“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

National Health Care Proposal

The Liberal/ Progressive demand for some “Universal Health Care” is not going to stop. ObamaCare is an intentional failure, designed as a ‘transitional program’ to total government controlled health care, to both fail and add ridiculous programs like ‘Gender Reassignment’. The Lib/Prog goal is Government Control of all Medical Care, with Government designated “Gate-Keepers” deciding who gets what, and when.

We must come up with an alternate system that will cover basic health care for those that can’t or won’t buy their own and it must be truly affordable. First, it can not be forced on the free-market system we have. Since it will by necessity be government controlled, it must be separate or it will destroy the existing medical care system.

I suggest that we have a para-military National Health Service Corp. The first and immediate requirement is basic medical care and triage for the indigent. There should be clinics available in every county, open to all. Those that can pay are charged a reasonable fee; for the truly indigent it is free. These clinics don’t need traditionally trained MDs. Those that require serious care are forwarded to Regional Medical Centers for serious treatment.

The secret to making this work effectively is cost and training. First, there is no Medical Malpractice Insurance to be paid because patients voluntarily submit to treatment for free or greatly reduced cost. The second is the health care workers are employed in a para-military organization where they enlist for periods of time to get schools and promotions. A Basic Enlistment is for two years service. Basic schools would include Orderlies, Nurses Aides, Medical Secretaries, and support services like Ambulance and Patient Transport Drivers, Security, and Maintenance. Everyone goes through a Basic Training similar to other military branches before their Basic School. It would include a first week of Orientation and Testing to determine ability to qualify for Specialty Schools and also to weed out those who can not or will not adjust to a disciplined environment. Then a 6-8 week para-military training course of working together in a barracks environment, basic hygiene, discipline and responsibility, as well as classes in basic medical subjects, using computers, rules and regulations, and other subjects to insure the enlistee has a good chance of completing their requested school. A basic issue of uniforms will be provided. The last week should be more relaxed, lectures on further opportunities and Specialty Schools, and further testing to see how much the enlistee has improved. Those that qualify on test scores are offered Specialty Schools such as Phlebotomist, Lab Tech, Pharmacist, X-ray Tech, Medic, and Physical Therapist. These should require some extension of enlistment. If they ‘flunk out’ they must complete their enlistment in a job which they are qualified. Also this system could include it’s own Maintenance and Construction Services similar to the SeaBees to construct and maintain facilities, and a Transportation and Supply Service. All of these would provide entry level training and employment in a controlled para-military environment to get young people with low opportunities to learn useful skills, to make a contribution to society, and to secure financial independence.

This can work because the military can train competent Combat Medics in a 19 week school. This is possible through discipline, rigorous testing, and full days in a disciplined environment. After completing schools and more on-the-job experience, a qualified person may sign up for more advanced schools and Civilian Qualification Courses like LPN, RN, and Physician Assistant. A school – work – school – work system allows advancement while gaining experience and competence. New graduates would work in a Regional Center or hospital until they gain experience and confidence in their new position. Pay would be based on job, performance, and time in service like the military. Clinics can be staffed with Medics under the supervision of a RN level person, plus appropriate administrative and support staff. A small clinic with little ‘business’ might only have a Medic or two and minimum support staff as long as there was a bigger facility nearby. Their function is to take care of the small problems and pass the bigger ones up the line.

Space does not allow a full explanation of the ‘upper end’ of the system, but I hope our readers can see that good competent people can be hired, trained, and retained by pay, retirement, housing, commissary, and recreational privileges like the other military services. Another benefit to society is it would provide trained people to the “civilian” medical system by the ones that want out after completing their enlistment, as well as providing opportunities to those that could not otherwise afford the schools in “Civilian” life. The “Upper End” of complex medical problems would have to be done by experienced MDs and medical specialists until this system can recruit or train their own. MDs and Specialists would apply for “Hospital privileges” at Regional Centers and be paid for the work they do there. A doctor could work there and not have to hire and supervise a complete office support staff. Come to work, see patients, get paid, no hassles.

The two main expenses of “health care” with the Medicaid system before ObamaCare were Medical Malpractice Insurance for the participating doctors, and Fraud. The third was waste, mostly in the form of paperwork and bureaucracy. ObamaCare does nothing to control these, and even adds more fraud and corruption in the failed web sites, failed government subsidized “insurance”, the subsidies, by it’s shear complexity increases the waste of bureaucracy. This system does away with all that. What money is spent goes directly to actual health care. Beggars can’t be choosers, so those that who choose this National Health Care Service should get good medical care, but not luxury elective care. Those that want to buy insurance should be able to buy the level of insurance they want and not be forced to buy “insurance” for abortions, sex-change operations, and other “elective” medical treatments. ObamaCare is a huge boondoggle to provide ‘luxury’ care to indigent and irresponsible people and make the working people pay for it, and a huge oversight bureaucracy. This para-military system would be inexpensive and efficient, with little opportunity for fraud, no malpractice insurance requirements, and little waste. Getting low cost heathcare to the poor and allowing people to choose an insurance package that actually fits their needs cound greatly reduce insurance premiums.

This is simply a proposal for a workable solution. I invite comments on the web site, www.thedolphintalk.com. I’m sure others have good ideas and suggestions. We must do something that works for the poor and doesn’t compromise the free-market medical system.

3 comments for “The Way I See It…by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”

Randy R.

Dear Mr. Brayshaw,

It is very interesting reading your articles and Letters to the Editor “County Politics” 02/19/2016, Page 16.

Amazingly after all these editions of Dolphin Talk I quote from “County Politics”, I still consider myself to be a Jeffersonian-Jackson Democrat, and grit my teeth a bit to vote for the “Republican Party”.
Sir a TRUE Democrat sticks with their Party NO MATTER WHAT. When your Party/President comes up with a LAW , “Passed by Congress”, or by Presidential Authority aka Executive Orders, Like it or NOT, if its not perfect work with it to make it close to perfect as it can get, never the less “There are NO perfect Laws” and that’s including Obamacare aka The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

“Jeffersonian-Jackson Democrat” You’re ether a Democrat or NOT, and from all the Bashing “”YOU”” have done to The President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II all these years ?

I quote,we need a Constitution Party, a Texas First Party, and an America First Party all rolled into one, but we don’t have that, so we are forced to make do with the Republican Party.
So your being “FORCED” . . . . Good Grief.

Forced, reminds me of the good ol’e Republican phrase, ” Forced Down the Throats of the American People”!

I quote, Any vote for a Democrat-Socialist is a vote for neo-Federalist tyranny. Their direction is locked-in, the only variable is the speed. Help stop it now.
So your just telling all of us to vote Republican, But of course we are like “you” being “”FORCED” to, but the Flip-Flop is you call yourself a Democrat, yes Jeffersonian-Jacksonian.

Mr. Brayshaw Lay down that Jeffersonian_Jackson Musket, get into the 21st Century Democrat Party or Gracefully and Honorably bow out and just call it the was “some American People” maybe like me “The Way I/We See It” your a Republican at its best.

God Bless,
Randy R.

February 21st, 2016 at 11:37 pm
William D. Brayshaw

This is DUMBEST comment ever! You are obviously incapable of understanding the point.
I am a “Republican by default”, because there is no “Democrat Party” anymore. It has been co-opted and stolen by the Marxist/Alinskyites into The Democrat-Socialist Party.
The Obamunist faction has made its successful campaigns on false and impossible promises, but delivered divisive rhetoric, international embarrassment, economic ruin and monstrous debt. This is part of the Cloward-Pivens Strategy to destroy Capitalism and force the USA into Socialism. The Hillary-Bernie campaign has admitted that hey are both committed Socialists, Bernie is just a little “purer Marxist-Leninist” while Hillary is more “Alinskyite” or “Progressive Fabian Socialist”.
Your statement,”a TRUE Democrat sticks with their Party NO MATTER WHAT.” proves you are the “Party man” ideally suited to the ‘new’ Democrat-Socialist Party. Any student of Marx knows the Socialist ‘phase’ is only ‘transitional phase’ into Totalitarian Communism. Are you ready to blindly follow your beloved “Party” into that?
The “Dems” have moved so far to the Left that they “Out of the ball-park” on the Constitution, common sense, morality, or American culture. I disagree with many in the RINO “Leadership” but the ‘rank and file’ Republicans are the ‘regular Americans’ that used to be “Democrats” many years ago.
What used to be the “Democrat Party” has left Americans and American Culture, Constitution, capitalism, and Christianity for their “Pie-in-the-Sky-by and by” dream of a Marxist Utopia and Mother Gaia’s Unicorn Ranch.
I suggest you re-read my letter. Try to understand the points and the history, not me.
I am a Constitutionalist. I have sworn ‘The Oath’ 4 times over the years. My ‘musket’ has improved also, but is still dedicated to The Oath.
And in case you missed that part, The Oath is to the Constitution of the United States, not any “Party”, or any current “Federal Govt”.
I believe that there is a “Movement’ afoot to force both Parties to obey the Constitution, and the Oath that they too swore to God to uphold.
The United States is a Constitutional Republic, and “We the People” will not let it become a Socialist dictatorship, or a ‘wholly-owned subsidiary’ of The Federal Reserve.

February 28th, 2016 at 1:16 pm
William Miller

In 2001 the Bush administration put several hand picked people in charge of the FDA. The FDA does no testing of medications but go solely on information from the manufacturer. The FDA has remained just as incompetent, inept and inadequate as ever. President Obama has did nothing to rid the FDA of the Bush insider’s. If you knowingly manufacturer a product that has been known to cause death then you can and will be convicted of murder. If you receive campaign contributions from the manufacturer then you can be found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. The top three recipients of pharmaceutical money are Barrack, Hillary and John McCain. Of you break allegiance with the Constitution then you have committed treason because you have denied a just treatment of mankind. Since the election of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton serving as Secretary of State the number of unsafe products has sky rocketed to 467 a year. The Constitution was drawn up solely for the purpose of common welfare. So if you cut deals with China as Barrack and Hillary have you have not only failed oath of office but can be charged with crimes against humanity. Millions of pounds of honey unsafe worldwide are being sold here in record quantities. This honey is laced with heavy metals and steroids. So legally Hillary Clinton cannot seek the office of President.

March 17th, 2016 at 1:29 pm
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