Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Mar 16 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

“THANKS” to everyone who renewed their 2016 Chamber membership. The applications were mailed the 1st of March. If you would like to join the Chamber and didn’t receive an application go to portoconnorchamber.com and join by payment to paypal or give us a call 361-983-2898.

The Chamber sponsors several events throughout the year, and needs everyone interested in the betterment of the community to get involved. Events scheduled are:

April 30 – 4th Annual Crawfish Festival:King Fisher Park & Beach

May 28 – Annual Kids Memorial Fishing Tournement:King Fisher Park & Beach

July 2 – Fireworks Display : King Fisher Park & Beach

September 3 – TBD– Beach Bash w/ Larry Joe Taylor: King Fisher Park & Beach

December 3 – Annual Christmas Boat Parade & Freeport Toy Run: ICW

Here we are into March and Spring Breakers are on their way. We hope all of you have a great and safe time in POC and it being Spring Break means summer is just around the corner. We are looking toward having a busy and prosperous year.

If any of the Business Members have a flyer, ad or just a business card and want your business advertised, please email the Chamber and we will get it put on Facebook and give you an extra plug on the website, along with emails. The Chamber’s job is to promote businesses and community. The 4th Annual Crawfish Festival and Cookoff will be held April 30th, 2016, let’s make it the Biggest and Best, just email Darla Parker– sledgeparker@gmail.com –if you would like to be involved.
Also if you have live in Port O’Connor and have a senior graduating in 2016, now is the time to fill out Chamber Scholarship Application.

Next monthly meeting will be April 11th, 6:30 p.m. in the Port O’Connor Community Center.

Have A Wonderful & Safe Easter! Don’t forget Sunrise Services on King Fisher Park.

Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce
New & Renewed Members:

Michael & Peggy Macha
POC Hardware & Supply
Siegeler Insurance Agency, Inc.
Gerald & Virginia Lichac
Tom & Pat Ekstrom
Scales & Tales Guide Service
James Vass
Sonny’s Marine
American Inn and Suites
Joe & Susan Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vaughn
Donald & Carolyn Goldman
Bugman of Weinar, Inc.
Tigrett Real Estate
Arnold & Keiko Gordon
Bubba’s Smoked Meats
Larry & Sharilyn Carroll
Russell Brhlik & Chyrl Lowe
Captain Bill Wheeler –
Guide & Historian
Ricki & Francey Mc Kinney
Middleton Outdoor –
Advertising Co, Inc.
Steve & Cherise Branch
Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine
Senator Lois Kolkhorst

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