Concerning the POC Improvement District:
My name is Marilyn Miller. I attend most of the water district meetings. To my knowledge, I have never been ugly when I write about the Water Board, but the people who have friends that constitute the quorum certainly have no qualms about being ugly when they write about anyone who questions the way the Improvement District is operating. We have duties as citizens to watch the way the government, be it local, county, state or federal, operates. It is our right, and our duty to question, when we have doubts or questions. We have the right to be heard, and, it would be nice if our questions were required to be answered.
There have literally been millions of dollars poured into the Improvement District. Aren’t any of you concerned that your monies are being spent wisely? All I keep hearing, is that the outsiders (anyone someone doesn’t like or approve of) have ruined your little piece of heaven. Evidently, you think everyone should bury their heads in sand and ignore any problems.
The first time my ears perked up, was when I heard that Guadalupe Brazos River Authority could not supply POC with the water needed during the “outsiders” Poco, and the fourth of July. Well, I called GBRA, and they said that was never the problem, that the Board was insistent that we needed our own well, which requires blending and an RO system, which is extremely expensive and hard to operate correctly. Our board’s attorney openly stated in a meeting the GBRA couldn’t supply us with enough water. Well, since June or the first of July, we have been getting 97-100% of our water from GBRA. How’d that happen?
The following was printed in the Dolphin Talk by a person who was evidently reluctant to give his or her name: “I DID NOT sign your petition and I DO NOT personally know anyone who did. I believe your irresponsible action to make a name for yourself could have cost everyone money on top of the increased rates to fund the necessary improvements. These Improvements and Upgrades were mandated by the TCEQ. The definition of a mandate as defined in Webster’s Dictionary as ‘an authoritative command’ (an order from a superior court or official to an inferior one. Example: TCEQ to Port O’Connor Improvement District).”
Whether you signed the petition or not, the signatures were real, and many people signed it. As far as a “mandate,” (regardless of Webster’s definition), TCEQ themselves said they do not provide mandates…the following is an email I received from Todd Galega, Senior Attorney, Environmental Law Division, Texas Commission on Enviornmental Quality, (512) 239-3778;
“In response to your question about whether TCEQ has issued any mandates against the Port O’Connor Improvement District (District), the TCEQ Water Supply Division and the Office of Compliance and Enforcement do not provide mandates, but instead issue violations associated with a public water system not meeting the requirements of the TCEQ’s rules. I am not including the list of violations, but I have my email with all the pertinent information if you would like a copy.”
It has also been mentioned that Mr. Bradford and Mr. Brown got rid of the old board. No such thing. Their resignation seemed to be well planned, with three people being given advance notice to turn in applications for the board to TCEQ. Their applications were in before anyone even knew there were openings. The only two people on the present board that were voted in are Mr. Bradford and Mr. Brown..the other three were appointed.
I am sorry that the families and friends of some of the board members think that we have no right to question how the Improvement District operates, but you are wrong. As I’ve stated, we not only have the right, we have the responsibility. Good government depends on the people, not the government.
Marilyn Miller
For All They’ve Done For Us…
Let’s show our appreciation to our Wounded Heroes of which many are still having to deal with the side effects from their experience in the War on Terror.
Warrior’s Weekend May 20-22 is slowly approaching and Accommodations are Needed for their stay in Port O’Connor.
Do you have a house, bunk house, upstairs, downstairs, guest room, RV, etc. you could share with our Wounded Heroes and their families?
You could be a part of making this one very special weekend in Port O’Connor an experience they will always remember. Even better, become a hosting family and directly meet some of these very heroic folks and be touched by their stories and why Warrior’s Weekend is so special to them.
Please Call Bill Tigrett at 361-983-2671 or email to offer your space or for more information.
Recycling Trailer
I am very disappointed that the recycle bin will only be in Port O’Connor during the first full week of each month. The reason for this, as stated by Single Stream Recycling Calhoun Recycling Center, is that the service will be limited “due to too much trash and unwanted items in the Calhoun County recycling trailer” and “if problems continue, it is possible the program will be closed permanently in these areas” as stated in the February 2016 Dolphin Talk. For the last year or so that trailer has not been consistently emptied weekly, hence giving the opportunity for people to deposit trash rather than recyclables. Of course, SHAME on those that put non-recyclable materials in the bin! However, those of us who wish to recycle our appropriate materials are now unable to do so but only once a month and maybe not at all in the future! Dang, for those of us that want to recycle, this is very troubling and reverts back to a time when taking responsibility for one’s disposables is just not considered an important issue !
Virginia Lichac
The Port O Connor Utility District
At prior meetings of the board myself and Mr. Brown have made motions to reduce the rates to our customers and we have had no success in this endeavor so far. Every time it is brought to the board, the motion to reduce rates is voted down by Allen Junek, Joe Newsome, and Bryan Redding. For reasons unknown to myself, they seem to look for more ways to spend your money than to try and reduce costs to the district, and reduce your rates.
The ones doing the most for our customers are our local churches, so at the 3-10-16 meeting of the board I made a motion to reduce the water and sewer rates for our local churches by 50 present and a second was made by Mr. Brown. Now for reasons I am not able to understand Allen Junek, Joe Newsome and Bryan Redding voted no to giving our local churches a small break in their daily cost of operations.
It is hard to understand how we can spend $36,000.00 of your money ( myself and Mr. Brown did not vote for this ) to have a PR firm ( Imagination Monkey ) to set up a Facebook page for the district, but we will not help our local churches or our customers who are paying some of the highest water and sewer rates in the state.
I guess Allen Junek, Joe Newsome, And Bryan Redding are not willing to reduce the residential rates now charged our churches by 50 percent.
Marshall Bradford
Director POC ID
To the People of Port O’Connor:
The family of Marjorie Hawes would like to express our sincere thanks to all the wonderful people of Port O’Connor who made her services and meal afterward at the Community Center so meaningful.
We sincerely appreciate all the delicious food brought to the Community Center for the meal. There were many who brought food items but didn’t leave their names as they didn’t want us to have to take time to write them a thank you note. To them we say “Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.”
To all those lovely ladies who organized, heated, served, and cleaned up at the Community Center (you know who you are!), we say “You are the heart and soul of Port O’Connor, and you are much appreciated.”
To all those who took the time from their busy lives to attend the Rosary, graveside services, and/or meal to express their love for our beloved mother, we say “You are loved in return.”
We are blessed to have such wonderful friends and family, and to live in such a caring community.
The Family of Marjorie Hawes
Port O’ Connor Improvement District
By Leon Brown
As of March 10, 2016, the Port O’Connor Improvement District has over Eight Million dollars in the bank. To be exact, the account has funds in the amount of $8,150,838.40 dollars.
Two Million Six hundred and Six Thousand Dollars ($2,606,000.00) was from a loan recently received from the Texas Water Development Board to improve Port O’Connor’s water and sewer infrastructure.
Recent Board discussions are leading the Port O’Connor Improvement District to enter into a three year Operations, Maintenance and Customer Services agreement with USW Utility Group. Which, we don’t agree with.
This is a three year “Cost Plus” agreement with a monthly fee in the amount of $72,504.46 or an annual cost of $870,053.52 plus a “True Up”. Yes, this is being paid by revenue, your money.
USW Utility Group does have other contracts in Texas. One contract is with the City of Liberty Hill.
It was brought to my attention that USW Utility Group was reported by the City of Liberty Hill, Texas local newspaper (The Independent) on September 7, 2015, that the city attempted to cancel the USW Utility Group contract for various reasons; however, the USW Utility Group sued the city in a lawsuit filed in the 26th District Court in Williamson County.
Our District Engineer (G&W Engineering) nor did our General Counsel (Walker Keeling, LLP) advise myself or Marshal Bradford of such history with USW Utility Group.
After researching the various reasons of why the city of Liberty Hill, Texas wanted to cancel the contract with USW Utility Group, I made a motion at last night’s board meeting to rescind any further costs associated with any proposal from USW Utility Group, Marshal Bradford second the motion; however, Allen Junek, Joe Newsome and Brian Redding voted NO to the motion.