope the weather is more welcoming!

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