What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirely & Sue

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Feb 16 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirely & Sue

Nancy Taylor Rosenberg is the author of three books in the Carolyn Sullivan series; and the author knows of what she writes.  Her protagonist, Ms. Sullivan serves as a probation officer for the court system in Ventura County, California.  The duties of a probation officer involve interviews with the now found guilty of the offending party, along with many other interviews with other parties to the case.  Then a recommendation to the Judge is made concerning the sentencing orders of the guilty person.

The three books that Ms. Rosenberg has written concerning Carolyn Sullivan are SULLIVAN’S LAW, SULLIVAN’S JUSTICE, and the third SULLIVAN’S EVIDENCE.  Of the three the latter one is the best; plot couldn’t be any tighter, and after two books featuring Carolyn Sullivan, the reader has developed a rapport with the character.  Additionally, there is a major twist at the end of the plot that makes you wish for another book to check it out.  Easy reading but very informative; the reader will have fun.

Vince Flynn, the author of the Mitch Rapp series, died several years ago, and his last novel THE LAST MAN was written with pointers leading to the next story.  Kyle Mills the author of several books as well as writing books for Robert Ludlum has written the succeeding story to Flynn’s THE LAST MAN, with his book, THE SURVIVOR as set in Pakistan with the head of their intelligence service undermining at all times the ruler of that country.

The plot is acceptable, and the information concerning Pakistan and its current upheaval is really fascinating.  However, I found that for the first ten or so chapters, the author was a little too concerned with imitating Vince Flynn.  Then, somehow, the author and his plot smoothed out a little, so that at the ending, one could see Flynn actually writing it.

It will be more than interesting to see what happens with Kyle Mills; he is not the first author to try and follow a highly successful and deceased one.
Currently we have received in the Library several of the 2015 Tax Form Books for 1040A; we’re awaiting others.

The Main Library is staging movies for kids on Saturday here at our Library with the assistance of several members of Friends of the Library.  The next film will be staged on Saturday morning, February 27 beginning at 10:00 a.m., and the film is entitled The Good Dinosaur.  However, on Saturday February 20th in place of a movie will be the Game and Puzzle Day.  And, snacks of various kinds and flavors are available too.  Moms, please see our Librarian for further details.

“When an old person dies, a Library burns down.”
Karin Gillespie

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